Michael Tariverdian

IPUN Ultrasound Courses

This page informs about the activities of the GTP in the field of paediatric ultrasound diagnostics. This page is under development and will receive more comprehensive information as it progresses. Please feel free to visit us regularly.

Registration for ultrasound courses:

The course list in the grey box provides information about places still available on the individual courses.
Registration is binding and must be made using the online form below. After receipt of your registration, you will first receive an automated confirmation of receipt with further important information and then a final confirmation of your place from the organisation team, along with a payment request.

GTP ultrasound courses – timeline

Since 2017, we have been offering ultrasound courses internationally.  These courses provide you with the opportunity to explore typical findings alongside experienced course leaders in various regions and also allows you to discover parts of the respective country during your free time. The courses are mainly aimed at young residents who learn together with the residents of the specialist programme and young local specialists with little or no prior experience in sonography.

In 2021, the GTP received a 5-year funding from EKFS to professionalize and integrate course structures locally, as well as to establish the “EKFS GPT International Paediatric Ultrasound Network”.


Basic course

Sonography of the skull, thorax and abdomen for basic diagnosis of pathologies and performance of interventions such as pleural puncture.


Cardiac sonography focusing on mastering key sectional views and recognizing common pathologies.

General course information

  • Course language: English
  • Participants: 15-20 local medical personal, some courses are open for non-local participants
  • Course fees: Single 4-day-course 400 euros, single 5-day-course 500 euros, two combined courses 700-900 euros, combination of three courses 1000-1300 euros
  • Not included in the course fee: travel expenses, accommodation, visas, travel insurance, vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis and other travel arrangements. We kindly ask you to organize these independently, but we are happy to provide recommendations and assistance.
  • Cancellation policy:  in case of cancellation 4-8 weeks before the start of the course, we retain 50% of the course fees; in case of cancellation 4 weeks or less before the start of the course, we retain 90% of the course fees. This is necessary to cover cancellation costs.
  • General inquiries (not application): please email at ipun-info(a)globalchildhealth.de

Next courses

Places for non-lokal participants: 2-3 participants

Places for non-lokal participants: 2-3 participants

Places for non-lokal participants: 4 participants

Places for non-local participants: 1-2 participants

Places for non-local participants: 1-2 participants

Placements for non-local participants: 1-2 available

Places for non-lokal participants: available (1-2 places)

Places for non-lokal participants: available (1-2 places)

Places for non-lokal participants: available (1-2 places)

Places for non-lokal participants: available (1-2 places)


We are very much looking forward to your participation! Please take a moment to read the cancellation policy and fill out the form below completely.

Your registration is binding and you will receive an automated confirmation of receipt.

A final confirmation with request for payment will be made by the organisation team after checking the local course capacities. Please do not book flights etc. until you have received final confirmation.

Cancellation policy:

If you cancel your participation, we will apply a 50% charge of the course fee for cancellations made between 4-8 weeks before the course, and a 90% charge for cancellations made 4 weeks or less before the course begins.

Registration form

    First name*:


    Birth date*:


    Billing address*:

    Zip code and city*:


    Cellphone number*:

    Current employer:


    Select course*:

    Additional information to facilitate our planning structures (Please indicate if you have already been to the course country and whether you will be arriving only for the course or whether you will be spending more time in the country. Please also let us know if you have personal contacts in the course city and whether you will be accommodated by friends during the course. You can add more information which you might want us to know):

    Place of departure:

    I allow the course organization team to share my name, email and city of residence with the other European course participants in order for the group to connect prior to departure*:

    Friede-Springer endowed professorship for Global Child Health

    The Friede Springer Endowed Professorship

    is the first

    German professorship for Global Child Health

    and has been located at

    Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H)

    since October 2017


    From left to right: Prof. Ralf Weigel, Christiane Boos, Dr. Farzana Yasmin, Michael Galatsch


    Together with its partners at home and abroad, the team of the endowed professorship develops research projects and is involved in education, training and continuing professional education in global child health in a variety of ways:

    • Global health track and intercultural preparation for stays abroad as part of the "Modellstudiengang Medizin" of the Witten/Herdecke University.
    • Further education for students of all health professions (summer school)
    • Advanced modules in the Master's programme in International Health as a partner of the Network for Education in International Health (tropEd)
    • Further training for specialist candidates in paediatrics and adolescent medicine in cooperation with the Else Kröner- Fresenius- Foundation, the Westphalia-Lippe Medical Association and the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences in Blantyre/Malawi as part of the "Else Kröner Malawi Child Health Centre" (special project child health).

    Detailed information on the projects and offers of the professorship can be found here

    GTP receives humanitarian Else-Kröner-Fresenius award 2016

    During a festive evening at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) October 20, 2016 in Berlin, the German Society of Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health (GTP) e.V. was awarded the Else-Kröner-Fresenius award for medical development cooperation 2016 endowed with 100.000 Euros.

