Upcoming GTP events

IPUN Ultrasound Courses

The EKFS GTP Paediatric Ultrasound Network offers international ultrasound courses. We look forward to your registration!

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Paediatric ETAT+ Trainings 2024

Next ETAT+ courses: 3.-5.5.24 in Hamburg (ETAT+ Course); 31.5.-2.6.24 in Münster (ETAT Instructor Course); 27.9.-29.9.24 in Stuttgart (ETAT+ Course)

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43rd GTP Annual Conference 2025 – Giessen

The Next GTP Annual Meeting is set for May 2025 in Giessen! Please reserve the date, and stay tuned for further updates.

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External events

Relevant within the topic of global child health. This list does not claim to be exhaustive.


PAED-ID: Meet the Expert – One Health in der Pediatrics 

DGKJ Annual meeting 2024

  • September 18-21, 2024 in Mannheim, Germany

DTG Annual meeting 2024 – CTM 2024

  •  September 19-21, 2024 in Duesseldorf, Germany

International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria – ICTMM 2024

  • September 19-23, 2024 in Kuching, Malaysia

jUNITE Network Meeting

  • October 11-13, 2024 in Bad Tabarz, Germany

European Global Surgery Congress 2024

  • October 8-12, 2024 in Essen, Germany

51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine

  • May 22-24, 2025 in Lübeck, Germany

14th World Congress of the World Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (WSPID)

  • October 28-31, 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand

Event series

International Pediatric Association (IPA’s) Webinars:
27th June, 2024 – Polio Eradication: Surmounting the Last Mile
28th June, 2024 – Tools for Pediatric QI & Patient Safety
4th July, 2024 – Diagnosis on Pediatric Tuberculosis

Journal Club of the German Society of Global surgery and tropical surgery (DTC e.V.).

Further information to be found on the DTC homepage.


Various courses of the German Society for Tropical Medicine (DTG)

UNICEF-WHO Introductory Course on Children’s Environmental Health

Elective Course: Tropical Medicine and Global Health

  • The online course is offered to all medical students in Germany. More information you can find here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Judith Lindert at lindert@globalchildhealth.de

Further interesting events

Currently none available

Interesting calendar of events of associated societies

Network Young Infectiology (jUNITE)
Publishes multidisciplinary events with a focus on infectious diseases and One Health
Go to calender

German Society of Tropical Medicine (DTG)
Publishes many own events as well as events on the topic of tropical medicine
Zum Kalender

German Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (DGPI)
Publishes many own events as well as events on the topic of paediatric infectious diseases
Zum Kalender