12.4.24 - 13:00
14.4.24 - 15:00
Automobile Welt Eisenach
PD Dr med Carsten Krüger, Ahlen & Dr med Benno Kretzschmar, Eisenach
42. GTP Annual Conference
12.-14. April 2024
Eisenach, Germany
Topic: “Children with disabilities and chronic illness in global health”
CME Credit Point:
Workshops: each 2 points
Friday: 1 point
Saturday: 8 points
Sunday: 4 points
Welcome address
Dear colleagues, students and health workers!
We would like to invite you to our 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health in Eisenach.
Under the guiding theme “Children with disabilities and chronic illness in global health”, the conference will take place from 12-14 April 2024 in the Lutherstadt Eisenach.
In addition to workshops on Friday afternoon and free contributions in the form of short lectures and posters on Saturday, we have planned several sessions with exciting keynote lectures by renowned speakers on the conference theme and on new developments in global child health.
We would especially like to encourage younger colleagues to submit research and project contributions as abstracts and present them at the conference. As every year, the winner of the Helmut Wolf Award will be selected from among the free papers and posters. The prize is endowed with 500.00 Euros.
Together with you we would also like to celebrate a little and cordially invite you to the ‘Get together’ on Friday evening and to our social evening on Saturday.
We would like to make it possible for as many interested people as possible to attend and are therefore offering reduced prices for students and non-physician health professionals.
We are very much looking forward to your participation and to lively, also controversial discussions.
Welcome to Eisenach!
Yours, Carsten Krüger and Benno Kretzschmar
Last update: 04.04.2024
Conference languages: German and English
Nota bene: Photos and videos will be taken during the event to publicize the GTP and its projects
St Georg Klinikum
Martin Luther Gymnasium
Automobile Welt Eisenach
13:00-16:15 GTP Board meeting
St. Georg Klinikum Eisenach
14:00-17:00 Registration at MLG
Martin Luther Gymnasium, Predigerplatz 4, 99817 Eisenach
15:00-18:15 Workshops
“Neo”: St. Georg Klinikum
All other Workshops: Martin Luther Gymnasium
- 15:00-16:30 Workshop “NEO” (WG Health Professions)
“Challenges in the collaboration between the delivery ward and neonatal intensive care unit”
Agnes Mkolozi, Irene Schmidt (in German)
Venue: St Georg Klinikum
. - 15:00-16:30 Workshop “PSY” (young GTP)
“Destigmatising psychiatric diesease”
Khawla Nasser AlDeen (virtual), Veronika Lehner (+ patient), Andrea Vivienne Fey; max. 30 participants (in English)
Venue: Martin Luther Gymnasium
Destigmatising psychiatric disease: Global Perspectives and different approaches on Child and Adolescents Well-being
This session offers a platform for collective dialogue on the global mental health and well-being of children and adolescents. We’ll explore determinants like exposure to conflict and disaster, examining their profound impact on child mental health. Speakers will provide insights into global goals and policies, discussing interdisciplinary interventions for mental health promotion. Drawing from practical experiences, the session will reflect on community-based well-being initiatives and highlight promising efforts to normalize mental health discourse, fostering opportunities for thriving.
. - 16:45-18:15 Workshop “CLIM” (WG Climate Change and. Global Child Health)
“Talking Climate and Environment – communication in youth projects”
Venue: Martin Luther Gymnasium
Special guests: Arved Fuchs and students of the Martin Luther Gymnasium
This workshop will present various youth projects around climate and environment. Those examples will serve as group for discussions around communication strategies and motivators in order to yield ideas for individual action opportunities in all participants’ working environments.
- 16:45-18:15 Workshop “ETAT” (WG ETAT+) – booked out
“ETAT: A simple approach for emergency situations with children in LMIC”
Bernardien Thunnissen, Gudrun Jäger; max. 20 participants (in English)
Venue: Martin Luther Gymnasium
The ETAT (Emergency Treatment Assessment and Treatment) concept is a well-established programme, developed by the WHO and implemented in many countries of the global south. It has been shown that the training in triage, assessment and treatment for emergency situations has reduced the mortality of children. Nurses and doctors planning to work abroad will be prepared for typical emergency situations with an ETAT course. The workshop gives an impression of this course system.
