
Fotostrecke Preisverleihung "PädiaterInnen für Kinder in Krisenregionen"

Herzlich willkommen zu einer kurzen Fotostrecke zur Visualisierung der Aktivitäten der diesjährigen Preisträgerin Dr. Sara Loetz des Preises für “PädiaterInnen für Kinder in Krisenregionen” des BVKJ.

Kontakt: loetz@globalchildhealth.de
Wenden Sie sich gern an Dr. Loetz sollten Sie Fragen haben, Ihre Expertise anbieten wollen oder finanzielle Fördermöglichkeiten kennen.

Wir bitten darum die hier dargestellten Fotos nicht herunterzuladen, keine Screenshots zu machen und sie auch sonst nicht anderweitig zu verwenden. Sie sind lediglich für die private Ansicht im Rahmen der Preisverleihung gedacht. Alle Bildrechte liegen bei Dr. Sara Loetz. Alle dargestellten Personen sind mit der Veröffentlichung der Fotos einverstanden.


Familie Loetz lebt und arbeitet in Banjul, der Hauptstadt von Gambia. Gambia liegt an der Küste Westafrikas zwischen Segal und Guinea Bissau und
Das Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (Fotorechte: efsth.gv)
Das Team der pädiatrischen Notaufnahme
Organisation der Notfallmedikamente in der Notaufnahme vor Einführung des Notfallwagens
Ein Lagerraum vor Umbau
Maßanfertigung eines Notfallschranks für die EPU
Neue Struktur zur Aufbewahrung der Notfallmaterialien der EPU
ETAT Protocoll
Anbringung der ETAT Markierungen und Protokolle an den Betten in der EPU
ETAT Simulationsstationen
ETAT Simuationsstation: Tropfen zählen für die Berechnung der richtigen Infusionsmenge
Freude und Motivation bei den regelmäßigen Trainings in Teams
ETAT Kursgruppe
ETAT Training durch Dr. Loetz. Dies geschieht jetzt zunehmend in Eigenregie durch wachsende Teams lokaler Fachkräfte
Ultraschall am Patientenbett. Zunehmende Verwendung der Ultraschalldiagnostik in der EPU durch PädiaterInnen
2 gambische Pädiatriekonferenz mit 180 Teilnehmenden ausgerichtet durch das Pädiatrieteam des EFSTH

IPUN Ultrasound Courses

This page informs about the activities of the GTP in the field of paediatric ultrasound diagnostics. This page is under development and will receive more comprehensive information as it progresses. Please feel free to visit us regularly.

Registration for ultrasound courses:

The course list in the grey box provides information about places still available on the individual courses.
Registration is binding and must be made using the online form below. After receipt of your registration, you will first receive an automated confirmation of receipt with further important information and then a final confirmation of your place from the organisation team, along with a payment request.

GTP ultrasound courses – timeline

Since 2017, we have been offering ultrasound courses internationally.  These courses provide you with the opportunity to explore typical findings alongside experienced course leaders in various regions and also allows you to discover parts of the respective country during your free time. The courses are mainly aimed at young residents who learn together with the residents of the specialist programme and young local specialists with little or no prior experience in sonography.

In 2021, the GTP received a 5-year funding from EKFS to professionalize and integrate course structures locally, as well as to establish the “EKFS GPT International Paediatric Ultrasound Network”.


Basic course

Sonography of the skull, thorax and abdomen for basic diagnosis of pathologies and performance of interventions such as pleural puncture.


Cardiac sonography focusing on mastering key sectional views and recognizing common pathologies.

General course information

  • Course language: English
  • Participants: 15-20 local medical personal, some courses are open for non-local participants
  • Course fees: Single 4-day-course 400 euros, single 5-day-course 500 euros, two combined courses 700-900 euros, combination of three courses 1000-1300 euros
  • Not included in the course fee: travel expenses, accommodation, visas, travel insurance, vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis and other travel arrangements. We kindly ask you to organize these independently, but we are happy to provide recommendations and assistance.
  • Cancellation policy:  in case of cancellation 4-8 weeks before the start of the course, we retain 50% of the course fees; in case of cancellation 4 weeks or less before the start of the course, we retain 90% of the course fees. This is necessary to cover cancellation costs.
  • General inquiries (not application): please email at ipun-info(a)globalchildhealth.de

Next courses

Placements for non-local participants: 1-2 available

Placements for non-local participants: 1-2 available

Placements for non-local participants: 1-2 available


We are very much looking forward to your participation! Please take a moment to read the cancellation policy and fill out the form below completely.

Your registration is binding and you will receive an automated confirmation of receipt.

A final confirmation with request for payment will be made by the organisation team after checking the local course capacities. Please do not book flights etc. until you have received final confirmation.

Cancellation policy:

If you cancel your participation, we will apply a 50% charge of the course fee for cancellations made between 4-8 weeks before the course, and a 90% charge for cancellations made 4 weeks or less before the course begins.

Registration form

    First name*:


    Birth date*:


    Billing address*:

    Zip code and city*:


    Cellphone number*:

    Current employer:


    Select course*:

    Additional information to facilitate our planning structures (Please indicate if you have already been to the course country and whether you will be arriving only for the course or whether you will be spending more time in the country. Please also let us know if you have personal contacts in the course city and whether you will be accommodated by friends during the course. You can add more information which you might want us to know):

    Place of departure:

    I allow the course organization team to share my name, email and city of residence with the other European course participants in order for the group to connect prior to departure*:

    Doctor for tropical medicine (m/f/d) at the University of Tübingen

    The Institute of Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Human Parasitology at the University of Tübingen is looking for:

    a (Specialist) doctor (f/m/d) in full-time

    The position is initially limited until 30.11.2024, with an option for extension.
    Application deadline: 11.12.2022

    The doctor shall support the medical team of the outpatient department at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in the medical activities in outpatient care and preventive travel medicine as well as in conducting clinical studies. At the Institute, there is the possibility of further training for the additional title of tropical medicine and infectiology (according to DGI). In addition, academically interested persons have the possibility of habilitation.

