3.-5.5.24 in Hamburg (ETAT+ Course)

31.5.-2.6.24 in Münster (ETAT Instructor Course)

27.9.-29.9.24 in Stuttgart (ETAT+ Course)



  • Target group: Medical health professionals with work experience in preparation for an assignment abroad in LMIC (e.g. doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics; no students, sorry!)
  • Course language: English
  • Course organizer: AG ETAT of the GTP
  • Stuttgart: Stuttgart Pediatric and Patient Simulator (STUPS)
  • Hamburg: Children’s Hospital Wilhelmstift
  • Course fees: Physicians 380€, all others 190€.
  • Registration


The ETAT concept

ETAT+ (Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment) is a structured and proven effective intervention specifically designed for use in primary health care settings with limited resources in East Africa and Asia. It is used to reach the poorest and most vulnerable children in rural areas.

ETAT guidelines are designed to address common pediatric issues within health facilities in resource-limited settings where

  • Mortality of hospitalized children is high.
  • Many children die within the first 24 h of inpatient admission.

Common barriers in such settings are: inadequate medical care, lack of skills, especially in primary care, no or few written treatment protocols, delays in starting treatment. The ETAT guidelines were developed by the WHO and are an adapted form of the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) guidelines, which are used as standard in industrialized countries. ETAT is used to identify acute life-threatening situations in children that are particularly common in resource-limited settings, such as airway obstruction and other acute infection-related respiratory problems, shock, severe impairment of consciousness (e.g., coma or convulsions), and severe dehydration. In a structured and easy-to-understand manner, ETAT offers a blueprint for recognition and treatment.

The ETAT guidelines were developed in Malawi and clinically tested in several countries, including Angola, Brazil, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya and Niger.

In many areas, ETAT is a cornerstone of first contact with patients.


The paediatric ETAT+ Course

Within the GTP, the ETAT WG was created on the initiative of three graduates of the TropPaed intensive course, who experienced the clinical significance of ETAT in various assignments abroad, trained as tutors and led courses abroad themselves. The first ETAT+ course was successfully hosted in Witten/Herdecke in September 2018 and was very well received. The course is now offered on a regular basis.

The course aims to improve global child health by training professionals and teaching them strategies for triage and treatment of sick children in resource-limited settings. It provides an introduction to a well-organized, high-quality approach to pediatric primary care that can significantly reduce hospital mortality among children.


Course content

Preparation material is provided and students are expected to engage with selected topics in advance.

The course will focus on interactive training sessions and role-playing, each introduced by lectures:

  • Triage of sick children into the following categories:
    • Children with acute problems (“emergency signs”).
    • Children with urgent problems (“priority signs”)
    • Children with symptoms that do not require urgent intervention.
  • Assessment of airway and breathing and initiation of adequate emergency treatment
  • Bag ventilation
  • Assessment of cardiac situation and level of consciousness
  • Adequate treatment of shock, coma and seizures in children
  • Intraosseous access
  • Classification and treatment of severe dehydration in children with diarrheal disease
  • Management of acute severe malnutrition
  • Management of a sick newborn and premature infant
  • Classification and treatment of burns and accidental injuries in children
  • Planning and implementation of the ETAT concept in one’s own work environment


Feedback from course participants

“I liked all of the practical sessions – all very useful.”
“Very practical and structured training.”
“I liked the trainer team: good mixture, lots of experience, passionate teaching.”