. - 16:45-18:15 Workshop “ONC”
Paediatric oncology and palliative care in ressource-limited settings
Jenny Dörnemann, Thomas Eichholz; participants: no upper limit (in English)
Venue: Martin Luther Gymnasium
The treatment of children with Non-Communicable Diseases is becoming increasingly important in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC). This also includes the treatment of children with oncological diseases or conditions that require palliative treatment. The structures for this and the training of specialists are still being developed in many places in LMIC. These development processes are repeatedly supported by highly committed initiatives and cooperation with German institutions. However, these are often single initiatives.The aim of the workshop is to exchange experiences of previous and current cooperation projects. We want to bring together those interested in this field so that we can support each other and benefit from each other’s experiences. We also want to motivate people to become interested in oncology and palliative care in resource-limited settings.
- 15:00-16:30 Workshop “NEO” (WG Health Professions)
From 17:00 Registration at the AWE
Automobile Welt Eisenach, Friedrich-Naumann-Straße 10, 99817 Eisenach
18:30-18:45 Conference opening (PD Krüger & Dr Kretzschmar)
Automobile Welt Eisenach
18:45-19:45 Keynote lecture (Arved Fuchs)
“Thin ice – global warming and its consequences”
20:00-23:00 Get together
Snacks and drinks
09:00 – 24:00
Automobile Welt Eisenach
09:00 – 10:30 Session I: Children with disabilities and chronic illness – definitions, epidemiology, causes, risk factors
Chairs: R. Moshiro, R. Weigel
- Welcome address by the patron
Mrs. Tina Rudoph, MP - Concepts and global epidemiology of disability and chronic disease in childhood and adolescence
C. Krüger, University Witten/Herdecke - Congenital anomalies and their potential for disabilitiy and chronic illness
J. Lindert, University Rostock - Contribution of the young GTP
A. Reiter, youngGTP
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Session II: Impact of disability and chronic illness on children and their families; mental health aspects
Chairs: T. Harbauer and tba
- Child rights in Malawi with a focus on children with disabilities
E. Magawa, Dedza District Hospital Malawi + University Witten/Herdecke - Kinderschutz in Sierra Leone vs Deutschland
J. Metzger - Caring for children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in the Mbulu area, Tanzania
T. Harbauer, UKE, Hamburg - Clinical outcome of chronic neurological disorders seen in The Gambia
N. Uwaezuoke, Sir Francis Small Teaching Hospital, The Gambia
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:30 Session III: Research and projects in global child healthChairs: S. Gehring, R. Kobbe
Short presentations (13:30-14:30)
- Cross-sectional survey of professionals delivering care for migrant children and adolescents
AJ Esser, Freiburg - Epidemic of chemical-induced multiple organ failure presenting as AKI in young children in The Gambia – the clinicians’ perspective
VU Muoneke, Gambia - Newborn Mortality Can Be Prevented With Timely Screening And Referral Of Congenital Heart Disease And Pulmonary Hypertension
P Freudenthal, Witten - Introduction of ETAT+: A capacity building project in the region of Alaotra-Mangoro/ Madagascar
C Noa, HH Rajaobary, Madagascar - Clinical and socio-demographic profile of children presenting with eosinophilia at a tertiary referral hospital in Nepal
M Jost, Mainz - Examining childhood disability in developing economies and identifying gaps to guide future research
R Nassolo, Uganda (to be confirmed) - Scurrying urine – Schistosomiasis in a refugee
A Hagemann, Freiburg: - Yaws – Resurgence of an old and eliminated infection?