    Job advertisement in original and contact person here .

    Pädiatrische ETAT+ Kurse

    Das ETAT-Konzept

    ETAT (Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment) ist eine strukturierte und nachgewiesenermaßen effektive Intervention, die für den Einsatz in primären Gesundheitseinrichtungen mit begrenzten Ressourcen in Ostafrika und Asien entwickelt wurde. Diese Maßnahme zielt darauf ab, die ärmsten und am stärksten gefährdeten Kinder in ländlichen Regionen zu erreichen.

    ETAT-Richtlinien sind darauf ausgelegt, häufige pädiatrische Fragestellungen in Gesundheitseinrichtungen mit begrenzten Ressourcen zu behandeln, wo:

    • Die Sterblichkeitsrate bei stationär aufgenommenen Kindern hoch ist.
    • Viele Kinder innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden nach der Aufnahme sterben.

    Häufige Herausforderungen in solchen Einrichtungen sind unzureichende medizinische Versorgung, fehlende Kompetenzen, insbesondere in der Erstversorgung, das Fehlen schriftlicher Behandlungsprotokolle und Verzögerungen im Beginn der Behandlung.

    Read More

    Der pädiatrische ETAT+ Kurs

    Der Kurs zielt darauf ab, durch die Ausbildung von Fachpersonal sowie das Erlernen von Strategien zur Triage und Behandlung kranker Kinder in ressourcenlimitierten Gebieten die globale Kindergesundheit zu verbessern. Er bietet eine Einführung in ein gut organisiertes und qualitativ hochwertiges Konzept zur pädiatrischen Erstversorgung, das die Krankenhausmortalität von Kindern deutlich senken kann.

    Read More

    ETAT+ Instructor Course

    Das Ziel des ETAT+ Instructor Course ist es, ehemaligen Teilnehmern des ETAT+ Kurses mit Ausbilderpotenzial tiefergehendes Verständnis für Erwachsenenbildung zu vermitteln und ihre Simulationsfähigkeiten zu verbessern. Der Kurs nutzt Lehrmethoden des European Resuscitation Council (ERC) und Kursinhalte des Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) aus Großbritannien als Grundlage. Die Teilnehmer bereiten sich durch das Studium des „Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors“ und weiteren Kursmaterialien vor.

    Read More

    Nächste Kurse

    • Zielgruppe: Medizinische Gesundheitsberufe mit Arbeitserfahrung zur Vorbereitung auf einen Auslandseinsatz in LMIC (also z.B. Ärzt:innen, Pflegende, Hebammen, Sanitäter:innen; keine Studierenden, sorry!)
    • Kurssprache: Englisch
    • Ort:UKM Münster
    • Kursgebühren:
      Ärzt:innen 380€ | Alle anderen 190€
    • Anmeldung

    • Zielgruppe: Medizinische Gesundheitsberufe mit Arbeitserfahrung zur Vorbereitung auf einen Auslandseinsatz in LMIC (also z.B. Ärzt:innen, Pflegende, Hebammen, Sanitäter:innen; keine Studierenden, sorry!)
    • Kurssprache: Englisch
    • Ort: Kinderklinik Wilhelmstift Hamburg
    • Kursgebühren:
      Ärzt:innen 380€ | Alle anderen 190€
    • Anmeldung

    Die ETAT Ag unterstützt auch die Durchführung eines ETAT-Kurses bei dem “Deutschen Institut für Ärztliche Mission e.V.” (Difäm)

    Informationen und Anmeldung direkt auf den Seiten der Difäm!


    Vorbereitungsmaterial wird zur Verfügung gestellt und es wird erwartet sich mit ausgewählten Themen im Vorfeld zu beschäftigen.

    Der Kurs hat seinen Schwerpunkt bei interaktiven Trainingseinheiten und Rollenspiele, die jeweils durch Vorlesungen eingeleitet werden.

    Read More


    • Wenn wir genügend Interessierte auf der Nachrückerliste haben erfolgt Rückerstattung von 100% der Kursgebühren abzüglich 50 Euro Bearbeitungsgebühr
    • Wenn wir den Platz nicht nachbesetzen können (was unserer Erfahrung nur bei sehr später Stornierung passieren könnte) können wir leider keine Kursgebühren rückerstatten.
    • Sollten wir den Kurs absagen, erstatten wir 100% der Kursgebühren!

    Aussagen von Kursteilnehmern

    “I liked all of the practical sessions – all very useful.”

    “Very practical and structured training.”

    “I liked the trainer team: good mixture, lots of experience, passionate teaching.”

    TropPaed 2025 - 15th Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health


    5-9 May 2025
    (Arrival: 5 May 2025)


    To be confirmed


    Participants: 50
    Course language: English


    We are pleased to invite you to the TropPaed Intensive Course 2025 in May!

    We would like to offer you once again a diverse program of lectures, practical small group work, and clinically oriented seminars. Additionally, we aim to allocate ample time for international exchange of your experiences.

    Throughout our planning process, you will continuously receive further details regarding the schedule and speakers on this page.

    Fees and Registration

    The course fees are non-profit and calculated to cover course costs and to co-finance participation of international scholarship holders. The price includes course participation, accommodation from 5-9 May 2025, meals and coffee breaks from Sunday (dinner) to Friday (lunch). The price does not include alcoholic beverages and drinks outside of those served at meals and coffee breaks, as well as transport costs.
    Detailed participant fees will be announced shortly.

    Scholarships for colleagues from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) will also be available for the 2025 course! To apply, please submit a motivational letter, CV, and reference letter to gtpscholarship@globalchildhealth.de. Further details can be found under “Sponsoring of International Colleagues“.

