German Society for Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health (GTP) e.V.
Children die every day from diseases that are mostly curable. 1 million children die every year during birth.
42/ 1.000
Children in the world do not live to their 5th birthday due to infections and malnutrition.
of child mortality are still carried by countries with limited ressources in Africa and South Asia.

43rd GTP Annual Conference
2 – 4 May, 2025
Gießen, Germany
Topic: Decolonizing Global Child Health: Critical Reflections and Dialogue to Ensure the Right to Health for All Children Worldwide

5-9 May 2025
Save the Date!

Active for Global Child Health
As an international network of doctors, scientists, and nurses, we are committed to both preventive and curative efforts to improve healthcare for children and adolescents in countries with limited resources.
GTP unterstützt den Aufruf für eine stärkere globale Gesundheitspolitik
Angesichts der jüngsten politischen Entwicklungen unterstützt der Vorstand der GTP den Aufruf von GLOHRA (German Alliance for Global Health Research) um die globale Kindergesundheit zu schützen.
TropPaed 2025 – 15th Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health
The course is fully booked! You’re welcome to register for the waiting list – we’ll keep you updated!
Paediatric ETAT+ Training
Next ETAT courses: February 21-23, 2025 at Difäm in Tübingen; May 16-18, 2025 in Münster; September 26-28, 2025 in Hamburg
IPUN Ultrasound Courses
The EKFS GTP Paediatric Ultrasound Network offers international ultrasound courses. We look forward to your registration!
Klinikpartnerschaft GTP – Department of Paediatrics & Child Health an der Universität von Dodoma, Tansania (2021-2024)
In Fortführung des sehr erfolgreichen Facharztprogramms für angehende PädiaterInnen in Mwanza und Dodoma engagiert sich die GTP in Kooperation mit der GIZ, finanziert durch die EKFS und das BMZ, seit 2021 in der Facharztausbildung in Dodoma.
!!! Es werden aktuell Dozenten gesucht !!!
Klinikpartnerschaft GTP – Department of Paediatrics & Child Health an der Universität von Dodoma, Tansania (2021-2024)
In Fortführung des sehr erfolgreichen Facharztprogramms für angehende PädiaterInnen in Mwanza und Dodoma engagiert sich die GTP in Kooperation mit der GIZ, finanziert durch die EKFS und das BMZ, seit 2021 in der Facharztausbildung in Dodoma.
!!! Es werden aktuell Dozenten gesucht !!!
Friede-Springer endowed professorship for Global Child Health
Have a look at new and current activities of Prof. Dr. Ralf Weigel and his team within the department of Germany's first professorship for Global Child Health!
Hospital partnership GTP – Newborn unit at the Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) in Dar Es Salaam (Phase I: 2018-2020; Phase II: 2020-2023)
In a cooperation project with GIZ, funded by EKFS and BMZ, GTP has been involved in newborn care at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania since the end of 2018.
!!! We are currently looking for lecturers !!!
Clinical Partnership GPT-Malawi (2017-2019)
In a cooperation project with GIZ, funded by EKFS and BMZ, GTP, supported by foring, engaged in specialist paediatric training in Malawi from 2017 to 2019.
Paediatric specialty training in Tanzania (2016-2020)
This project received the Else Kröner-Fresenius Prize for Medical Development Cooperation 2016, which is endowed with 100,000 euros.