Registration ETAT+ course

You can pre-register for the upcoming ETAT+ course using the below form.

Please note
  • The course starts Fridays at 8:30am and ends Sundays at 3pm.
  • Course language is Englisch!
  • Due to the limited number of places we cannot guarantee your participation. The binding registration will only take place after checking capacities. You will receive an email by the organising team within the next couple of days.
  • In case of availability of seats you will receive a confirmation of registration and bank details in order to transfer your fee. After receiving your fee, your registration will be completed.

In case you have questions or problems registrating please contact the organising team!

Application form


    First name*:






    Street & no.:*

    Post code & city/country*:

    Are you a GTP member? noyes


    Current employer:

    Training / specialisation:

    Experience / projects in low and middle income countries:

    Do you have a food preference*:

    Additional information (e.g. allergies, other food restrictions):