    Application deadline: September 15th 2024 

    Cancellation Policy:
    If you need to withdraw your course registration, we will endeavor to fill your spot with someone from the waiting list. Alternatively, you may propose a substitute attendee. If we successfully fill your spot, you will receive a refund of the full course fees, minus a 50 Euro handling fee. However, if we are unable to fill your spot, the full course fee will be charged.

    Registration will be opened soon!


    To be confirmed

    Sponsoring and support

    We sincerely thank all the volunteer co-organisers of the course for their years of dedication as well as our financial supporters!
    We want to assure you that our TropPaed Intensive Course is meticulously designed to maintain neutrality regarding products and services, with all content being independent of commercial interests. We do not endorse or advertise any specific services or products. Any potential conflicts of interest are transparently disclosed through self-disclosure.

    European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases

    Kindermissionswerk “Die Sternsinger”

    Medical Program Coordinator (MD) - Sierra Leone

    German Doctors e. V. is looking for a Medical Program Coordinator for the Bsc Paediatric Training Program (PTP) together with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) and Makeni School of Clinical Sciences (MSCS) in Sierra Leone.

    Duration: 1.5 years with renewal option as full-time position

    Application: closing date is 31st May 2023

    For further information refer to the German Doctors’ job advertisement here.

    Pressemitteilung zur Weltimpfwoche (24.-31.4.23)

    Dramatischer Rückgang der Kinderimpfquoten weltweit

    Die deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und Internationale Kindergesundheit e.V. (GTP)* beobachtet seit Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie mit großer Sorge, dass in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 weltweit 23 bzw. 25 Millionen Kinder nicht gegen die im WHO-Impfplan aufgeführten Infektionskrankheiten (Tuberkulose, Tetanus, Diphtherie, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae Typ b, Hepatitis B, Pneumokokken, Rotaviren, Masern, Röteln, Humanes Papillomavirus) geimpft worden sind. Seit 2019 haben damit laut dem aktuellen UNICEF-Jahresbericht 67 Millionen Kinder keinen umfassenden Impfschutz erhalten.1 Die Errungenschaften von 15 Jahren weltweiter Impfkampagnen sind innerhalb von zwei Jahren verloren gegangen, die Impfquoten liegen nur noch bei 81% und damit auf dem Niveau von 2008. Besonders Asien und Teile Afrikas sind von dem Rückgang stark betroffen.

    Dieser Rückschritt bei den Impfraten gefährdet die Gesundheit der Kinder und ihrer Familien nachhaltig. Schon jetzt ist weltweit ein deutlicher Anstieg bei den Masernerkrankungen und Poliomyelitisfällen zu beobachten. Eine Elimination bzw. Eradikation dieser beiden gefährlichen Virusinfektionen rückt damit in weite Ferne. Zudem zeigen wissenschaftliche Daten der vergangenen Jahre, dass es sehr schwierig ist, diejenigen Kinder zu erreichen, die bisher nicht geimpft worden sind, und somit die Impflücken zu schließen. Die WHO, UNICEF und weitere Partner haben eine weltweite Kampagne mit dem Titel „The Big Catch-Up“ gestartet, um der jetzigen besorgniserregenden Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken.2

    Die GTP appelliert daher eindringlich an die Bundesregierung sowie die Ministerien für Gesundheit (BMG), Finanzen (BMF) und Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), sich international intensiv zu engagieren, indem unser Land sowohl finanziell als auch logistisch alle Programme langfristig unterstützt, die es ermöglichen, dass jedes einzelne Kind auf diesem Globus alle erforderlichen Impfungen erhält und dass größte Anstrengungen unternommen werden, auch die Kinder zu erreichen, die bisher nicht von den Impfprogrammen profitiert haben. Die GTP unterstützt ebenso den Appell der International Pediatric Association (IPA)3 und aller ihrer Mitgliedsverbände, vernehmbar und energisch für das Wohl aller Kinder zu kämpfen, denn nur gemeinsam können wir das Ziel hoher Impfraten erreichen.

    Siehe auch: Newsrubrik im Deutschen Ärzteblatt

    Informationen zur GTP:

    Die Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und Internationale Kindergesundheit e.V. ist die einzige wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft in Deutschland, die sich im Verbund mit internationalen Partnern seit über 20 Jahren dafür einsetzt, die gesundheitliche Situation aller Kinder von Geburt bis zum Erreichen des Erwachsenenalters nachhaltig zu verbessern und damit den Kindern und ihren Familien eine Zukunftsperspektive zu ermöglichen. Aktivitäten der GTP in Deutschland umfassen einen jährlichen Kongress mit internationaler Beteiligung, Intensivkurse zu Fragestellungen der globalen Kindergesundheit sowie die Mitgliedschaft und aktive Mitarbeit in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen und gesundheitspolitischen Gremien. Ferner engagiert sich die GTP seit vielen Jahren in Projekten in Asien (Nepal) und Afrika südlich der Sahara (Tansania, Malawi, Burundi), die die Weiterbildung von ärztlichen und anderen Fachkräften und die Qualitätsverbesserung in der Gesundheitsversorgung von Kindern zum Ziel haben. Diese Projekte orientieren sich an den Zielsetzungen der jeweiligen Länder und werden mit siebenstelligen Beträgen vom BMZ und privaten Stiftungen gefördert.

    Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und Internationale Kindergesundheit e.V. (GTP)
    Dr. med. Sarah Kotsias-Konopelska, Vorsitzende
    Dr. med. Christian Schmidt, Vorsitzender
    PD Dr. med. habil. Carsten Krüger, Ehrenvorsitzender

    Geschäftsstelle am Standort St. Vinzenz-Hospital
    Andrea Jütte Dr.-Otto-Seidel-Straße 31-33
    46535 Dinslaken
    Telefon: 0177 401 48 05 (Mo-Fr 18-20 Uhr)
    Email: info@globalchildhealth.de


    1 UNICEF: The State of the World’s Children 2023: For Every Child, Vaccination. https://www.unicef.org/pressreleases/sowc_2023_immunization

    2 https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-immunization-week/2023

    3 IPA: https://ipa-world.org/

    GTP2023 - Workshops, Fireside Talks and World Café Details


    Introduction to ETAT: a practical and proven concept for emergency care of children

    If you are planning to work abroad, get prepared! With this workshop, we are offering an insight into the ETAT concept for the treatment of critically ill children, which has shown to improve  a lot the preparation  for taking care for children  in a LMIC. The Workshop with an introduction and practical examples will  be conducted by experienced ETAT instructors from Europe and LIC.

