Events Archive
42. GTP Annual Conference - Eisenach
12.4.24 - 13:00
14.4.24 - 15:00
Automobile Welt Eisenach
PD Dr med Carsten Krüger, Ahlen & Dr med Benno Kretzschmar, Eisenach
42. GTP Annual Conference
12.-14. April 2024
Eisenach, Germany
Topic: “Children with disabilities and chronic illness in global health”
CME Credit Point:
Workshops: each 2 points
Friday: 1 point
Saturday: 8 points
Sunday: 4 points
Welcome address
Dear colleagues, students and health workers!
We would like to invite you to our 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health in Eisenach.
Under the guiding theme “Children with disabilities and chronic illness in global health”, the conference will take place from 12-14 April 2024 in the Lutherstadt Eisenach.
In addition to workshops on Friday afternoon and free contributions in the form of short lectures and posters on Saturday, we have planned several sessions with exciting keynote lectures by renowned speakers on the conference theme and on new developments in global child health.
We would especially like to encourage younger colleagues to submit research and project contributions as abstracts and present them at the conference. As every year, the winner of the Helmut Wolf Award will be selected from among the free papers and posters. The prize is endowed with 500.00 Euros.
Together with you we would also like to celebrate a little and cordially invite you to the ‘Get together’ on Friday evening and to our social evening on Saturday.
We would like to make it possible for as many interested people as possible to attend and are therefore offering reduced prices for students and non-physician health professionals.
We are very much looking forward to your participation and to lively, also controversial discussions.
Welcome to Eisenach!
Yours, Carsten Krüger and Benno Kretzschmar
Last update: 04.04.2024
Conference languages: German and English
Nota bene: Photos and videos will be taken during the event to publicize the GTP and its projects
St Georg Klinikum
Martin Luther Gymnasium
Automobile Welt Eisenach
13:00-16:15 GTP Board meeting
St. Georg Klinikum Eisenach
14:00-17:00 Registration at MLG
Martin Luther Gymnasium, Predigerplatz 4, 99817 Eisenach
15:00-18:15 Workshops
“Neo”: St. Georg Klinikum
All other Workshops: Martin Luther Gymnasium
- 15:00-16:30 Workshop “NEO” (WG Health Professions)
“Challenges in the collaboration between the delivery ward and neonatal intensive care unit”
Agnes Mkolozi, Irene Schmidt (in German)
Venue: St Georg Klinikum
. - 15:00-16:30 Workshop “PSY” (young GTP)
“Destigmatising psychiatric diesease”
Khawla Nasser AlDeen (virtual), Veronika Lehner (+ patient), Andrea Vivienne Fey; max. 30 participants (in English)
Venue: Martin Luther Gymnasium
Destigmatising psychiatric disease: Global Perspectives and different approaches on Child and Adolescents Well-being
This session offers a platform for collective dialogue on the global mental health and well-being of children and adolescents. We’ll explore determinants like exposure to conflict and disaster, examining their profound impact on child mental health. Speakers will provide insights into global goals and policies, discussing interdisciplinary interventions for mental health promotion. Drawing from practical experiences, the session will reflect on community-based well-being initiatives and highlight promising efforts to normalize mental health discourse, fostering opportunities for thriving.
. - 16:45-18:15 Workshop “CLIM” (WG Climate Change and. Global Child Health)
“Talking Climate and Environment – communication in youth projects”
Venue: Martin Luther Gymnasium
Special guests: Arved Fuchs and students of the Martin Luther Gymnasium
This workshop will present various youth projects around climate and environment. Those examples will serve as group for discussions around communication strategies and motivators in order to yield ideas for individual action opportunities in all participants’ working environments.
- 16:45-18:15 Workshop “ETAT” (WG ETAT+) – booked out
“ETAT: A simple approach for emergency situations with children in LMIC”
Bernardien Thunnissen, Gudrun Jäger; max. 20 participants (in English)
Venue: Martin Luther Gymnasium
The ETAT (Emergency Treatment Assessment and Treatment) concept is a well-established programme, developed by the WHO and implemented in many countries of the global south. It has been shown that the training in triage, assessment and treatment for emergency situations has reduced the mortality of children. Nurses and doctors planning to work abroad will be prepared for typical emergency situations with an ETAT course. The workshop gives an impression of this course system.
. - 16:45-18:15 Workshop “ONC”
Paediatric oncology and palliative care in ressource-limited settings
Jenny Dörnemann, Thomas Eichholz; participants: no upper limit (in English)
Venue: Martin Luther Gymnasium
The treatment of children with Non-Communicable Diseases is becoming increasingly important in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC). This also includes the treatment of children with oncological diseases or conditions that require palliative treatment. The structures for this and the training of specialists are still being developed in many places in LMIC. These development processes are repeatedly supported by highly committed initiatives and cooperation with German institutions. However, these are often single initiatives.The aim of the workshop is to exchange experiences of previous and current cooperation projects. We want to bring together those interested in this field so that we can support each other and benefit from each other’s experiences. We also want to motivate people to become interested in oncology and palliative care in resource-limited settings.
- 15:00-16:30 Workshop “NEO” (WG Health Professions)
From 17:00 Registration at the AWE
Automobile Welt Eisenach, Friedrich-Naumann-Straße 10, 99817 Eisenach
18:30-18:45 Conference opening (PD Krüger & Dr Kretzschmar)
Automobile Welt Eisenach
18:45-19:45 Keynote lecture (Arved Fuchs)
“Thin ice – global warming and its consequences”
20:00-23:00 Get together
Snacks and drinks
09:00 – 24:00
Automobile Welt Eisenach
09:00 – 10:30 Session I: Children with disabilities and chronic illness – definitions, epidemiology, causes, risk factors
Chairs: R. Moshiro, R. Weigel
- Welcome address by the patron
Mrs. Tina Rudoph, MP - Concepts and global epidemiology of disability and chronic disease in childhood and adolescence
C. Krüger, University Witten/Herdecke - Congenital anomalies and their potential for disabilitiy and chronic illness
J. Lindert, University Rostock - Contribution of the young GTP
A. Reiter, youngGTP
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Session II: Impact of disability and chronic illness on children and their families; mental health aspects
Chairs: T. Harbauer and tba
- Child rights in Malawi with a focus on children with disabilities
E. Magawa, Dedza District Hospital Malawi + University Witten/Herdecke - Kinderschutz in Sierra Leone vs Deutschland
J. Metzger - Caring for children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in the Mbulu area, Tanzania
T. Harbauer, UKE, Hamburg - Clinical outcome of chronic neurological disorders seen in The Gambia
N. Uwaezuoke, Sir Francis Small Teaching Hospital, The Gambia
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:30 Session III: Research and projects in global child healthChairs: S. Gehring, R. Kobbe
Short presentations (13:30-14:30)
- Cross-sectional survey of professionals delivering care for migrant children and adolescents
AJ Esser, Freiburg - Epidemic of chemical-induced multiple organ failure presenting as AKI in young children in The Gambia – the clinicians’ perspective
VU Muoneke, Gambia - Newborn Mortality Can Be Prevented With Timely Screening And Referral Of Congenital Heart Disease And Pulmonary Hypertension
P Freudenthal, Witten - Introduction of ETAT+: A capacity building project in the region of Alaotra-Mangoro/ Madagascar
C Noa, HH Rajaobary, Madagascar - Clinical and socio-demographic profile of children presenting with eosinophilia at a tertiary referral hospital in Nepal
M Jost, Mainz - Examining childhood disability in developing economies and identifying gaps to guide future research
R Nassolo, Uganda (to be confirmed) - Scurrying urine – Schistosomiasis in a refugee
A Hagemann, Freiburg: - Yaws – Resurgence of an old and eliminated infection?
