You would like to support our commitment for for children world-wide? We appreciate your contribution!


Your donation could help to

  • supply paediatricians in training in low and middle income countries with educational materials (i. e. books) or medical equipment (i. e. an otoscope)
  • organize and hold educational sessions and trainings in countries with limited resources
  • finance the participation of international guests at our annual conferences or at our Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health
  • enhance our visibility and presence at congresses of other societies and therefore help to raise awareness for international child health

We work with minimal administration costs as all GTP members’ contributions to the society are on voluntary basis. A part-time secretary is employed for some tasks around the annual conference and course.

Donations without appropriation are most useful because we are able to use these flexibly depending on the current demand. If you would like to support a specific project or the foundation then please indicate it as subject matter of your payment. In case of your chosen project being fully funded we will contact you with alternative options of where to direct the money to. We do issue contribution receipts.

Bank details

Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und
Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP) e. V.
Volksbank Ahlen-Sassenberg-Warendorf
IBAN: DE 79 4126 2501 1102 1632 00

Thank you very much for your support!