    Number of Participants: 16
    Workshop Organisation: Gudrun Jäger, Tina Möller, Anke Fischaleck, Simone Ross, Tania Gahama, Michael Akpoke, Innocent Mugisha

    Paediatric Ultrasound in Low-Resource Settings

    Paediatric sonography is a valuable clinical tool but implementing it in low resource settings can be a challenge. Beside some basic remarks in respect to the topic clinical cases will be presented and discussed. The workshop addresses any colleague who is interested in the field of paediatric sonography. Contributions of participants are welcome.

    Number of Participants: 16 per workshop
    Workshop Organisation: Bernd Erkert, Tobias Wowra (supported by: Tho Thi Y Dinh, Sam Lyvannak)

    Obstetric Ultrasound in Low-Resource Settings

    The working group “obstetrical sonography” is intended to give a small insight into the basics of ultrasound examination of the pregnant patient. Some important diagnoses will be discussed, which can quickly end in life-threatening complications if left undetected, but which can also be easily and reliably detected by non-experts, even with simple equipment.

    A special focus will be placed on the possible applications in very basic settings.

    It is deliberately intended to address newcomers as participants and to familiarise them with effective obstetric ultrasound technology; it is not intended to be a workshop only for highly specialised prenatal physicians who discuss details of early fetal organ diagnostics with each other.

    Number of Participants: 50
    Workshop Organisation: Johannes Leidinger (supported by: Antke Züchner)

    Development of a Code of Conduct for the GTP

    This workshop is dedicated to the development of a Code of Conduct for the GTP. At the beginning of the workshop, the participants’ expectations of a Code of Conduct will be mapped out. Possible topics to be included in a Code of Conduct will be discussed based on examples of similar documents issued by other organisations. This will be followed by a discussion in small groups on topics that have arisen and a first draft on some of the points collected. As the elaboration of a complete Code of Conduct would go beyond the time frame of this workshop, this workshop wants to set a first impulse for a further elaboration of a Code of Conduct in a working group dedicated to this purpose. In order to compile a document that unites the views and perspectives of all GTP members, we would be pleased to have as broad a field of participants as possible, reflecting different perspectives and horizons of experience as well as age groups within the GTP.

    Open to GTP members and anyone interested in the topic.

    Number of Participants: 25
    Workshop Organisation: Carmen Herr and Sarah Kotsias-Konopelska (with input from: Arianne Claire Alvarez, Martina Oneko, Tresor Mabanza)

    Clinical Cases and Critical Thinking

    Tips on “How to use sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic armamentaria namely: history, physical examination and that most elaborate and sophisticated of all: Critical Thinking in resource-limited settings to diagnose and treat ill inpatient children more effectively”. This will be done as an interactive exercise through presenting a number of actual patient scenarios in resource-limited settings that will help you be more effective physicians without spending more money or bringing along any expensive equipment except your brain (add a portable ultrasound machine in there). This will be a kind of very practical intellectual and mental exercise that they would less likely to teach you in “global-health” or “tropical medicine” courses.

    Number of Participants: 50
    Workshop Organisation: Hadi Mohsenibod

    The involvement of children in planetary health’ – Ways and methods to actively educate children to be planetary health change makers

    No one is secure until we are all safe, something that climate change has forced us to realize very slowly. We must make the decision to invest in a bottom-up approach of educating one of the most vulnerable yet undervalued groups—children—to safeguard and assure us of a healthy planet in the years to come.

    Number of Participants: 25
    Workshop Organisation: Ikeoluwapo Lydia Oluwayemi

    Working Group of Health Professionals

    Our topics at our workshop will be the following:

    “Structure and development of a premature infant intensive care unit from the perspective of a ward manager from Mwanza/Tanzania”.

    The Tanzanian head of the premature intensive care unit of the Bugando Medical Center in Mwanza / Tanzania, Sophia Kassim Sembe, will talk about her 10 years of experience in the development of care in her premature intensive care unit with the setbacks and successes, as well as her experiences in the international cooperation with nurses and doctors from Europe.

    Our second topic is “Challenges in the introduction and use of different adapted bCPAP techniques in Ghana and Tanzania”.

    I, Irene Schmidt, a specialist nurse in paediatric intensive care, have given training on different bCPAP techniques (Pumani, Diamedica and the self-built bCPAP) in 4 different hospitals, in Eikwe / Ghana and in Ndana, Mwanza and Dodoma in Tanzania, and have applied these techniques together with the local staff. I will talk about the opportunities offered by this therapy, present the different techniques and report on the technical and nursing problems in their application.

    Number of Participants: 50
    Workshop Organisation: Irene Schmidt, Sophia Kassim Sembe

    Climate Resilient health facilities – architecture and sustainable supply of energy and consumables

    During this workshop we will describe challenges associated with access to essential paediatric and newborn care in low- resource settings. These challenges can potentially be exacerbated by climate change related factors.

    With some pragmatic examples we would like to demonstrate on how ‘modern’ design of health facilities and renewable energy systems can contribute: 

    • To improved access to essential care by ensuring reliable electricity supply, which can power decentralised oxygen production, light, cold chain etc.
    • To improved care and working conditions in health facilities.
    • To adequate ‘infection prevention control measures’.

    These sustainable construction and energy solutions are reliable and cost-effective.