VU Muoneke, Gambia - Treatment regimens and outcomes of cutaneous diphtheria in migrant children and adolescents in Germany, June 2022 – October 2023
A Zink, Freiburg - Possibilities and limitations of Point-of-Care real-time-PCR Truelab® on hospitalized acute febrile children at Bugando Medical Centre in Mwanza, Tanzania
J Plett, Mainz - Physiotherapy for children with disabilities in Malawi
L Braun, Munich - Strengthening paediatric speciality training through the Paediatricians for Malawi project: preliminary findings of a qualitative study
M Nagase, Witten - A partnership to strengthen paediatric emergency care in the Alaotra Mangoro region, Madagascar: preliminary findings of a multipronged approach to capacity building
M Miadanaarisoa/Madagascar, M Fier, Witten - Perceptions of women from a rural community in Northeast Brazil on the impact of the programs Bolsa Família, Cisterns, and PRONAF in their food practices – a qualitative study
M Lopes Simoes, Witten - Incidence of mental health and psychiatric disorders in asylum seeking and refugee minors in 20 refugee shelters of the PriCareNet research network
MC Klein, Freiburg - Clinical profile and short-term outcome of neonates requiring mechanical ventilation at national referral hospital Bhutan
G Lamichaney, Bhutan - The correlation between poor health care and socio-economic status among children in the rural settings of northern Uganda
M Nakanwagi, Uganda (to be confirmed) - Developing paediatric NCD guidelines in Malawi
C. Mchawa, PACHA, Blantyre, Malawi - Supporting children with disabilities with protheses and other means
R. Onesmo, CCBRT Dar, Tanzania - Health services for migrant and refugee children with NCDs and disabilities in Freiburg, Germany
B. Spielberger, University of Freiburg - The PMPH Centre Munich – Improving Medical Care for Children in the Context of Migration
U. v. Both, Haunersches Kinderhospital, University Munich
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:15 Session IV: Approach to disabilities and chronic illness (prevention, treatment, care)
Chairs: R. Onesmo, A. Schultz
17:30 – 19:30 Members’ assembly and election of the new board
Alternative activities for non-members
20:00 – 24:00 Social evening and dinner
Automobile Welt Eisenach (for more details see “program surrounding the conference”)
09:00 – 14:00
Automobile Welt Eisenach
09:00 – 10:30 Session V: Free topics, GCH – German contributions
Chairs: W. Bruchhausen, C. Krüger
- German contributions to global child health (planned)
W. Bruchhausen, C. Krüger - Friede Springer professorship activities
R. Weigel, University Witten/Herdecke - EKFS professorship activities
A. Schultz, University Bonn - Round table discussion: Global Child Health
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 Session VI: New developments in Global Child Health and paediatrics
Chairs: E. Molyneux, F. Mussa (tbc)
- Effect of IPTp on malaria in pregnancy and maternal, fetal and neonatal outcome; community-based research
H. Barsosio, KEMRI, Kisumu, Kenya - IT programme GNU Health and its impact on child health
M. Zarbock, Wolfsburg - Surveillance and Gut Microbiomics in Neonatal Sepsis in Tanzania (MS-GM-NST) – an academic partnership study at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
F. Mussa, MUHAS & R. Kobbe, UKE, Hamburg - Recent research findings in paediatric viral infections in LMICs
S. Gehring, University Mainz
12:30 – 12:45 Awarding of the Helmut-Wolf-Prize
12:45 – 13:00 Farewell
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
Call for abstracts
Abstract-Deadline: 31.01.2024
We are looking forward to your exciting contributions! There will be an oral presentation session and a poster session for free abstracts; in addition, thematically appropriate free papers will be assigned to the individual sessions. Contributions to the conference theme and the cross-cutting theme “Global Child and Adolescent Health” are welcome. Tell us about your scientific or clinical projects or interesting questions.
The entry fee for presenters/authors of accepted abstracts will be reduced by 50% (100% reimbursed for students).
Abstract criteria:
- English or German (preferably Englisch)
- Max. 3000 characters incl. spaces
- Outline for scientific projects: Research question / project description, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion.
- Outline for development cooperation projects: background, project description, results / findings, discussion and conclusions for practice.
Abstracts submission to gtp2024_abstracts(a) with the subject “Abstract GTP2024”
The abstracts will be published online on our GTP homepage.
The Helmut Wolf Prize (endowment 500.00 EUR) will be awarded among the submitted free abstracts (more details on the prize at
Attention: Change of venue!
(as of 10.03.2024)
St. Georg Klinikum Eisenach
Mühlhäuser Str. 94
99817 Eisenach
Photo Copyright: St Georg Klinikum
WORKSHOPS (except WG Health Professions)
(former Benediktin Monastery)
Predigerplatz 4
99817 Eisenach
Automobile Welt Eisenach (AWE)
Friedrich-Naumann-Str. 10
99817 Eisenach
Photo Copyright:
Program surrounding the conference
Get together from 20:00
Following the keynote lecture at the Automobile Welt Eisenach
With stand-up snack, included in the conference price. We cordially invite you to end the day with us in a cozy get-together and ask you to let us know when you register whether you will be attending.
Alternative program to the members’ assembly
The conference team recommending following seightseeing options which can be visited on your own account:
1) Visiting of the Bachhaus Eisenach. Open until 18:00. Further information to be found on the website of the museum.
2) Tour of the Automobile Eisenach Museum. Open until 18:00 (last entrance at 17:30). Further information to be found on the website of the museum.
Social evening at the AWE from 20:00
Venue: Automobile Welt Eisenach (AWE), Friedrich-Naumann-Straße 10, 99817 Eisenach
Let us surprise you! Includes participation, food and two non-alcoholic drinks. Additional drinks at own expense. Discounted participation for students. Please book when registering for the conference. Subsequent registrations can be accepted until (details to follow) at gtp2024(a)
There is a good selection of accommodation options in Eisenach in walking distance to the venue (max. 10 min).
- Hotel Thüringer Hof
- Hotel Glockenhof
- Hotel B.A.C.H.
- Hotel Kaiserhof
- City Hotel
- Sophienhotel
- Hotel am Markt
- Haus Hennesburg
- B&B Hotel
- Hostel & Pension Alte Brauerei
Registration, fees and cancellation policy
Important notice:
If you need to apply for a visa to attend the conference, please note the following information:
Please inform yourself BEFORE registering about the necessary documents, applicable processing times and available dates for issuing visas at the relevant embassy (we recommend at least 3-4 months lead time)
A letter of invitation can only be issued after a) complete personal online registration (including passport number and request to receive a letter of invitation) and b) payment of the conference fees has been received.
Please make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months after your return date
Conference fees
Early bird (until incl. 31.1.24) | Regular fee (from 1.2.24) | ||
GTP member | Physician | € 150 | € 180 |
Student / non-physician health professional | € 30 | € 50 | |
Non GTP member | Physician | € 180 | € 210 |
Student / non-physician health professional | € 40 | € 60 | |
Social evening | Regular | € 40 | € 40 |
Student | € 20 | € 20 | |
Accompanying person | € 40 p.p. | € 40 p.p. | |
Day ticket Saturday or Sunday | In case of last minute booking payment is made cash or via direct transfer on site | € 90 per day | € 90 per day |
CME Punkte:
Workshops: je 2 Punkte
Freitag: 1 Punkt
Samstag: 8 Punkte
Sonntag: 4 Punkte
Cancellation policy:
- Cancellation until incl. 28.02.2024: complete reimbursement of conference fees
- Cancellation until incl. 20.03.2024: 50% of conference fees are to be payed
- Cancellation after the 20.03.2024: 100% of conference fees are to be payed
Conflincts of interest and Sponsoring
The content of this event will be designed to be product and service neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose potential conflicts of interest to the participants.
Contact details
General inquiries and comments (not for registration): gtp2024(a)
Registration: Online via this link
Banking details
Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und
Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP) e. V.
Volksbank Ahlen-Sassenberg-Warendorf
IBAN: DE 95 4126 2501 1102 1632 03
Betreff: “GTP2024 contribution, your full name”
Abstract submission (Deadline 31.1.24): via Email to gtp2024_abstracts(a)
TropPaed 2024 - Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health
15.-19. April 2024
(Arrival: 14. April 2024)
Schloß Rauischholzhausen
Participants: max. 50
Course language: English
After the cancellation of the course in 2021 due to the pandemic and the postponement of the TropPaed course and the GTP annual conference to the warm season in order to minimise the risk of a face-to-face event due to COVID-related restrictions, we are pleased to again invite you to Rauischholzhausen in May!
We would like to offer you again a varied programme of lectures, practical small group work and clinically oriented seminars. In addition, there will be plenty of time for international exchange of plans and experiences.
As our planning progresses, you will continually find more details about the timetable and lecturers on this page.
Preliminary program
Here you will find the preliminary topics of the course. On some days, case studies of the international guests will be presented and an evening programme will take place.
Please note: small changes to time and in rare cases content of lectures can occur
Possibility of dinner on the day of arrival (start between 19-20 hrs).
Daily breakfast (7-8:30), lunch (approx. 12:45-14:15) and dinner (approx. 18:45-20)
Two coffee breaks
Partial optional evening programme after dinner
Thursday evening: Farewell party with theme!
Departure on Friday after lunch around 14:00.
Pandemics: Current regulations will be announced before the course starts.
Optional possibility of arrival already on Sunday.
Check-in from 5 pm with dinner around 7-8 pm.