VU Muoneke, Gambia - Treatment regimens and outcomes of cutaneous diphtheria in migrant children and adolescents in Germany, June 2022 – October 2023
A Zink, Freiburg - Possibilities and limitations of Point-of-Care real-time-PCR Truelab® on hospitalized acute febrile children at Bugando Medical Centre in Mwanza, Tanzania
J Plett, Mainz - Physiotherapy for children with disabilities in Malawi
L Braun, Munich - Strengthening paediatric speciality training through the Paediatricians for Malawi project: preliminary findings of a qualitative study
M Nagase, Witten - A partnership to strengthen paediatric emergency care in the Alaotra Mangoro region, Madagascar: preliminary findings of a multipronged approach to capacity building
M Miadanaarisoa/Madagascar, M Fier, Witten - Perceptions of women from a rural community in Northeast Brazil on the impact of the programs Bolsa Família, Cisterns, and PRONAF in their food practices – a qualitative study
M Lopes Simoes, Witten - Incidence of mental health and psychiatric disorders in asylum seeking and refugee minors in 20 refugee shelters of the PriCareNet research network
MC Klein, Freiburg - Clinical profile and short-term outcome of neonates requiring mechanical ventilation at national referral hospital Bhutan
G Lamichaney, Bhutan - The correlation between poor health care and socio-economic status among children in the rural settings of northern Uganda
M Nakanwagi, Uganda (to be confirmed) - Developing paediatric NCD guidelines in Malawi
C. Mchawa, PACHA, Blantyre, Malawi - Supporting children with disabilities with protheses and other means
R. Onesmo, CCBRT Dar, Tanzania - Health services for migrant and refugee children with NCDs and disabilities in Freiburg, Germany
B. Spielberger, University of Freiburg - The PMPH Centre Munich – Improving Medical Care for Children in the Context of Migration
U. v. Both, Haunersches Kinderhospital, University Munich
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:15 Session IV: Approach to disabilities and chronic illness (prevention, treatment, care)
Chairs: R. Onesmo, A. Schultz
17:30 – 19:30 Members’ assembly and election of the new board
Alternative activities for non-members
20:00 – 24:00 Social evening and dinner
Automobile Welt Eisenach (for more details see “program surrounding the conference”)
09:00 – 14:00
Automobile Welt Eisenach
09:00 – 10:30 Session V: Free topics, GCH – German contributions
Chairs: W. Bruchhausen, C. Krüger
- German contributions to global child health (planned)
W. Bruchhausen, C. Krüger - Friede Springer professorship activities
R. Weigel, University Witten/Herdecke - EKFS professorship activities
A. Schultz, University Bonn - Round table discussion: Global Child Health
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Session VI: New developments in Global Child Health and paediatrics
Chairs: E. Molyneux, F. Mussa (tbc)
- Effect of IPTp on malaria in pregnancy and maternal, fetal and neonatal outcome; community-based research
H. Barsosio, KEMRI, Kisumu, Kenya - IT programme GNU Health and its impact on child health
M. Zarbock, Wolfsburg - Surveillance and Gut Microbiomics in Neonatal Sepsis in Tanzania (MS-GM-NST) – an academic partnership study at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
F. Mussa, MUHAS & R. Kobbe, UKE, Hamburg - Recent research findings in paediatric viral infections in LMICs
S. Gehring, University Mainz
12:30 – 12:45 Awarding of the Helmut-Wolf-Prize
12:45 – 13:00 Farewell
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
Call for abstracts
Abstract-Deadline: 31.01.2024
We are looking forward to your exciting contributions! There will be an oral presentation session and a poster session for free abstracts; in addition, thematically appropriate free papers will be assigned to the individual sessions. Contributions to the conference theme and the cross-cutting theme “Global Child and Adolescent Health” are welcome. Tell us about your scientific or clinical projects or interesting questions.
The entry fee for presenters/authors of accepted abstracts will be reduced by 50% (100% reimbursed for students).
Abstract criteria:
- English or German (preferably Englisch)
- Max. 3000 characters incl. spaces
- Outline for scientific projects: Research question / project description, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion.
- Outline for development cooperation projects: background, project description, results / findings, discussion and conclusions for practice.
Abstracts submission to gtp2024_abstracts(a) with the subject “Abstract GTP2024”
The abstracts will be published online on our GTP homepage.