    Additionally, the suggested solutions attempts can contribute to reduced carbon 👣of health systems.

    Planning and set-up of health facilities can be associated with technical and medical capacity building.

    Integration of communities in planning, construction and on-going function of health facilities can improve acceptability and sustainable impact of health care provision.

    Number of Participants: 20
    Workshop Organisation: Hans-Jörg Lang, Marianna Nigra, Walter Commerell, Charlotte Adamczick, Alexander Weise (with contributions from Andrew Argent, Nellie Bell, Diavolana Koecher Andrianarimanana, Joyce Mwatonoka, Alyn Mbengo, Olubunmi Ode), Lorenz von Seidlein, Salum Mshamu, Jakob Knudsen

    World Café

    Will you be a learner or a teacher at the GTP conference? We think that you – always – will be both, especially in an international and intercultural context like the one of Global Child Health. In the World Café we will approach learning and teaching from different angles. Together we will develop ideas and try to understand how attitude and position influence learning, how systematic learning can be applied to different situations. We will work on seeing evaluation and mistakes made as a chance for further growth and frame it all with the required intercultural respect and understanding.

    To enable an in-depth discussion and confidential working atmosphere, spaces are limited to 28 participants.

    Please note: If you attend the World Café, you cannot attend the fireside talks and only part of the poster walk!

    Number of Participants: 28
    Workshop Organisation: Claudia von Both, Noa Freudenthal, Johanna Kröger

    Fireside Talks

    We offer the possibility of 1:1 conversation with the international guests of the GTP. Take the chance to discuss and network with people you would otherwise find difficult to reach and boost your professional advancement.

    Framework: Six slots per expert (each slot = 10min), synchronized with the Plenary Session.

    Please note: You can only book one slot in the fireside talks. If you attend the fireside talks, you cannot attend the World Café!

    Stephen Allen

    Stephen Allen is a Professor of Paediatrics and a Paediatric Gastroenterologist. At the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, he leads the Probiotics and Synbiotics in infants in Kenya (PROSYNK) study (PACTR202003893276712), is the Gut Health Workstream lead for the GCRF Action Against Stunting Hub study (https://actionagainststunting.org/), and is a co-investigator for a feasibility study of probiotics for preterm/low-birth-weight infants admitted to the University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria. Additionally, Dr. Allen established the Neonatal Nutrition Network (https://www.lstmed.ac.uk/research/departments/clinical-sciences/neonatal-nutrition-network) and is secretary for the Commonwealth Association of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (http://www.capgan.info/). He is currently based at the Department of Paediatrics, Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, Banjul, The Gambia where he is a post-graduate trainer in paediatrics and Chair of the hospital’s Research Ethics Committee.

    Andrew Argent

    Professor Argent was Professor and Head of the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital (RCWMCH) and the University of Cape Town in Cape Town South Africa until he retired in October 2020.
    He has worked in Paediatric Critical Care in Cape Town for over 30 years and was director of the Paediatric intensive care unit at the RCWMCH from 1999 to 2019.
    He has been a past president of both the Critical Care Society of Southern Africa, and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care societies.
    His Doctoral studies for the MD (Paediatrics) related to the mechanics of breathing of children with acute severe croup.  This provided experience and training particularly in respiratory mechanics, and processes of assessing clinical severity scores.  He has been involved in a number of studies addressing respiratory care in critically ill children, ventilation, pneumonia (including ventilator associated pneumonia), viral pathogens in pneumonia and has contributed editorials on these subjects.
    More recently he has been involved in systematic review processes to assess transfusion requirements of critically ill children and optimization of management of severe sepsis in children.  He is currently involved with work relating to updating of sepsis definitions for children across the world.
    Over the years he has written about the challenges related to resource allocation for critically ill children and adults and some of the ethical challenges in critical care.  He has also contributed to the literature regarding paediatric cardiac intensive care.
    In addition to the published material he has played an active role as a reviewer for journals and as Associate Editor (Pediatric Critical Care Medicine) and member of the editorial board (Intensive Care Medicine).
    Currently he is a deputy Chair for the SCCM initiative on Paediatric Sepsis Definitions.  He is involved in a number of international collaborations

    Zulfiqar Ali Bhutta

    Professor, MD, PhD. Robert Harding Chair in Global Child Health and Policy & Co-Director at the Center for Global Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada & the Founding Director, Institute for Global Health & Development, the Aga Khan University, South Central Asia, East Africa and United Kingdom

    Zulfiqar A. Bhutta is a Professor and Founding Director of the Institute for Global Health and Development and the Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health at the Aga Khan University in Pakistan. He also holds adjunct professorships at the Schools of Public Health at Johns Hopkins, George Washington University, Boston University School of Public Health, University of Alberta, and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. He has served as the co-chair of the Maternal and Child Health oversight committee of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO) and a technical member of the high-level UN Health and Human Rights Committee. As the past President of the Commonwealth Association of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (CAPGAN), the Federation of Asia-Oceania Perinatal Societies (FAOPS), and the International Pediatrics Association (IPA), he has been a leading voice for health professionals supporting integrated maternal, newborn and child health globally. Zulfiqar’s research interests include newborn and child survival, maternal and child undernutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies, primarily covering the first thousand days. He has served on several international editorial advisory boards, has published over 1250 indexed publications to date, and has received many awards, such as the Pakistan Gold Medal for contributions to Child Health in Pakistan, Outstanding Pediatrician of Asia award by the Asia Pacific Pediatric Association, and recognized by the Senate of Canada with its Canada 150 Medal for contributions to Global Child Health.