Start: ca. 8:45 — Ende: ca. 21 Uhr
- Introduction round
- Introduction to Global Child Health
- Further program: tba
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21 Uhr
- The critically ill child
- Introductions to: Malaria, Severe malnutrition, neurological emergencies, ETAT
- Practical small groups on: Shock, severe malnutrition, neurological and respiratory emergencies, ETAT, malaria
- Case presentations
- Further program: tba
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21 Uhr
- Neonatology in resource limited settings
- Obstetrics in resource limited settings
- Practical small groups on: CPAP/KMC, neonatal rescucitation, gastroschisis, neonatology, interventions
- Further program: tba
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21 Uhr
- Introduction to: Malnutrition, tuberculosis, HIV
- Practical small groups on: malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
- Further program: tba
- Farewell party
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 14:00
- Practical small groups on: malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
- Further program: tba
- Feedback and farewell
Fees and Registration
The course fees are non-profit and calculated to cover course costs and to co-finance participation of international scholarship holders. The price includes course participation, accommodation from 14-19 April 2024, meals and coffee breaks from Sunday (dinner) to Friday (lunch) and course materials. The price does not include alcoholic beverages and drinks outside of those served at meals and coffee breaks, as well as transport costs and any compulsory medical testing which may incur due to pandemics.
Scholarships for colleagues from LMIC are available. Applications will be received until August 15th 2023 (to: gtpscholarship(a) Please send us a motivational letter, CV and reference letter. Further details: “Förderung internationaler Kollegen“.
Scholarships for colleagues from LMIC are available. Applications will be received until August 15th 2023 (to:gtpscholarship(a) Please send us a motivational letter, CV and reference letter. Further details under “Förderung internationaler Kollegen“.
Cancellation Policy
If you need or chose to withdraw your course registration we will try to fill your spot with someone from the waiting list. Additionally you will have the chance to present a substitute yourself. If your registration can be filled with someone else, we will refund you with the full course fees minus a 50 Euro handling fee. If your spot cannot be filled, we will charge you the full course fee.
Regular fee non-member
from 12.2.24Regular fee non-member
Early Bird until 12.2.24Member GTP/ESPID
from 12.2.24Member GTP/ESPID
Early Bird until 12.2.24Venue
We are pleased to be able to hold our course again at Schloss Rauischholzhausen, the conference and training centre of the University of Gießen. This historic and beautiful venue is perfect for our course as it offers the possibility of accommodating all participants, organisers and lecturers in one place, good facilities and a very fair financial framework. The versatile room selection meets our demand of lectures combined with small group work. Catering includes three main meals and two coffee breaks per day. All but one main meal will be vegetarian. Hosting the course there for the first time in 2016 has proven to be a complete success. We will keep you informed about potential current hygiene regulations here on our homepage.
Sponsoring and support
We sincerely thank all the volunteer co-organisers of the course for their years of dedication as well as our financial supporters!
We assure you that our intensive course is designed to be product and service neutral and all content is independent of commercial interests. No services and/or products are advertised. Possible conflicts of interest are disclosed in a self-disclosure.
European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Kindermissionswerk “Die Sternsinger”
41st GTP Annual Conference 2023 - Bonn
Bonn, Germany
Section Global Health of the UKB
41. GTP Annual Conference
12th-14th May 2023
Bonn, Germany
Conference theme: Learning and Teaching in Global Child Health
CME points
Datum | Inhalt | VNR-Nr. / CME Punkte |
Freitag 12.5.23 (12:00-22:00) | Workshops Eröffnungszeremonie | VNR: 2760512023013700083 Kategorie: A | Fortbildungspunkte: 7 |
Samstag 13.5.23 (8:30-17:00) | Teaching & Learning I Migration - a current issue in Child Health Novelties in Clinical Paediatrics | VNR: 2760512023013700091 Kategorie: A | Fortbildungspunkte: 8 |
Sonntag 14.5.23 (9:00-12:50) | Teaching & Learning II New ideas and approaches in Child Health | VNR: 2760512023013700109 Kategorie: A | Fortbildungspunkte: 4 |
Welcome address
We would like to cordially invite you to our 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health.
Under the guiding theme “Teaching. Tomorrow. Together. — Learning and Teaching in the Context of Global Child Health”, the meeting will take place from 12 to 14 May 2023 in the Beethoven and UN city of Bonn. In addition to various workshops and submitted abstracts, you can expect exciting keynote speeches from renowned speakers as well as the chance to make and refresh personal contacts.
Aspects of teaching and learning related to international child health will be presented in medical as well as socio-cultural thematic complexes in a global as well as local context. As usual, however, the annual conference also gives enough space to present other current and relevant aspects of global child health.
Together with you, we would also like to celebrate and cordially invite you to our social evening on 13 May 2023. We will sail on the Rhine through the night, want to eat and dance to live music.
We would like to make it possible for as many interested people as possible to attend and offer reduced prices for students and health professionals as well as childcare during the conference.
We are very much looking forward to your coming and to lively discussions.
Dr Andreas Schultz (Conference President) with Dr Claudia von Both, Dr Noa Freudenthal, Dr Andreas Hansmann, Andrea Jütte, Dr Sarah Kotsias-Konopelska, Dr Carsten Krüger, Eva Kuhn, Dr Hans-Jörg Lang, Dr Christian Schmidt and Dr Ralf Weigel
Conference program
Last Update: 20.04.23
Conference language: English
Nota bene: During the event, photos and films will be taken by the GTP and the Global Heath Section for public relations purposes.
Details regarding workshops, fireside talks and the World Café are to be found here.
Call for abstracts
Abstract submission is closed.
The Scientific Committee of the annual conference 2023 of the Society for Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health e.V. invites Global Child Health clinicians, practitioners, researchers and policy makers to submit their abstract for (poster) presentation. We look forward to scientific and/or clinical projects, thought-provoking questions and lessons learned.
You may submit your abstract as
- topical abstract – related to the overarching conference theme,
- a free abstract – not related to the conference theme, but still within the scope of Global Child Health.
The abstract can be accepted either as a presentation or a poster. If your abstract is accepted, you automatically take part in the selection process for the Helmut-Wolf-Preis. The price is awarded for the best presentation or poster on the conference.
Please submit your abstract to Globalhealthevents(a) with the subject line “GTP-Abstract”.
Criteria for your Abstract
- Only submissions in English will be accepted.
- Submit your abstract as a PDF file.
- Give your full name and affiliation in the e-mail text.
- Do not include any personal information in the abstract document to enable blind review.
- Structure your abstract as follows:
- Research Abstract: title, research question, method, results, discussion
- Project Abstract: title, project description, lessons learned
- The abstract must not exceed 3.000 characters (including blank spaces).
- Indicate below the abstract
- if you deem it to be a topical or free abstract,
- if you prefer to present orally or a poster.
Workshop Sessions (Friday 13:00-17:30)
University Hospital Bonn
Lehrgebäude (A10)
Venusberg-Campus 1
D - 53127 Bonn
How to get there
Opening ceremony (Saturday 18:30)
Hörsaal 2
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5
D - 53115 Bonn
Conference program Saturday and Sunday
Hörsaal A
Nussallee 10
D - 53115 Bonn
How to get there
Social program
General Information
The conference team has created a PDF with useful information about sightseeing in Bonn.
Instead of a second workshop, we offer the opportunity to get to know Bonn better on a guided city tour. The city tour will then end at the location of the conference kick-off. Please let us know your interest in this city tour when registering (deadline: 20.4.23). For people who are not members of the GTP, a city tour on Saturday afternoon will be offered as an alternative.
Following the conference kick-off, we invite you to a get-together with snacks and drinks. Make new contacts, toast the reunion with colleagues and get into the conference mood.
For people who are not members of the GTP, a guided city tour will be offered during the GTP general meeting. For GTP members, a city tour will take place on Friday afternoon.
Please let us know your interest in this city tour when registering (deadline: 20.4.23).
We cordially invite you to spend Saturday evening with a buffet and live music and dancing on the MS Poseidon. The ship will depart from bridge 13 after the MV at around 8 p.m. and will sail the Rhine towards Cologne and back towards Koblenz until around 1 a.m.. For all those who want to continue dancing after the end of the cruise, the conference office has further tips and information ready.
We also try to make it possible to leave the ship for the first time around 10.30/23 pm.
The conference organizers have created a list of hotels close to the conference venue of different prize categories. This list can be accessed here.