    The Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation (EKFS) had chosen the  GTP project „Paediatric specialty training in Tanzania: sustainable reduction of child mortality through qualified health personnel“ from 160 proposals and honoured it with this award for its examplary conception, its sustainability and its relevance for the health care of children and adolescents in Tanzania.

    The representatives of the awardee were greeted by the parliamentary undersecretary at BMZ, Thomas Silberhorn MdB. The laudation was held by Dr Auma Obama, the former US president's sister.

    Parliamentary undersecretary at BMZ, Thomas Silberhorn MdB

    Dr Carsten Krüger, Dr Antke Züchner, Dr Auma Obama, Dr Christian Schmidt (from left)

    photo copyright: Thomas Köhler / photothek / EFKS

    (c) Jane Silcock / USAID

    37th GTP Annual Conference 2019

    25th-27th January 2019               

    University of Witten/Herdecke

    Topic: "New horizons in research, education and practice!

    Final programme

    The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health (GTP) e.V. will take place from 25 - 27 January 2019 at Witten/Herdecke University. Every year, more than 200 national and international participants from various health professions meet at these conferences to inform themselves and exchange information on current topics of research and education. Concrete projects in tropical pediatrics and international child health in resource-limited countries are presented and discussed. The conference organisor is Prof. Dr. Ralf Weigel, Friede-Springer-endowed professorship for Global Child Health

    This year's motto of the conference is "New horizons in research, education and practice” and once again provides an opportunity for important professional impulses. In addition to various workshops, you can expect presentations by renowned paediatricians such as Professor Anthony Costello (former Director of the Institute for Global Health at University College London and the Department of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health at the WHO in Geneva), Professor Michaël Boele van Hensbroek (Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development) and Dr. Bhanu Williams (International Officer at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK).  The program includes the topics:

    • Tropical paediatrics and global child health: European and global perspectives
    • Communicable Diseases
    • Non-communicable diseases
    • Supporting Health Systems
    • Child health beyond survival

    A special artistic framework is going to give the scientific discussions a further perspective.


    Target group

    This conference is also an interprofessional platform focusing on the health and well-being of children and young people. We therefore welcome specialists and general practitioners as well as students, nurses, psychologists, social workers and all other health professions.


    Please register on the university's homepage following this LINK

    Abstract submission

    The scientific programme lives from the contributions of the participants. Therefore, we invite interested parties to submit an abstract for a presentation or poster on one of the topics mentioned above by November 15th, 2018. The website for submitting abstracts is linked HERE. For the presenter of an abstract that has been selected for an oral presentation the conference fee will be waived (category students and other health professions) or reduced by 50% (participants of all other categories).

    All accepted abstracts will be published in the electronic version of the Journal Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde.


    Please refer to reservations made for "GTP Tagung 2019" when booking in these two hotels:

    Ringhotel Parkhotel Witten, Bergerstr. 23, 58452 Witten
    Tel: 02302 5880
    Fax: 02302 588 555

    Ardey Hotel, Ardeystr. 11-13, 58425 Witten
    Tel: 02302 4880



    Foto Credits: (c) Jane Slicock / USAID


    Working group "Health professions"

    Aims and ideas of the health professions working group

    The group addresses health professions beyond physicians (i.e. nurses, midwives, psychologists, occupational and physio therapists) and anyone who is interested in the topic.

    Aims of the group are

    1. Exchange of experience and expertise
    2. Connecting people who have worked or work outside of Germany - i.e. in crisis areas or in partner countries for development aid - and/or who are interested in dealing with that topic.
    3. Exchange of teaching materials
    4. Creating a pool of experts


    General information


    It is our goal to provide access to projects of nurses in partner countries: a list of active blogs of  nurses or our own GTP internal forum could increase exchange of experience. This way, nurses with no prior experience abroad can gain access to the topic. Exchanging experience will serve ongoing learning as well as problem solving. In the future, nurses experienced abroad who are willing to support a project for several weeks (e.g. for a workshop, training, practical guidance etc.) can be contacte via this group. Furthermore, ways and contacts for fundraising can be shared.

    Market of ideas for context-adequate strategies

    Each health professional has collected valuable experience working abroad, has solved problems and accumulated knowledge or is still occupied finding longterm solutions. Finding strategies that are adequate for health professionals in resource-limited settings can be a challenge. This working group offers the opportunity of collecting ideas and making them available for colleagues.

    Particularly longterm problems outside the focus of medical interventions, such as estabilshing a high level of hygiene on a paediatric ward, can be discussed within this working group.

    Different health professions in projects of development cooperation

    Health professionals have always been part of projects of various organisations (GIZ, Caritas, MSF etc.). While platforms for networking of doctors exist, activities related to other health professions are currently restricted to personal blogs and a presence within the respective organisation.