    Nellie Bell

    German trained Paediatric Consultant, wife and mother of 2 kids.
    Primary and part of Secondary School was done in Sierra Leone. I completed Secondary school in England, UK.
    I moved to Germany in 1997, learnt the German language in Heidelberg and then commenced undergraduate medical studies at the University of Heidelberg.
    After completion of undergraduate studies, I commenced the postgraduate training in paediatrics in 2005 in Klinikum Mannheim and completed in 2010. Diploma in tropical medicine was done in 2010/2011 in Berlin.
    I have been in Sierra Leone since 2011, working in the only tertiary hospital for paediatrics in SL, Ola During Children’s Hospital. Initially as the medical director of the NGO Cap Anamur then moving to work for the Government of Sierra Leone in the same hospital. I am currently the head of Department for Paediatrics both for postgraduate and undergraduate training.
    ODCH has since gained full accreditation to train to fellowship level and the first 3 candidates are preparing to take the clinical exams after passing the theory in February 2023. There are currently 80 students in the undergraduate program and 7 postgraduate candidates in all.
    I am a Fellow of the West African College of Physicians, Fellow of the Sierra Leone College of Physicians and Surgeons, Member of the German Society for Children and Adolescent medicine and Member of the German Society of tropical paediatrics. Attained the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award in 1997 in the UK.
    I was born in Leer, Ostfriesland, Germany.

    Mike English

    Mike English is a UK trained paediatrician who worked in Kenya for 25 years supported by a series of Wellcome fellowships. In Kenya he worked as part of the KEMRI-Wellcome Nairobi Programme and built up the Health Services Unit in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the University of Nairobi and a wide set of national and international collaborators. His work focuses predominantly on improving care in African District Hospitals, often takes Child and Newborn Health as a focus, but increasingly tackles health services or wider health systems issues affecting quality of care. Mike now co-leads the Health Systems Collaborative in Oxford which is part of the NDM-Centre for Global Health Research.

    Beate Kampmann

    Beate Kampmann is Professor of Global Health and scientific director of the newly established Charite Centre for Global Health and the Institut fur Internationale Gesundheit, Charite Virchow Campus.
    She recently relocated to Berlin from a Chair in Paediatric Infection & Immunity at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), where she directed the Vaccine Centre at LSHTM https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/research/centres/vaccine-centre. Over the last 12 years, she has divided her working time between London and The Gambia, West Africa, where she led the vaccine research at the MRC Unit-The Gambia in West Africa and still continues her project and PhD student supervision.
    Beate trained as a clinician-scientist in Germany, France, USA, South Africa and the UK and holds an MD from the University of Cologne and a PhD from Imperial College, UK. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in the UK and the West African College of Physicians and an MRC Senior Researcher.
    Her translational research portfolio focuses on innate and acquired immune responses to infection and vaccination, including in pregnant women and infants and the conduct of clinical trials of novel vaccines and adjuvants. She is the director of IMPRINT- the IMmunising PRegnant women and INfants neTwork. https://www.imprint-network.co.uk/, a UKRI-GCRF-funded multi-disciplinary and global network of scientists, clinicians and public health representatives with a special interest in vaccines for pregnant women and newborns and has published over 300 articles.
    She has remained clinically active in paediatric infectious diseases throughout her career and has looked after many children with sepsis, including neonatal sepsis due to Group B streptococcus infections.

    Bernadette O’Hare

    MD, MPH, FRCPCH, Senior Lecturer in Global Child Health. Deputy head of the Division of Infection and Global Health, The University of St Andrews. Senior Lecturer in Global Health, Kamuzu University of Health Sciences, Malawi

    Bernadette O’Hare is a Senior Lecturer in Global Health Implementation at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and a Senior Lecturer in Pediatrics and Child Health at the College of Medicine in Malawi. She worked in the NHS for over 20 years, including as a consultant pediatrician, pediatrician, and public health doctor in Africa. She is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, sits on the Working Group on Climate Change, and is also an executive member of the committee of the Pediatric and Child Health Association in Malawi. Her research interests include global influences on government revenue in low- and middle-income countries and the impact this has on development and fundamental rights.

    Hadi Mohseni-Bod

    Professor, Dr.. Locum staff physician, London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada; Honorary staff physician, Critical Care, SickKids, Toronto, ON, Canada, & Visiting professor, Mofid children’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran

    Hadi Mohensi-Bod is a pediatric critical care medicine specialist who practices in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Duluth and St. Paul, Minnesota, with over 33 years of experience. His specialties include cardiovascular disease, emergency medicine, pediatric critical care medicine, and pediatric cardiology. He has a Certification in pediatrics from the American Board of Pediatrics and a Certification in Pediatric Critical Medicine from the American Board of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.

    Amy Sanyahumbi

    Dr. Amy Sanyahumbi is an Assistant Professor and Pediatric Cardiologist with Baylor College of Medicine / Texas Children’s Hospital.  She completed her pediatric training and cardiology fellowship at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington DC, and went on to complete a National Institutes of Health/ Fogarty Fellowship in Global Clinical Research in Malawi.  She currently lives in Lilongwe, Malawi, where she leads an NIH-funded study, “Improving Adherence to Benzathine Penicillin Among Children with Rheumatic Heart Disease in Malawi.”  She currently serves on the American Heart Association’s committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease, and on the World Heart Federation’s RHD echo screening guideline committee.  She had authored multiple publications on RHD in Malawi.  In addition to her research, Dr. Sanyahumbi co-directs the pediatric cardiology clinic at a large public hospital in Lilongwe, and trains local health workers in research, echocardiography, and pediatric cardiology.

    Charles Schubert

    Dr. Charles Schubert is a professor and Director of the Division of Urban, Undeserved, and Global Health in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He also is the former Director of the Global Child Health Track at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and a paediatric emergency medicine physician. His research interests include global health education, where he investigates methods to educate clinicians who serve underserved populations and the well-being of those who practice global health. Dr. Schubert has received multiple humanitarian awards, including the Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award, the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award, and the National Michael Shannon Humanitarian Award. He founded the Crossroad Health Center in Cincinnati and has worked in Zambia, Kenya, and Malawi.