Registration, fees and cancellation policy
Conference fees
Early bird (until incl. 28.2.23) | Regular fee (from 1.3.23) | ||
GTP member | Physician | € 190 | € 210 |
Student / non-physician health professional | € 80 | € 90 | |
Non GTP member | Physician | € 210 | € 230 |
Student / non-physician health professional | € 90 | € 100 | |
Social evening | Regular | € 50 | € 70 |
Student / non-physician health professional | € 30 | € 40 | |
Accompanying person | € 50 | € 70 | |
Children 0-10 years | € 0 | € 0 | |
Children 10-14 years | € 25 | € 25 | |
Day ticket Friday or Sunday (excl. social events) | To be payed cash or via direct transfer on site | € 70 | € 70 |
Day ticket Saturday (excl. social events) | To be payed cash or via direct transfer on site | € 130 | € 130 |
Day ticket Saturday (excl. social events) | To be payed cash or via direct transfer on site | € 30 | € 30 |
We are pleased to offer you the following discounts.
For invited speakers | No conference fee |
For corresponding author with accepted abstract (presentation and poster) | For the corresponding author the conference fee will be reduced to the student fee. |
For workshop leaders | Excemption from conference fee for one workshop leader per workshop |
For students and apprentices | With presentation of a valid student ID students under the age of 31 years will have the opportunity to take part in the conference free of charge in exchange for being available for 6h or more as a conference facilitator. Indicate in the comments field if you wish to make use of this option. You will get access to a survey at the beginning of May where you can freely indicate when and how you want to help out. |
Credit points
CME points are applied for
Cancellation policy
- In case of cancellation up to and including 15.03.2023, we will refund the entire conference fee.
- In case of cancellation up to and including 10.04.2023, we will refund half of the corresponding conference fee.
- Unfortunately, we cannot make any refunds after 11.4.2023.
Conflicts of interest and Sponsoring
The content of this event will be designed to be product and service neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose potential conflicts of interest to the participants.
We would like to thank the following supporters, whose donations made it possible to hold this event:
Contact information
General inquiries and comments (not for registration): globalhealthevents(a)
Banking details
Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und
Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP) e. V.
Volksbank Ahlen-Sassenberg-Warendorf
IBAN: DE 95 4126 2501 1102 1632 03
Betreff: “GTP2023 Beitrag, Ihr Vor- und Nachname”
Abstract Submission: Closed
TropPaed 2023 - Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health
FULLY BOOKED!!! The five-day intensive course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health has been held annually since 2010, is continuously developed and addresses the most important medical, intercultural, political and infrastructural challenges of global paediatrics.
15-19 May 2023
(Arrival: 14 May 2023)
Schloß Rauischholzhausen
Participants: max. 50
Course language: Englisch
After the cancellation of the course in 2021 due to the pandemic and the postponement of the TropPaed course and the GTP annual conference to the warm season in order to minimise the risk of a face-to-face event due to COVID-related restrictions, we are pleased to invite you to Rauischholzhausen for a second time in May!
We would like to offer you again a varied programme of lectures, practical small group work and clinically oriented seminars. In addition, there will be plenty of time for international exchange of plans and experiences.
As our planning progresses, you will continually find more details about the timetable and lecturers on this page.
Preliminary program
Here you will find the preliminary topics of the course. On some days, case studies of the international guests will be presented and an evening programme will take place.
Please note: small changes to time and in rare cases content of lectures can occur
Possibility of dinner on the day of arrival (start between 19-20 hrs).
Daily breakfast (7-8:30), lunch (approx. 12:45-14:15) and dinner (approx. 18:45-20)
Two coffee breaks
Partial optional evening programme after dinner
Thursday evening: Farewell party with theme!
Departure on Friday after lunch around 14:00.
COVID-19: Current regulations will be announced before the course starts.
Optional possibility of arrival already on Sunday.
Check-in from 5 pm with dinner around 7-8 pm.
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21:00
- ntroduction round
- Introduction to Global Child Health (C. Krüger)
- Programs in international / global health (L. Molyneux)
- Antibiotic stewardship (S. Kotsias-Konopelska)
- Ward management (I. Schmidt, Sr. Sophia)
- Neglected tropical diseases (C. Rothe)
- Sickle cell disease (J. Mwatonoka)
- Intercultural communication (A. Züchner)
- Case presentations
- Climate change (S. Lorenz)
- Evening program: Discussion on climate change
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21:00
- The critically ill child (K. van ‘t Ende)
- Introductions to: Malaria (R. Kobbe), Severe malnutrition (J. Lindert, K. Baumgartner), neurological emergencies (T. Oneko), ETAT (L.Molyneux, AG ETAT)
- Practical small groups on: Shock, severe malnutrition, neurological and respiratory emergencies, ETAT, malaria
- Case presentations
- Decolonizing health (H. Mirza)
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21:00
- Neonatology in resource limited settings (L. Molyneux, M. Köhler)
- Obstetrics in resource limited settings (C. Hach)
- Practical small groups on: CPAP/KMC, neonatal rescucitation, gastroschisis, neonatology, interventions
- Surgery as component of Global Child Health (J. Lindert, T. Mabanza)
- Research in resource limited settings (xxx)
- Evening program: with whom and how to go abroad
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21:00
- Tropical dermatology (C. Adamczick)
- Implementing ultrasound in paediatrics in LMIC (C. Schmidt)
- Case presentations
- Paediatric oncology in Malawi (R. Mzikamanda)
- Palliative care im LMIC (S. Loetz)
- Introduction to: Malnutrition (M. Krawinkel), tuberculosis (F. Brinkmann), HIV (xxxx)
- Practical small groups on: malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
- Farewell party
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 14:00
- Practical small groups on: malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
- Laboratory in basic conditions (xxx)
- Caring for remote populations (P. Santacruz Ortega)
- Feedback and farewell
Course fee and registration
The price includes course participation, accommodation from 14-19 May, meals and coffee breaks from Sunday (dinner) to Friday (lunch) and course materials. The price does not include alcoholic beverages and drinks outside of those served at meals and coffee breaks, as well as transport costs and any compulsory Sars-CoV-2 testing we may incur.
Scholarships for colleagues from LMIC are available. Applications will be received until Octobre 15th 2022 (to: gtpscholarships(a) Please send us a motivational letter, CV and reference letter. Further details: “Förderung internationaler Kollegen“.
Regular fee non-member
from 16.3.23Regular fee non-member
Early Bird until 15.3.23Member of GTP/ESPID
from 16.3.23Mitglieder-Preis GTP/ESPID
Early Bird until 15.3.23Venue
We are pleased to be able to hold our course again at Schloss Rauischholzhausen, the conference and training centre of the University of Gießen. This historic and beautiful venue is perfect for our course as it offers the possibility of accommodating all participants, organisers and lecturers in one place, good facilities and a very fair financial framework. The versatile room selection meets our demand of lectures combined with small group work. Catering includes three main meals and two coffee breaks per day. All but one main meal will be vegetarian. Hosting the course there for the first time in 2016 has proven to be a complete success. We will keep you informed about current Sars-CoV-2 hygiene regulations here on our homepage.
Sponsoring and support
We sincerely thank all the volunteer co-organisers of the course for their years of dedication as well as our financial supporters!
We assure you that our intensive course is designed to be product and service neutral and all content is independent of commercial interests. No services and/or products are advertised. Possible conflicts of interest are disclosed in a self-disclosure.
European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Kindermissionswerk “Die Sternsinger”
Rückblick GTP2022 Basel - Bericht und Film
Liebe GTP Mitglieder und Interessierte,
wir freuen uns Ihnen als Abschluss einer gelungenen Tagung in Basel einen Abschlussfilm sowie einen Bericht online stellen zu können und laden Sie herzlich zu diesem Ausklang ein. Wir danken dem engagiertem Organisationsteam sowie allen an dem Gelingen der Tagung beteiligten Personen!
Wer sich noch einmal auf der Originalseite der Tagung umschauen und z.B. das detaillierte Programm einsehen möchte, der folge diesem Link oder blicke in das Programmheft.
Die 40. Jahrestagung der GTP fand in diesem Jahr erstmalig in der Schweiz statt. Wir wählten Basel als Austragungsort, da uns mit dieser Stadt professionelle und persönliche Kontakte verknüpfen. Mitglieder des Organisations-komitees pflegen enge Verbindungen mit dem Schweizer Tropeninstitut oder arbeiten an der Universitätskinderklinik. Günstig erschien auch die gute Erreichbarkeit für die Deutschen Teilnehmer.
Das Zentrums für Lehre und Forschung des Universitätsklinikums bot einen idealen Rahmen und ausreichend Räumlichkeiten für die verschiedenen Programmpunkte der Tagung, wie verschiedene Workshops zu Beginn der Tagung, der Posterpräsentation und das ausreichend grosse Auditorium.