    Having this working group under the auspices of GTP, a society previously focussing on doctors, enables us to establish a direct and straight forward cooperation with experienced doctors, which is, in our experience, a prerequisite for successful development in the health sector.

    We are looking forward to your active contribution and a vivid exchange within the working group!


    Irene Schmidt, Paediatric intensive care nurse and Michael Galatsch, nursing scientist
    E-Mail: ag-gesundheitsfachberufe@tropenpaediatrie.de

    TropPaed 2019 - 10th Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health

    This 5-day-course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child health was initiated in 2010 and has ever since taken place and been developed further on a yearly basis. It addresses the most important medical, intercultural, political and infrastructural aspects of Global Child Health.


    28.01. – 01.02.2019
    27.01. Anreise


    Schloss Rauischholzhausen
    (Bei Gießen)


    Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 50
    Kurssprache: Englisch


    We cordially invite you to participate in our 10th Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health.

    Once again we will provide you with a diverse course schedule containing lectures, practical workshops and clinical seminar. Furthermore there will be enough time for professional international exchange of plans and experiences.

    As time goes by we will provide you with further details about the schedule and lecturers. Arrival will be possible from Sunday 5pm onwards. There will be dinner and access to your rooms. A good first opportunity to explore the castle grounds and extablish contacts. The official course program starts on Monday 8:30 am and ends on Friday 2 pm.

    Provisional Schedule

    Here you can find the preliminary topics of the course. There will be an evening program and case presentations from our international guests on some of the days.

    • Registration and introduction.
    • Introduction to Global Child Health
    • WHO programs and international collaborations
    • International communication
    • Challenges in setting up a paediatric department
    • Contributions from other specialties (i.e. surgery, dermatology, oncology, …)
    • Psychosocial apects of paediatrics

    • Introduction into the caring for a critically ill child in a resource-limited setting
    • Practical workshops regarding “the critically ill child” – i.e. malaria, neurological or respiratory emergencies, malnutrition, shock and ETAT
    • Scientific research and data collection

    • Gynaecology and Obstetrics
    • Neonatology
    • Practical workshops regarding interventions in a resource-limited setting (i.e. invasive techniques, KMC, bCPAP, hospital and community neonatology)
    • Introduction into the big topics HIV/AIDS, malnutrition and tuberculosis
    • With whom and how to work abroad

    • Practical workshops about HIV/AIDS, malnutrition and tuberculosis
    • Contributions from other specialties (i.e. surgery, dermatology, oncology, family medicine, …)
    • Health systems in unstable countries
    • The role of the foreign paediatrician abroad

    • Laboratories in resource-limited settings
    • Antibiotic Stewardship
    • Updates on tropical medicine
    • Feedback, test and departure

    Fee and application

    The course fee includes participation in the course, course materials, accommodation, food and coffee breaks for 5 days.

    Not included are alcoholic beverages and drinks outside the official mealtimes as well as transportation.

    Course is over

    Regulärer Preis Nichtmitglieder

    ab 1.12.18

    Regulärer Preis Nichtmitglieder

    Early Bird bis 30.11.18

    Mitglieder-Preis GTP/ESPID

    ab 1.12.18

    Mitglieder-Preis GTP/ESPID

    Early Bird bis 30.11.18

    Course venue

    The course is taking place at Schloß Rauischholzhausen which is the conference center of the University of Gießen. We are happy to be able to host our course at this historical and beautiful site. It offers learning space and accommodation combined in the same building and due to the affiliation with the University the prices are fair. A good variety of seminar rooms compliment our course concept of combining lectures with small group activities. Moving our course to this location in 2016 has proven to have been worthwhile.

    Schloßpark 1, 35085 Ebsdorfergrund

    Public Relations working group

    This group is working to increase visibility of GTPs actictivities and serves as your contact for inquiries on contributions of GTP members on external events such as conferences. In case you require any information please contact


    Working Group "ETAT Training"

    About us

    The Working Group ETAT (Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment) Training was initiated in 2018 by three graduates of our TropPaedCourse. It serves as a platform for exchanging experiences on the topic of triage and organizing ETAT+ courses in Germany.


    What are ETAT and ETAT+?

    ETAT and ETAT+ are concepts developed in resource-limited countries in Africa for the triage of sick children in primary healthcare facilities. They have a proven effect on reducing mortality and can be used in healthcare facilities at any level.
    In many places, ETAT forms the cornerstone of decision-making at the initial contact with a patient, which sometimes does not necessarily involve medical personnel.
    ETAT guidelines are specifically tailored to common problems in the basic emergency care of children in resource-limited facilities. The guidelines identify children with acute life-threatening conditions in a structured and understandable manner and present simple yet clear guidelines for their care.