    Charles Shepherd

    Retired consultant paediatrician. Lead tutor for Diploma in Child Health for Iheed educational agency and The Royal College of Physicians of Dublin

    Leila Srour

    As a pediatrician who has received training in the United States, I have accumulated extensive experience in this field of medicine. I have pursued a Master’s in Public Health and a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene to bolster my expertise. For more than twenty years, I have been practicing pediatrics in California, where I have been able to provide essential care to countless children and their families. In 2002, I decided to devote myself to volunteering full-time in Laos with Health Frontiers. In this capacity, I have provided valuable support for the training and continuing medical education of Lao pediatricians. My work has allowed me to make a meaningful impact on the lives of children and their families in this region. Additionally, I have worked with Health Volunteers Overseas to provide pediatric training in Bhutan, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Uganda. My research on noma, a neglected tropical disease that affects vulnerable children, has been published in various articles. I strongly advocate for its inclusion in the World Health Organization’s List of Neglected Tropical Diseases. I have also been involved in research on the harmful effects of formula product marketing in developing countries. These studies have been crucial in raising awareness about the exploitation of vulnerable populations in these regions. I am currently serving as the Pediatric Steering Committee chairperson for Health Volunteers Overseas. In this role, I am working towards providing post-graduate healthcare training in resource-limited areas. My dedication to this field of medicine is unwavering, and I remain committed to making a difference in the lives of children and their families, no matter where they are located.

    Martin Weber

    41st GTP Annual Conference 2023 - Bonn




    Bonn, Germany


    Section Global Health of the UKB

    41. GTP Annual Conference    

    12th-14th May 2023
    Bonn, Germany

    Conference theme: Learning and Teaching in Global Child Health

    CME points

    DatumInhaltVNR-Nr. / CME Punkte
    Freitag 12.5.23 (12:00-22:00)Workshops
    VNR: 2760512023013700083
    Kategorie: A | Fortbildungspunkte: 7
    Samstag 13.5.23 (8:30-17:00)Teaching & Learning I
    Migration - a current issue in Child Health
    Novelties in Clinical Paediatrics
    VNR: 2760512023013700091
    Kategorie: A | Fortbildungspunkte: 8
    Sonntag 14.5.23 (9:00-12:50)Teaching & Learning II
    New ideas and approaches in Child Health
    VNR: 2760512023013700109
    Kategorie: A | Fortbildungspunkte: 4

    Welcome address

    We would like to cordially invite you to our 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health.

    Under the guiding theme “Teaching. Tomorrow. Together. — Learning and Teaching in the Context of Global Child Health”, the meeting will take place from 12 to 14 May 2023 in the Beethoven and UN city of Bonn. In addition to various workshops and submitted abstracts, you can expect exciting keynote speeches from renowned speakers as well as the chance to make and refresh personal contacts.

    Aspects of teaching and learning related to international child health will be presented in medical as well as socio-cultural thematic complexes in a global as well as local context. As usual, however, the annual conference also gives enough space to present other current and relevant aspects of global child health.

    Together with you, we would also like to celebrate and cordially invite you to our social evening on 13 May 2023. We will sail on the Rhine through the night, want to eat and dance to live music.

    We would like to make it possible for as many interested people as possible to attend and offer reduced prices for students and health professionals as well as childcare during the conference.

    We are very much looking forward to your coming and to lively discussions.

    Dr Andreas Schultz (Conference President) with Dr Claudia von Both, Dr Noa Freudenthal, Dr Andreas Hansmann, Andrea Jütte, Dr Sarah Kotsias-Konopelska, Dr Carsten Krüger, Eva Kuhn, Dr Hans-Jörg Lang, Dr Christian Schmidt and Dr Ralf Weigel

    Conference program

    Last Update: 20.04.23
    Conference language: English

    Nota bene: During the event, photos and films will be taken by the GTP and the Global Heath Section for public relations purposes.

    Details regarding workshops, fireside talks and the World Café are to be found here.

    Call for abstracts

    Abstract submission is closed.

    The Scientific Committee of the annual conference 2023 of the Society for Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health e.V. invites Global Child Health clinicians, practitioners, researchers and policy makers to submit their abstract for (poster) presentation. We look forward to scientific and/or clinical projects, thought-provoking questions and lessons learned.

    You may submit your abstract as

    • topical abstract – related to the overarching conference theme,
    • a free abstract – not related to the conference theme, but still within the scope of Global Child Health.

    The abstract can be accepted either as a presentation or a poster. If your abstract is accepted, you automatically take part in the selection process for the Helmut-Wolf-Preis. The price is awarded for the best presentation or poster on the conference.

    Please submit your abstract to Globalhealthevents(a)ukbonn.de with the subject line “GTP-Abstract”.

    Criteria for your Abstract

    • Only submissions in English will be accepted.
    • Submit your abstract as a PDF file.
    • Give your full name and affiliation in the e-mail text.
    • Do not include any personal information in the abstract document to enable blind review.
    • Structure your abstract as follows:
      1. Research Abstract: title, research question, method, results, discussion
      2. Project Abstract: title, project description, lessons learned
    • The abstract must not exceed 3.000 characters (including blank spaces).
    • Indicate below the abstract
      1. if you deem it to be a topical or free abstract,
      2. if you prefer to present orally or a poster.


    Workshop Sessions (Friday 13:00-17:30)

    University Hospital Bonn
    Lehrgebäude (A10)
    Venusberg-Campus 1
    D - 53127 Bonn
    How to get there

    Opening ceremony (Saturday 18:30)

    Hörsaal 2
    Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5
    D - 53115 Bonn

    Conference program Saturday and Sunday

    Hörsaal A
    Nussallee 10
    D - 53115 Bonn
    How to get there

    Social program

    General Information

    The conference team has created a PDF with useful information about sightseeing in Bonn.