Jedes Jahr bestimmen die Ausrichter:innen der Tagung das Leitthema. Dieses Jahr wählten wir den Titel: Integrating General Paediatrics in Health Systems of Resource Limited Settings: Scope of the Speciality and Needs Assessment on Staffing and Logistics. Damit sollte die Aufmerksamkeit auf viele Innovationen bezüglich Diagnostik und Therapie geleitet werden, aber unter Berücksichtigung oft ungenügender Personaldichte oder Ausbildungsgrad.
Unter den gut 200 Teilnehmer:innen konnten wir 11 eingeladene internationale Gäste begrüssen, die schon die Wochen zuvor an unserem jährlichen Intensivkurs in Internationaler Kindergesundheit in Rauischholzhausen teilgenommen hatten.
Es wurden 18 Poster akzeptiert und präsentiert, 5 davon als Kurzvortrag während des Hauptprogramms. Eine Studie zu Nachbetreuung schwer kranker Kinder nach Entlassung in ihren Heimatbezirk wurde mit dem Helmut Wolf Preis ausgezeichnet.
Als Auftakt zur Tagung wurden diesmal 5 Workshops angeboten, die auf grosses Interesse stiessen. Erstmalig wurde der Klimawandel und post-koloniale Entwicklungshilfe thematisiert. Aufgrund der grossen Nachfrage werden die Kapazitäten hierfür in den kommenden Jahren ausgebaut werden.
Zum Auftakt des Hauptprogramms richtete Prof Utzinger vom SwissTPH die Grussworte an die Teilnehmer und betonte die Bedeutung der Pädiatrie innerhalb der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit, der jedoch vielfach nicht genügend Aufmerksamkeit und Förderung zuteil wird.
Die erste Session bot einen Querschnitt durch konkrete Anwendungen digitaler Programme zur verbesserten Erfassung klinischer Daten, Gebrauch diagnostischer und therapeutischen Algorithmen sowie Apps, die durch präzise Befunderhebung die Erarbeitung therapeutischer und individueller Anfertigung von Hilfsmittel unterstützt.
Die Vorstellung von GTP Projekten und Beispiele Schweizer Engagements in Ländern mit niedrigem Einkommen bot Anlass zum Erfahrungsaustausch und Werbung zur Mitarbeit.
Neu wurde den Teilnehmern für die Themen der pädiatrischen Chirurgie, palliativen Medizin, der Rehabilitation und nicht infektiöser, chronischer Erkrankungen ein Forum zur Diskussion und Vernetzung geboten. Die Krankheitslast, mit Konsequenz für Gesundheitssysteme und Familien wurden eindrücklich präsentiert und diskutiert. Diese Themen werden auch sicher in Zukunft innerhalb der GTP mehr Beachtung finden.
Innovationen in Diagnostik und Therapie bezüglich bedeutungsvollen Infektionserkrankungen innerhalb der pädiatrischen Bevölkerung in Ländern des globalen Südens waren Schwerpunkt der Vorträge am letzten Tagungstag. Neben der kritischen Betrachtung aktueller Therapieadaptation für Malaria wurden neue Ansätze in der Therapie von Helminthosen und Sepsis vorgestellt. Abschließend setzte sich das Auditorium nach Impulsvorträgen und Paneldiskussion kritisch mit der Auswirkung der Coronapandemie auf internationale Impf- und Gesundheitsprogramme auseinander.
Der Gesellschaftsabend im Atlantis bot allen Gästen eine weitere willkommene Gelegenheit Kontakte professioneller und privater Art zu knüpfen.
Herzlich danken möchten wir unseren Sponsoren für die großzügige finanzielle Unterstützung, ohne die es nicht möglich gewesen wäre, engagierte internationale Gäste und Referenten zur Bereicherung der Veranstaltung einzuladen.
40th GTP Annual Conference 27.-29. May 2022
Basel, Switzerland
Dr. Charlotte Adamczick
Dr. Gudrun Jäger
27-29th May 2022
Basel, Switzerland
Conference theme: “Integrating General Paediatrics in health systems of resource limited settings; scope of the speciality and needs assessment on staffing and logistics“
CME points:
18 CME points in Germany
4 credits by the SGP (Swiss Society of Paediatrics)
Update: Hygiene concept and registration process
Hygiene concept
For the GTP and many of you, this will be the first face-to-face meeting after the Coronavirus pandemic. To comply with the University Hospital regulations, we are obliged to wear a face (surgical) mask when entering the premises including the lecture hall and the foyer. We would therefore request for you to wear your mask during the entire event.
Presentation of a negative rapid test at registration is not required and no G2 status will be checked at the entrance. However, we would like to ask you to take a rapid test at home or at a test centre before you arrive.
Should you have any symptoms compatible with a Coronavirus infection, please…. stay at home/ask at reception for a rapid test/get a rapid test before attending and take extra social distancing measures.
In view of our numerous guests and scholarship holders from abroad who will be visiting German hospitals after the conference, we have a responsibility towards our guests and wider community to ensure we all stay safe and would kindly like to (take special care and) ask for your understanding and cooperation.
All information on the Corona rules can also be found on the homepage.
Registration first!
Before joining a workshop or the conference, facilitators and participants have to (Please) register first at the Centre for Teaching and Research (ZLF), entrance Hebelstraße 20. You will find the directions on the website and also attached. At registration you will be given directions to the venues of the various workshops and meetings.
The bus line No. 30, stops directly at this entrance.
The bus line No. 11, stops at the main entrance Spitalstraße. Please do not use this entrance (!), just walk around the building to Hebelstraße 20.
For better vizualisation refer to our site map.
Greetings from the organizors
Dear GTP members, dear interested colleagues!
The 40th Annual Meeting of the GTP in 2022 will take place in Basel, Switzerland – outside of Germany for the first time. This multifaceted, international city does not only offers favorable geographical conditions. We have well established contacts with the Swiss Tropical Institute and the University Children’s Hospital. Long-time GTP members have also found a new personal and professional home in Switzerland.
In recent years, the work of the GTP (TropPaed course, ETAT courses) has enjoyed increasing attention from Swiss colleagues. By organizing the annual meeting in Switzerland, we would like to take the opportunity to exchange views on the topics of global child health with a broad circle of like-minded people here, in an environment with a long tradition and experience in the field of tropical medicine and global health, to make the activities of the GTP better known, to advertise for collaboration and to promote networking.
The main theme of the upcoming conference will be ” Integrating General Paediatrics in health systems of resource limited settings; (scope of the speciality and needs assessment on staffing and logistics”).
With this choice of topics, we would like to discuss the complexities that lead to well-structured pediatric primary care. In many areas of pediatric care, significant progress has been made in recent years. International programs such as those to combat malaria, HIV, TB, strengthening immunization strategies, and neonatal programs contributed significantly to reducing child mortality.
Yet today, many partner countries lack structured pediatric preventive and surgical care. There is a lack of outpatient clinics with adequate diagnostic capabilities for chronic, endocrinological and neurological diseases, as well as palliative care and continuous, good quality monitoring and follow-up.
In the next weeks you will find updates of the program and information about our speakers here on our website.
We look forward to a lively international exchange with you about experiences and approaches that help us to give children worldwide a good start in life through improved health care systems and to accompany them through their childhood and adolescence.
Gudrun Jäger und Charlotte Adamczick
Conference Presidents.
The organizing team
Times are stated as CET.
Last update: 05.05.2022
Friday 13:00 - 22:00
13:00-18:00 – Registration and poster set-up
13:30-15:30 – Workshops part 1
- Ultrasound in LMICs
- Fully booked: Workshop of the working group climate change and global child health
- How (not) to go abroad
15:45-17:45 – Workshops part 2
- Ultrasound in LMICs
- Paediatric surgery in LMIC: Gastroschisis Workshop
- Titles changed: “Medicine under difficult conditions” and “How does western e-mobility affect the human rights situation in Congo?” (Working group health professions)
- Workshop of the working gruop ETAT+
- Postkolonial development policies
15:30-18:00 – Board meeting
18:15-18:45 – Conference opening
- Welcome note by the organizers (C. Adamczick, G. Jäger)
- Welcome note by the GTP chairs (S. Kotsias-Konopelska, C. Schmidt)
- Welcome note by the Deputy Medical Director of the University Children’s Hospital Basel UKBB’ (S. Schulzke)
18:45-19:45 – Keynote lecture
Global Child Health after the easy victories: time to step up for the difficult ones
T. Tylleskär – University Bergen & FESTMIH
19:45-20:00 – Short film: Interviews with children world-wide
20:00-22:00 – Get together and Apero riche
Saturday 8:30 - open end
8:30-8:40 Welcome note and introduction to the academic program
J. Uetzinger – SwissTPH
8:40-10:00 Session 1: “Healthy (IT) systems” to reach every child in countries with restricted and limited resources
Challenges and opportunities in a changing world of communication. How to reach every child from the hospital to remote communities, through new health technologies and telemedicine to provide sustainable quality care and empower health personal.