The Helmut Wolf Prize (endowment 500.00 EUR) will be awarded among the submitted free abstracts (more details on the prize at
Attention: Change of venue!
(as of 10.03.2024)

St. Georg Klinikum Eisenach
Mühlhäuser Str. 94
99817 Eisenach
Photo Copyright: St Georg Klinikum

WORKSHOPS (except WG Health Professions)
(former Benediktin Monastery)
Predigerplatz 4
99817 Eisenach

Automobile Welt Eisenach (AWE)
Friedrich-Naumann-Str. 10
99817 Eisenach
Photo Copyright:
Program surrounding the conference
Get together from 20:00
Following the keynote lecture at the Automobile Welt Eisenach
With stand-up snack, included in the conference price. We cordially invite you to end the day with us in a cozy get-together and ask you to let us know when you register whether you will be attending.
Alternative program to the members’ assembly
The conference team recommending following seightseeing options which can be visited on your own account:
1) Visiting of the Bachhaus Eisenach. Open until 18:00. Further information to be found on the website of the museum.
2) Tour of the Automobile Eisenach Museum. Open until 18:00 (last entrance at 17:30). Further information to be found on the website of the museum.
Social evening at the AWE from 20:00
Venue: Automobile Welt Eisenach (AWE), Friedrich-Naumann-Straße 10, 99817 Eisenach
Let us surprise you! Includes participation, food and two non-alcoholic drinks. Additional drinks at own expense. Discounted participation for students. Please book when registering for the conference. Subsequent registrations can be accepted until (details to follow) at gtp2024(a)
There is a good selection of accommodation options in Eisenach in walking distance to the venue (max. 10 min).
- Hotel Thüringer Hof
- Hotel Glockenhof
- Hotel B.A.C.H.
- Hotel Kaiserhof
- City Hotel
- Sophienhotel
- Hotel am Markt
- Haus Hennesburg
- B&B Hotel
- Hostel & Pension Alte Brauerei
Registration, fees and cancellation policy
Important notice:
If you need to apply for a visa to attend the conference, please note the following information:
Please inform yourself BEFORE registering about the necessary documents, applicable processing times and available dates for issuing visas at the relevant embassy (we recommend at least 3-4 months lead time)
A letter of invitation can only be issued after a) complete personal online registration (including passport number and request to receive a letter of invitation) and b) payment of the conference fees has been received.
Please make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months after your return date
Conference fees
Early bird (until incl. 31.1.24) | Regular fee (from 1.2.24) | ||
GTP member | Physician | € 150 | € 180 |
Student / non-physician health professional | € 30 | € 50 | |
Non GTP member | Physician | € 180 | € 210 |
Student / non-physician health professional | € 40 | € 60 | |
Social evening | Regular | € 40 | € 40 |
Student | € 20 | € 20 | |
Accompanying person | € 40 p.p. | € 40 p.p. | |
Day ticket Saturday or Sunday | In case of last minute booking payment is made cash or via direct transfer on site | € 90 per day | € 90 per day |
CME Punkte:
Workshops: je 2 Punkte
Freitag: 1 Punkt
Samstag: 8 Punkte
Sonntag: 4 Punkte
Cancellation policy:
- Cancellation until incl. 28.02.2024: complete reimbursement of conference fees
- Cancellation until incl. 20.03.2024: 50% of conference fees are to be payed
- Cancellation after the 20.03.2024: 100% of conference fees are to be payed
Conflincts of interest and Sponsoring
The content of this event will be designed to be product and service neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose potential conflicts of interest to the participants.
Contact details
General inquiries and comments (not for registration): gtp2024(a)
Registration: Online via this link
Banking details
Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und
Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP) e. V.
Volksbank Ahlen-Sassenberg-Warendorf
IBAN: DE 95 4126 2501 1102 1632 03
Betreff: “GTP2024 contribution, your full name”
Abstract submission (Deadline 31.1.24): via Email to gtp2024_abstracts(a)