    Instead of a second workshop, we offer the opportunity to get to know Bonn better on a guided city tour. The city tour will then end at the location of the conference kick-off. Please let us know your interest in this city tour when registering (deadline: 20.4.23). For people who are not members of the GTP, a city tour on Saturday afternoon will be offered as an alternative.


    Following the conference kick-off, we invite you to a get-together with snacks and drinks. Make new contacts, toast the reunion with colleagues and get into the conference mood.



    For people who are not members of the GTP, a guided city tour will be offered during the GTP general meeting. For GTP members, a city tour will take place on Friday afternoon.

    Please let us know your interest in this city tour when registering (deadline: 20.4.23).


    We cordially invite you to spend Saturday evening with a buffet and live music and dancing on the MS Poseidon. The ship will depart from bridge 13 after the MV at around 8 p.m. and will sail the Rhine towards Cologne and back towards Koblenz until around 1 a.m.. For all those who want to continue dancing after the end of the cruise, the conference office has further tips and information ready. 

    We also try to make it possible to leave the ship for the first time around 10.30/23 pm. 


    The conference organizers have created a list of hotels close to the conference venue of different prize categories. This list can be accessed here.

    Registration, fees and cancellation policy

    Conference fees

    Early bird (until incl. 28.2.23)Regular fee (from 1.3.23)
    GTP memberPhysician€ 190€ 210
    Student / non-physician health professional€ 80€ 90
    Non GTP memberPhysician€ 210€ 230
    Student / non-physician health professional€ 90€ 100
    Social eveningRegular€ 50€ 70
    Student / non-physician health professional€ 30€ 40
    Accompanying person€ 50€ 70
    Children 0-10 years€ 0 € 0
    Children 10-14 years€ 25€ 25
    Day ticket Friday or Sunday (excl. social events)To be payed cash or via direct transfer on site€ 70€ 70
    Day ticket Saturday (excl. social events)To be payed cash or via direct transfer on site€ 130€ 130
    Day ticket Saturday (excl. social events)To be payed cash or via direct transfer on site€ 30€ 30


    We are pleased to offer you the following discounts.

    For invited speakersNo conference fee
    For corresponding author with accepted abstract (presentation and poster)For the corresponding author the conference fee will be reduced to the student fee.
    For workshop leadersExcemption from conference fee for one workshop leader per workshop
    For students and apprenticesWith presentation of a valid student ID students under the age of 31 years will have the opportunity to take part in the conference free of charge in exchange for being available for 6h or more as a conference facilitator.  Indicate in the comments field if you wish to make use of this option. You will get access to a survey at the beginning of May where you can freely indicate when and how you want to help out.

    Credit points

    CME points are applied for

    Cancellation policy

    • In case of cancellation up to and including 15.03.2023, we will refund the entire conference fee. 
    • In case of cancellation up to and including 10.04.2023, we will refund half of the corresponding conference fee. 
    • Unfortunately, we cannot make any refunds after 11.4.2023.  

    Conflicts of interest and Sponsoring

    The content of this event will be designed to be product and service neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose potential conflicts of interest to the participants.

    We would like to thank the following supporters, whose donations made it possible to hold this event:

    Contact information

    General inquiries and comments (not for registration): globalhealthevents(a)ukbonn.de

    Registration: https://globalchildhealth.de/anmeldunggtp2023/

    Banking details

    Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und
    Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP) e. V.
    Volksbank Ahlen-Sassenberg-Warendorf
    IBAN: DE 95 4126 2501 1102 1632 03
    Betreff: “GTP2023 Beitrag, Ihr Vor- und Nachname”

    Abstract Submission: Closed

    Klinikpartnerschaft GTP – Department of Paediatrics & Child Health an der Universität von Dodoma, Tansania (2021-2024)

    Über das Projekt

    Im Rahmen der Initiative “Klinikpartnerschaften – Partner stärken Gesundheit”, finanziert durch die Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS) und das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), technisch begleitet durch die Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), engagiert sich die GTP in Fortführung des sehr erfolgreichen Facharztprogramms für angehende PädiaterInnen in Mwanza und Dodoma (2016 bis 2020) seit 2021 (Laufzeit bis 2024) in der pädiatrischen Facharztausbildung in Dodoma, Tansania. Aufgrund des weiterhin bestehenden Mangels an Pädiaterinnen und Pädiatern mit Subspezialitäten reisen Experten aus Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern mehrfach pro Jahr nach Tansania, um in Dodoma theoretischen Unterricht anzubieten. Darüber hinaus findet praktischer Unterricht bei Visiten und Klinikeinsätzen statt, Ultraschallkenntnisse werden ebenso vermittelt. Das Pflegepersonal wird durch erfahrene Kinderkrankenschwestern/-pfleger geschult. Fehlende Ausstattung wird in begrenztem Maße durch das Projekt beschafft. Die Entwicklung von Behandlungsrichtlinien ist Bestandteil des Projekts.


    Möglichkeit zur Mitarbeit – Dozenten gesucht

    • Fachärztinnen/-ärzte für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin inklusive aller Subspezialitäten
    • Neonatologisch und pädiatrisch erfahrenes Pflegepersonal

    Wir freuen uns auf Bewerbungen von GTP-Mitgliedern oder solchen, die es werden wollen, mit Interesse an einem Unterrichtseinsatz in Dodoma. Arbeitserfahrung im Ausland und in der Lehre sind von Vorteil, aber keine unabdingbare Voraussetzung.

    • Einsatzdauer: 2-3 Wochen (Einsatzzeitpunkt flexibel)
    • Voraussetzungen: Gute Englischkenntnisse
    • Vergütung: Übernahme der Aufenthalts- und Reisekosten


    Kontakt und Bewerbung

    Bei Interesse schreiben Sie bitte mit einem kurzen Lebenslauf an:
    PD Dr. Carsten Krüger (krueger(a)globalchildhealth.de) – Programmverantwortlicher in Deutschland
    Dr. Shakilu Jumanne (shakiluj(a)gmail.com) – Projektleiter vor Ort