Chairs: C. Adamczick, P. Meißner
- 8:40-9:00 How to make health care as affordable and accessible as possible: challenges and lessions learnt from West and Central Africa
N. Schramm – UNICEF - 9:00-9:20 “Banda Health”: a cloud-based clinic management system to empower healthcare providers in low-income communities across Africa to get the most out of the available resources
S. Letchford – Kijabe Hospital, Kenia & Cofounder and president of Banda Health - 9:20-9:35 Digital health solutions for child care in LMICs – the example of ALMANACH
A. Junker – SwissTPH digital health unit - 9:35-9:45 Abstract: Burden reduced cleft lip and palate care and healing – optimizing treatment strategy with minimal burden for patients and health systems
B. Gözcü – Cooperation BRCCH, Basel, Warsaw, Hyderabad
9:45-10:00 Abstract: Digital Media supporting patients with skin diseases in Sub Saharan Africa
P. Schmid
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Session 2: GTP projects, partnerships and Swiss organizations
Overview of GTP projects and working groups and presentation of Swiss organizations related to global child health
Chairs: S. Kotsias-Konopelska, C. Schmidt
- 10:30-10:45 Neonatology in Tanzania: Residence program
A. Züchner – CCBRT, Tanzania - 10:45-11:00 EKFS/GTP paediatric ultrasound network: experiences from international teaching and practical training courses
C. Schmidt – St. Vinzenz Hosp. Dinslaken - 11:00-11:15 The ETAT program at a glance and experiences from GTP courses
J. Lindert – Great Ormond St. Hosp. London
B. Zimmer – Universität Münster
S. Loetz – Olgaspital Stuttgart - 11:15-11:30 Training and strengthening of health systems in Sierra Leone in cooperation with the MoH
G. Jäger – Kinderspital St. Gallen - 11:30-12:00 Presentations of Swiss foundations and organizations (10 min each):
1. Paediatric critical care in LMIC with refugee crisis
R. Anderson – Zurich University Hospital, MSF Swiss
2. Calcutta Project Basel – A student-led project in the fields of health and prevention
Z. Roth – Foundation Calcutta Project Basel
3. 30 year experience of Kantha Bopha Children Hospitals in Cambodia
Michael Grotzer – Director University Children Hospital Zurich, vice president Katha Bopha Foundation
12:00-13:15 Lunch and poster walk
13:15-14:40 Session 3: Preventive Child Health, chronic diseases and NCDs
Is prevention and screening for child and adolescent illnesses neglected in Global Child Health?
Chairs: F. Jäger, W. Schimana
- 13:15-13:45 Promoting health and wellbeing in children and adolescents; the role of school health
V. Baltag & B. Delmans – WHO department of maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health. - 13:45-14:00 Burden of NCDs and chronic diseases in LMICs with a focus on Allergies and Asthma
A. Weise – Kaltenkirchen - 14:00-14:15 The diagnostic and treatment gap in child neurology in low resource settings – Example East Africa
T. Oneko – Kenya Medical Institute, Center for Global Health Research - 14:15-14:25 Abstract: Continuum of care for low birth weight infants in the neonatal period in Ghana – A constructivist grounded theory study
C. Schuler – Zurich - 14:25-14:35 Abstract: Travel time to reach health care facilities in the referral pathway for paediatric emergency treatment in Boeny, Madagascar
M. Braun – University Witten/Herdecke - 14:35-14:40 Discussion
14:40-15:10 Coffee break
15:10-17:15 Session 4: Paediatric surgergy, – orthopedics, rehabilitation and palliative care in LMICs
While some children may be cured through minor operations, others have a long way to go in rehabilitation and physiotherapy, where it is available. When cure is no longer possible, families and caretakers need special attention and support.
Chairs: J. Lindert, tba
- 15:10-16:10 Surgery
15:10-15:25 Global Paediatric Surgery
N. Wright – UK
15:25-15:40 Gastroschisis care at Bugando Medical Center, Tanzania
A. Masenga – Bugando Medical Center
15:40-15:50 Paediatric injury: a call to action for a looming epidemic
D. Mazingi – Zimbabwe
15:50-16:00 Improved clubfoot treatment through local networking – experiences in a project in Orissa/India
B. Speth – UKBB, Basel
16:00-16:10 Paediatric burns
W. Bislima – Bukavu General Hospital - 16:10-17:15 The child with disability and need for rehabilitation
16:10-16:25 Rehabilitation and physiotherapy in low-income communities in Kenya
S. Letchford – Kijabe Hospital, Kenia
16:25-16:40 Care-program for young patients with Albinism in Malawi
R. Moser
16:40-17:00 Is paediatric palliative care possible in settings with limited ressources?
S. Loetz – Olgaspital Stuttgart
J. Chikwana – Zomba Regional Hospital, Malawi
17:00-17:15 Celebrating Carers: Recognising the Contribution of Family Carers and Addressing their Needs in Low and Middle-Income Countries
A. Patil – NGO Carers world-wide
17:15-19:00 GTP member assembly
19:30 Social evening and dinner at the “Atlantis” in Basel Old Town
Sunday 8:30 - 13:30
8:30 – 10:30 Session 5: New strategies to diagnose and treat high burden infectious diseases within the paediatric community and ways to implement those in existing health systems, keeping a critical eye!
Chairs: E. Molyneux, S. Gehring
- 8:30-8:45 Innovative drugs in helminth infection suitable for the paediatric population
J. Keiser – SwissTPH, Department of Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology - 8:45-9:00 Abstract: Effectiveness of rectal artesunate as pre-referral treatment for children with severe malaria in sub-Saharan Africa
M. Hetzel – Swiss TPH - 9:00-9:15 Malaria Elimination in the Greater Mekong Region
L. v. Seidlein – Mahidol Oxford Tropical Research Unit, Bangkok - 9:15-9:45 TB care integrated in general paediatic health services; update on guidelines and application
S. Verkuijl – WHO Global Tb program
M. Casenghi – WHO Pedaids - 9:45-10:00 New international guidelines on Sepsis treatment
L. Schlapbach – University Childrens’ hospital Zürich - 10:00-10:10 Abstract: Use of a 9-valent-RT-PCR-ELISA in acute febrile patients
G. Haist – University Hospital Mainz - 10:10-10:20 Abstract: Clinical Characteristics, transmission rate and outcome of neonates born to COVID-19 positive mothers: a prospective case series from a low and middle income country
M. Rood – Suriname, Rotterdam - 10:20-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-13:00 Session 6: There is more than just COVID-19
The importance of vaccinations in prevention of childhood illnesses and the impact of COVID-19 on global child health
Chairs: U. Heininger, N. Ritz
- 11:10-11:35 Interruption and consequences of paediatric general services through the COVID-19 pandemic: update, resume and outlook
E. Molyneux – Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital and College of Medicine, Blantyre - 11:35-11:50 Bio-psycho-social aspects in the pandemic; Swiss example and results of the “Ciao Corona” study
S. Kriemler – Leitung “Ciao Corona” Studie - 11:50-12:10 Science meets politics with a global perspective
U. Heininger – UKBB, Department of Infectious Diseases - 12:10-13:00 Panel discussion: Is there something such as “global vaccine equity”?
13:00-13:30 Good-bye and pre-announcements regarding the next annual conference
Call for abstracts
Deadline: 31. March 2022
We invite you to submit abstracts of your research, projects or clinical work related to the themes of our conference. They will be systematically reviewed and considered for oral or poster presentation.
Please send your abstract to: gtp2022-abstracts(a)
Accepted abstracts become eligible for the Helmut Wolf Prize.
Abstract criteria:
- English or German (preferably English)
- 3000 characters (including blank characters) maximum
- Abstract structure: Project description or research question, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.
University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
Spitalstrasse 21 / Petersgraben 4
4031 Basel
Conference entrance:
Hebelstr. 20
Get together
After the conference kick-off, we invite you to socialize over a stand-up snack with drinks. Attendance is included in the conference fee, please indicate your attendance when registering for the purpose of catering planning.
Cultural program during the general meeting.
In the near future, we will provide here a collection of cultural notes for conference participants who will not attend the GTP General Assembly to bridge the time until our joint social evening.
Social Evening.
