Interest groups involved in conceptualizing, organizing, communicating and implementing projects around important topics

All GTP members are invited to join exisiting or to create new working groups and to therefore acitively contribute to GTP activities.

Working Group “Young GTP”

This working group acts as a link between students and the GTP. It serves the purpose of networking, information exchange and continuing education for students and young doctors.

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Working group “Ultrasound”

The ultrasound working group unites colleagues with interest in sonography in resource limited settings. It furthermore runs sonography courses.

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Working group “Health professions”

This working group addresses health professions beyond physicians (i.e. nurses, midwives, psychologists, occupational and physio therapists) with interest in global child health.

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Working Group “ETAT Training”

The working group ETAT emerged on the initiative of three alumni of our TropPaed Course. It serves as a network for people interested in triage and organizes ETAT+ trainings across Germany.

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GTP Jahrestagung

AG GTP-Jahrestagung

Das Tagungskommittee wechselt jährlich und stellt das Programm der GTP-Jahrestagung zusammen, plant und gestaltet die Tagung.

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AG Tropenpädiatrischer Intensivkurs

Diese Arbeitsgruppe plant und gestaltet den jährlich stattfindenden Intensivkurs.

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