FULLY BOOKED!!! The five-day intensive course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health has been held annually since 2010, is continuously developed and addresses the most important medical, intercultural, political and infrastructural challenges of global paediatrics.
15-19 May 2023
(Arrival: 14 May 2023)
Schloß Rauischholzhausen
Participants: max. 50
Course language: Englisch
After the cancellation of the course in 2021 due to the pandemic and the postponement of the TropPaed course and the GTP annual conference to the warm season in order to minimise the risk of a face-to-face event due to COVID-related restrictions, we are pleased to invite you to Rauischholzhausen for a second time in May!
We would like to offer you again a varied programme of lectures, practical small group work and clinically oriented seminars. In addition, there will be plenty of time for international exchange of plans and experiences.
As our planning progresses, you will continually find more details about the timetable and lecturers on this page.
Preliminary program
Here you will find the preliminary topics of the course. On some days, case studies of the international guests will be presented and an evening programme will take place.
Please note: small changes to time and in rare cases content of lectures can occur
Possibility of dinner on the day of arrival (start between 19-20 hrs).
Daily breakfast (7-8:30), lunch (approx. 12:45-14:15) and dinner (approx. 18:45-20)
Two coffee breaks
Partial optional evening programme after dinner
Thursday evening: Farewell party with theme!
Departure on Friday after lunch around 14:00.
COVID-19: Current regulations will be announced before the course starts.
Optional possibility of arrival already on Sunday.
Check-in from 5 pm with dinner around 7-8 pm.
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21:00
- ntroduction round
- Introduction to Global Child Health (C. Krüger)
- Programs in international / global health (L. Molyneux)
- Antibiotic stewardship (S. Kotsias-Konopelska)
- Ward management (I. Schmidt, Sr. Sophia)
- Neglected tropical diseases (C. Rothe)
- Sickle cell disease (J. Mwatonoka)
- Intercultural communication (A. Züchner)
- Case presentations
- Climate change (S. Lorenz)
- Evening program: Discussion on climate change
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21:00
- The critically ill child (K. van ‘t Ende)
- Introductions to: Malaria (R. Kobbe), Severe malnutrition (J. Lindert, K. Baumgartner), neurological emergencies (T. Oneko), ETAT (L.Molyneux, AG ETAT)
- Practical small groups on: Shock, severe malnutrition, neurological and respiratory emergencies, ETAT, malaria
- Case presentations
- Decolonizing health (H. Mirza)
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21:00
- Neonatology in resource limited settings (L. Molyneux, M. Köhler)
- Obstetrics in resource limited settings (C. Hach)
- Practical small groups on: CPAP/KMC, neonatal rescucitation, gastroschisis, neonatology, interventions
- Surgery as component of Global Child Health (J. Lindert, T. Mabanza)
- Research in resource limited settings (xxx)
- Evening program: with whom and how to go abroad
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 21:00
- Tropical dermatology (C. Adamczick)
- Implementing ultrasound in paediatrics in LMIC (C. Schmidt)
- Case presentations
- Paediatric oncology in Malawi (R. Mzikamanda)
- Palliative care im LMIC (S. Loetz)
- Introduction to: Malnutrition (M. Krawinkel), tuberculosis (F. Brinkmann), HIV (xxxx)
- Practical small groups on: malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
- Farewell party
Start: approx. 8:45 — End: approx. 14:00
- Practical small groups on: malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
- Laboratory in basic conditions (xxx)
- Caring for remote populations (P. Santacruz Ortega)
- Feedback and farewell
Course fee and registration
The price includes course participation, accommodation from 14-19 May, meals and coffee breaks from Sunday (dinner) to Friday (lunch) and course materials. The price does not include alcoholic beverages and drinks outside of those served at meals and coffee breaks, as well as transport costs and any compulsory Sars-CoV-2 testing we may incur.
Scholarships for colleagues from LMIC are available. Applications will be received until Octobre 15th 2022 (to: gtpscholarships(a)globalchildhealth.de). Please send us a motivational letter, CV and reference letter. Further details: “Förderung internationaler Kollegen“.
Regular fee non-member
from 16.3.23Regular fee non-member
Early Bird until 15.3.23Member of GTP/ESPID
from 16.3.23Mitglieder-Preis GTP/ESPID
Early Bird until 15.3.23Venue
We are pleased to be able to hold our course again at Schloss Rauischholzhausen, the conference and training centre of the University of Gießen. This historic and beautiful venue is perfect for our course as it offers the possibility of accommodating all participants, organisers and lecturers in one place, good facilities and a very fair financial framework. The versatile room selection meets our demand of lectures combined with small group work. Catering includes three main meals and two coffee breaks per day. All but one main meal will be vegetarian. Hosting the course there for the first time in 2016 has proven to be a complete success. We will keep you informed about current Sars-CoV-2 hygiene regulations here on our homepage.
Sponsoring and support
We sincerely thank all the volunteer co-organisers of the course for their years of dedication as well as our financial supporters!
We assure you that our intensive course is designed to be product and service neutral and all content is independent of commercial interests. No services and/or products are advertised. Possible conflicts of interest are disclosed in a self-disclosure.
European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Kindermissionswerk “Die Sternsinger”