We look forward to enjoying the social evening with you at the atmospheric Atlantis! With food, drinks and live music, we will have the opportunity to further exchange ideas and celebrate with colleagues.
Basel Youth Hostel is a welcoming accommodation close to the conference venue. In one- to six-bed rooms you can stay inexpensively and at the same time in a stylish atmosphere. For more information on accommodation and room availability, please visit the homepage of the Swiss Youth Hostels.
Registration, Participation and Fees
Early bird (bis inkl. 28.2.22) | Regulärer Preis (ab 1.3.22) | ||
GTP Mitglied | StudentIn / Gesundheitsfachberuf | € 80 | € 90 |
Arzt / Ärztin | € 190 | € 210 | |
Kein GTP-Mitglied | StudentIn / Gesundheitsfachberuf | € 90 | € 100 |
Arzt / Ärztin | € 210 | € 230 | |
Gesellschaftsabend | StudentIn / Gesundheitsfachberuf | € 30 | € 50 |
Regulär | € 50 | € 70 | |
Zusätzliche Begleitperson (sofern noch Kapazitäten) | s.o. | s.o. |
– Absage bis 27.4.2022: Erstattung der gesamten Tagungsgebühr.
– Absage bis 13.5.2022: Erstattung von 50% der Tagungsgebühr.
– Absage ab dem 14.5.2022: Keine Rückerstattung der Tagungsgebühr.
18 CME Punkte
4 credits der SGP (Schweizer Pädiatrische Gesellschaft)
Declaration of Conflict of Interest and Sponsoring
The content of this event will be designed to be product and service neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose potential conflicts of interest to the participants.
We would like to thank the following supporters whose donations made it possible to hold the event:
Contact information
General inquiries and comments (not for registration): sekretariat(a)
Conference registration:
Banking details:
Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und
Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP) e. V.
Volksbank Ahlen-Sassenberg-Warendorf
IBAN: DE 95 4126 2501 1102 1632 03
Re: “GTP2022, your name”
Abstract submission (deadline extended: 31st March 2022): Email:
TropPaed 2022 - 12th Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health
This 5-day-course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child health was initiated in 2010 and has ever since taken place and been developed further on a yearly basis. It addresses the most important medical, intercultural, political and infrastructural aspects of Global Child Health.
22.-27. May 2022
Schloß Rauischholzhausen
Maximal no. of participants: 50
Course language: English
After the cancellation of the course in 2021 due to the pandemic, we are looking forward to welcoming you again in Rauisscholzhausen in 2022!
The registration will be activated shortly. Furthermore, we encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter, through which you will receive up-to-date information on further planning.
In 2022 we will again bei offering you an interesting program of lectures, practical small group work and clinically oriented seminars. In addition, there will be plenty of time for international exchange of plans and experiences.
As our planning progresses, you will continually find more details about the schedule and lecturers on this page.
Provisional Schedule
Here you can find the preliminary topics of the course. There will be an evening program and case presentations from our international guests on some of the days.
If you wish to arrive already one day before the course starts, this is possible for an extra charge of 35 euros for the additional overnight stay. Please select the corresponding option when booking the course. Check-in is possible from 5 pm.
In general, Saturday is used by the organization team for their preparations.
- Arrival and check-in around mid-day
- Lunch
- Registration and Introduction round
- Further details to follow
- Introduction into the caring for a critically ill child in a resource-limited setting
- Practical workshops regarding “the critically ill child” – i.e. malaria, neurological or respiratory emergencies, malnutrition, shock and ETAT
- Further details to be announced
- Gynaecology and Obstetrics
- Neonatology
- Practical workshops regarding interventions in a resource-limited setting (i.e. invasive techniques, KMC, bCPAP, hospital and community neonatology)
- Introduction into the big topics HIV/AIDS, malnutrition and tuberculosis
- Further details to be announced
- Practical workshops about HIV/AIDS, malnutrition and tuberculosis
- Contributions from other specialties (i.e. surgery, dermatology, oncology, family medicine, …)
- Further details to be announced
- Course content to be announced
- Feedback round and good-bye
- Evening: Good-bye party
- Breakfast
- Check-out
- Departure
Fee and application
The price includes course participation, accommodation from 22.5.-27.5., meals and coffee breaks from Sunday noon to Friday morning and course materials. If you wish to arrive already on Saturday, this is possible for an extra charge of 35 Euro for the additional overnight stay. Please select the appropriate option when registering. Not included in the price are alcoholic beverages and drinks outside of those served at meals and coffee breaks, as well as transportation costs and any mandatory Sars-CoV-2 testing that may come our way.
Scholarships for colleagues from countries with limited resources will unfortunately not be awarded in the usual form in 2022. The pandemic-related travel restrictions force us to accept international applications only from selected partner countries where the requirements for entry are met. Thus, with a heavy heart, we will forego the open application process in 2022. In the future we hope to be able to accept applications again in the old way. For this we ask you to send us a letter of motivation including your curriculum vitae. You can find more details on this under the section “sponsoring of international colleagues“.
Regular fee non-member
from 1.4.22Regular fee non-member
Early Bird until 31.3.22Member of GTP/ESPID
from 1.4.22Member of GTP/ESPID
Early Bird until 31.3.22Venue
We are pleased to be able to hold our course again in 2022 at Schloss Rauischholzhausen, the conference and training facility of the University of Giessen. This historic and beautiful venue is tailor-made for our course as it offers the possibility to accommodate all participants, organizers and lecturers in one place, good facilities and a very fair financial framework. The versatile room selection meets our demand of lectures combined with small group work. Catering includes three main meals and two coffee breaks per day. Vegan and vegetarian options are available at each meal. Hosting the course there for the first time in 2016 has proven to be a complete success. We will keep you informed about current Sars-CoV-2 hygiene regulations here on our homepage.
Sponsoring and support
We sincerely thank all the volunteer co-organizers of the course for their years of dedication as well as our financial supporters!
European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Kindermissionswerk “Die Sternsinger”
27.-29. August 2021 | ETAT+ Instructor Course | Hamburg
We`re happy to announce that we could organize our second ETAT+ Instructor Course despite several challenges. Finally, we reached out to hold a three days couse in Hamburg with an international group of participants as well as instructors from August 27th – 29th 2021. After a first pilot course in 2019, which we conducted in Hannover with great support from the UK ETAT team, we planned to perform a course by a mixed instructor team including the German ETAT+ team, UK ETAT team as well as very experienced instructors from the ERC and American heart association (EPALS trainer from Germany, Switzerland as well as the Netherlands).
The goal of the ETAT+ Instructor Course is to teach and enable former ETAT+ course participants who showed instructor potential the possibility to get a deeper insight into adult learning and how to perform it efficiently. The foundation of this instructor course were the teaching methods from the European resuscitation council (ERC) and the course content from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) in UK. A special part of the agenda were group discussions about challenges and important points related to implementing trainings in low resource settings and other cultures. With this background information it should be possible to teach ETAT+ (as well as other simulation trainings) in different countries and cultures even more effectively.
We were lucky that our international instructor team could travel over three country borders from UK, Germany and Switzerland despite the Sars-Cov-2-pandemic restrictions. And even our participants came from different European countries like the Netherlands, Ukraine and Germany. The course was held in the Wilhelmsstift Hospital in Hamburg with great support from the local team.
The three day training was very intense including a lot of practical trainings with personal feedback and room for improvement due to good repetition. It was wonderful to see the fast progress in teaching skills from day to day. All participants enjoyed the good atmosphere, the chance to train under supervision of experienced trainers as well as exchanging ideas with one another.
In total, this course was a great success and we had a fantastic time all together where everyone could benefit from another! This is great networking! This is the future of great instructors who can spread the word of ETAT around the globe!
Thanks to everyone who took part by organisation, participation and teaching!
Gudrun Jäger & Barbara Zimmer for the German ETAT+ Team & international instructors
We are grateful for having been sponsored by the
39th GTP annual conference - Global Child Health in times of pandemics
June 5th 2021 9:00
June 6th 2021 12:00
Virtual conference via Zoom®
Prof. Dr. C. Krüger
Dr. B. Kretzschmar
5th-6th June 2021
Virtual conference via Zoom®
Leading topic: “Global Child Health in times of pandemics“
Greetings from the organizors
Dear colleagues, students and employees in the health care sector!
We would like to cordially invite you to our 39th annual conference, this year unfortunately under pandemic conditions.
Under the guiding theme “Global Child Health in times of pandemics”, the meeting will be held exclusively virtually on June 5th-6th 2021. We want to address the various impacts of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and other risks/determinants on child health, especially in resource-poor countries, and discuss which interventions will enable children, adolescents and their families worldwide to best cope with the implications of this pandemic. This will also have to include the question of what contribution wealthy nations, which are also affected by the pandemic, can and should make.
On Saturday we have scheduled exciting keynote speeches by renowned speakers and free contributions in the form of short presentations for you. Sunday morning will be reserved for workshops. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic situation, we had to refrain from a face-to-face event. Nevertheless we could win speakers from Germany, the European and non-European countries for our online program.
The members’ assembly will also have to take place virtually this time. Details will be sent to all members in time.
Unfortunately, we have to postpone the joint celebration and social exchange, otherwise a fixed part of our annual meeting, until next year.
Due to the virtual event mode, we are charging a standard price of 20.00 EUR this year. Students, colleagues from low-ressource countries as well as lecturers and first authors of abstracts can take part free of charge.
We are very much looking forward to your virtual participation and to lively, gladly also controversial discussions.
Join us for this interesting event!
Carsten Krüger and Benno Kretzschmar
Conference program
Times are stated as CET
Last update: June 6th 2021
Friday 17:00 - 20:00
Virtual board meeting
Saturday 9:00 - 20:00 CET
09:00-09:10 Welcome address (C. Krüger, B. Kretzschmar)
09:10-10:30 Opening lecture (Chair: C. Krüger)
COVID-19 and its impact on children and women in LMICs – policy and ethical considerations (M. Knipper, Gießen)
10:00-11:30 Session 1 (Chair: M. Krawinkel)
Global programs for children in COVID-19 times
– The impact of the pandemic on the care of children in humanitarian aid (M. Tamannai, MSF Berlin)
– Sustainable food security and improving health in rural areas: The Nutrition Smart CommUNITI (S. Welte)
– Essential emergency and critical care in the context of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic (Hans-Jörg Lang, ALIMA & UWH)
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00-13:30 Session 2 (Chair: R. Weigel)
COVID-19 / Miscellaneous
– Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal (M. Målqvist, Schweden)
– Introduction of the „Child Growth Monitor“ (M. Pohl, Welthungerhilfe Berlin)
– Evaluation of an Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment (ETAT+) training in Madagascar – preliminary findings (M. Galatsch, Witten)
13:30-14:00 Break
14:00-15:30 Session 3 (Chair: C. Herr)
Research and Projects in Global Child Health
5 short presentations á 10+5 minutes from submitted abstracts
– Heuschen A-K, Müller O.: Public health relevant consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the malaria burden in sub-Sahara Africa / Heidelberg
– Langha L, Weigel R.: What are the Menstrual Experiences of Schoolgirls and Students in Uganda? A Narrative Literature Review / Witten
– Leusmann A et al.: Evaluation of the Pediatric Emergency Course and Advanced Skills Training (PEAST) in Sierra Leone – A State of Knowledge Analysis Pre and Post Course / Witten
– Schmidt-Troschke H-M et al.: “Zines” as a new health education medium for children: a narrative literature review / Witten
– Heinrich A, Krüger C.: The national immunization program in Tanzania: structural prerequisites and potential for optimization. / Witten
– Announcements by the GTP
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:00 Session 4 (Chair: I. Schmidt)
Free topics as well as vaccinations and nutrition in times of pandemic
– Experience of Implementation of Gastrochisis Treatment Protocol in Tanzania (Z. Bokhary. Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
– Issues in the Corona pandemic from a nursing perspective. (I. Schmidt, Hamminkeln)
17:10-20:00 GTP members’ assembly
– Election of the new board
– Amendment to the Articles of Association
– Farewell by new board with outlook on annual meeting 2022 and TropPaed 2022
Sonntag 9:00 - 12:00
Parallel workshops
Please register for a workshop at registration or write to us at gtp2021(a)
COVID-19: First hand experiences from Brazil and Kenya
ETAT+ (Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment) is a structured and effective intervention designed for primary health structures in resource-linited settings in Africa and Asia. In settings where child mortality is high and most deaths of paediatric patients occur within 24 hours after admission, implementation of ETAT+ reduces intra-hospital mortality.
ETAT helps in identification of acute life threatening problems like severe respiratory problems, shock, severe alterations of consciousness and severe dehydration. ETAT offers a structured way of identifying and treating those conditions.
In our workshop, we will discuss the background of intrahospital child mortality, get to know the elements of ETAT and work through a primary assessement together. There will be the opportunity for questions and discussion with the speakers; they are ETAT instructures and have used or implemented ETAT in resource limited settings.
For participation in the workshop, it is not required to be a member of the AG ETAT or have previous knowledge / experience. Everyone is welcome.
Introductory lecture by Prof. Niessen followed by discussions, small group work and goal setting, and resource gathering for the GTP as well as workshop participants.
Call for abstracts extended!
Deadline: finished
We are looking forward to your contributions to the conference theme and the overall topic “Global Child and Adolescent Health”. Tell us about your scientific or clinical projects or interesting questions.
Participation is free for invited presenters and first authors of accepted abstracts.
Abstract criteria: German or English (preferably English); max. 3000 characters incl. spaces; structure: Research question/project description, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
Abstract submission at gtp2021(a)
Due to the current circumstances, we will unfortunately only be able to publish the abstracts online on the GTP website. We kindly ask for your understanding.
Due to the current pandemic situation, the annual meeting will be held virtually on the Zoom® platform. You will receive the participation link after registration and payment.
Registration is possible until incl. 3.6.2021!
Participation fees for all participants 20,- Euro.
Participation for invited speakers, authors of accepted abstracts, colleages from low and middle income countries and students free of charge.
Cancellation policy:
- until incl. May 6th 2021: Complete refund of the participation fees
- Until incl. May 20th 2021: 50% refund of the participation fees
- from May 21st 2021: Full fees need to be payed
Technical requirements:
All registered participants will receive a personalized access link for the ZOOM® platform after payment of the participation fee.
CME credit points
Credit points for Germany doctors (CME) are applied for at the medical board Hessen.
Conflict of interest and sponsorship declaration
The content of this event will be designed to be product and service neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose potential conflicts of interest to the participants. There is no sponsorship of the event.
Contact information
General inquiries and comments (nicht für Anmeldungen):
Conference registration:
Banking details:
Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und
Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP) e. V.
Volksbank Ahlen-Sassenberg-Warendorf
IBAN: DE 95 4126 2501 1102 1632 03
Abstract submission (deadline: April 30th 2021):
(Abstract criteria see above)
Title picture: Viktoria Schools, Mwanza, Tanzania
GTP unterstützt L'appel Deutschland e.V. beim PEAST Training
Das pädiatrische Trainingsprogramm “PEAST” (Paediatric Emergency Course and Advanced Skill Training) ist ein Teilprojekt des vom Verein L’appel Deutschland e.V. entworfenen und von der Initiative Klinikpartnerschaften geförderten Programms “Strengthening capacities to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health in Sierra Leone”. Grundlage des Kindernotfalltrainings sind die sierra-leonischen ETAT (Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment) -Guidelines von 2020 weshalb L‘appel sich die GTP AG ETAT+ als kompetenten Partner mit ins Boot holte. Einerseits wird so sicher gestellt, dass ausreichend qualifizierte ETAT-Trainer*innen für die Schulungen zur Verfügung stehen. Andererseits entsteht für die durch die AG frisch ausgebildeten ETAT-Trainer*innen so die Möglichkeit, ihre neu erlangten Fähigkeiten unter Supervision im Feld anzubringen.
Im Zeitraum von 2020 bis 2022 werden in einem ersten Schritt gemeinsam mit einem wachsenden Team von lokalen Trainer*innen insgesamt 12 Kurse angeboten. Diese richten sich zunächst vornehmlich an durch vorausgegangene Aus- und Weiterbildungsprojekte von L’appel vorgebildete medizinische Fachkräfte des Magbenteh Community Hospitals, der kooperierenden Partnerklinik von L’appel und enthalten neben den üblichen ETAT+ – Inhalten kontextadapierte Schwerpunkte wie POCUS (Point of Care Ultrasound), CPAP-Versorgung und den Umgang mit hochansteckenden Krankheiten wie Ebola und Lassa-Fieber. Nach einem gelungenen Start 2020 werden seit 2021 in einem zweiten Schritt auch weitere Gesundheitseinrichtungen in das Programm mit einbezogen. Die Evaluation des Kurses findet in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stiftungsprofessur für globale Kindergesundheit der Universität Witten-Herdecke statt. Das Projekt ist als klassisches “Train the Trainers” Konzept gedacht und soll schrittweise vollständig in die Hände des lokalen Teams übergeben werden.
Ansprechpartner für L’appel Deutschland e.V. ist Nicolas Aschoff (Email)