    Projects of the Working Group 

    Regular planning meetings of the WG take place.
    The WG organizes ETAT+ courses in Germany.

    You can find the current course dates here. If you sign up for our newsletter, you will also receive new dates by email.


    The current contact persons for the working group are Judith Lindert, Barbara Zimmer and Sophia von Blomberg.

    Course reports

    After a three-year break, new and old ETAT+ Germany working group members who have not had the chance yet to be part of an “ETAT IC” in the past, asked us to organise another train-the-trainer course with ETAT related content. We are happy that a third ETAT+ IC could successfully take place end of May 2024 in Münster.

    This three-day course was conducted with an international group of 13 participants (two from the Netherlands, one from Italy), four international instructors (two from UK and two from Switzerland) and one local course organiser.

    The age ranged from 30-70+ years representing a variety of different levels of working experience (e.g. four consultants; some > 5 years of working experience in LMICs). Since our first pilot course in 2019 the UK ETAT team supports the German ETAT+ working group with very experienced instructors, making this event repetitively effective, educational, and inspiring. Our Swiss instructor team with longstanding EPALS/NLS instructor experience as well as ETAT experience in LMICs were a fantastic combination.

    Course Objectives and Structure

    In general, the goal of the ETAT+ Instructor Course is to give former ETAT+ course participants with instructor potential deeper insight into adult learning and improve their simulation skills. The teaching methods from the European resuscitation council (ERC) and the course content from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) in the UK built the foundation of this “ETAT IC”. Participants were asked to prepare by reading the “pocket guide to teaching for clinical instructors” and additional course material.

    The strength of this course is small group work with lots of practical sessions, where participants can get equipment familiarisation and individual feedback on mini-lectures, mini-simulations, skills stations with the four-step-approach, facilitating small group work as well as simulation assessment. Additionally, there was peer support and feedback in mentor groups. On the last day we had a new addition compared to our last courses which we called “marketplace”, a session where participants got the chance to repeat one practical from the last courses. To finish this course, there was a panel discussion about implementing trainings in low resource settings and other cultures. With this background information it should be possible to teach ETAT+ (as well as other simulation trainings) in different countries and cultures even more effectively.

    Feedback and Highlights

    The overall feedback was very good (mainly good-excellent). The good atmosphere created a safe space for the participants to receive professional feedback with room for improvement. The possibility for repetition was emphasised as very important by the participants. It was wonderful to see the fast progress in teaching skills from day to day. All participants enjoyed the chance to train under supervision of experienced trainers as well as exchanging ideas with one another.

    Participant Testimonials

    What was especially good about this instructor course?

    • “The fusion of lessons and practicals. The extra experience brought from the faculty enriched it so much, and the common interests and energy of the participants.”
    • “Good teaching atmosphere, very enthusiastic teachers and learners. It was very nice to have so much time in the small groups to practice and discuss.”

    Social and Networking Activities

    In total, this course was a great success! Combining the course programme with social events (African Jazz concert on Friday night, Dinner at Saturday night) lead to a fantastic time all together where everyone could benefit from each other! This is great networking! This is the future of great instructors who can spread the word of ETAT around the globe and improve simulation training wherever they go (> 80% of the participants have already plans to go abroad of whom > 50% have had experiences as an instructor before this course)!


    Thanks to everyone who took part in the organization, participation, and teaching!

    Barbara Zimmer (course organiser) & Gudrun Jäger (course director) for the German ETAT+ Team

    We`re happy to announce that we could organize our second ETAT+ Instructor Course despite several challenges. Finally, we reached out to hold a three days couse in Hamburg with an international group of participants as well as instructors from August 27th – 29th 2021. After a first pilot course in 2019, which we conducted in Hannover with great support from the UK ETAT team, we planned to perform a course by a mixed instructor team including the German ETAT+ team, UK ETAT team as well as very experienced instructors from the ERC and American heart association (EPALS trainer from Germany, Switzerland as well as the Netherlands).

    The goal of the ETAT+ Instructor Course is to teach and enable former ETAT+ course participants who showed instructor potential the possibility to get a deeper insight into adult learning and how to perform it efficiently. The foundation of this instructor course were the teaching methods from the European resuscitation council (ERC) and the course content from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) in UK. A special part of the agenda were group discussions about challenges and important points related to implementing trainings in low resource settings and other cultures. With this background information it should be possible to teach ETAT+ (as well as other simulation trainings) in different countries and cultures even more effectively.

    We were lucky that our international instructor team could travel over three country borders from UK, Germany and Switzerland despite the Sars-Cov-2-pandemic restrictions. And even our participants came from different European countries like the Netherlands, Ukraine and Germany. The course was held in the Wilhelmsstift Hospital in Hamburg with great support from the local team.

    The three day training was very intense including a lot of practical trainings with personal feedback and room for improvement due to good repetition. It was wonderful to see the fast progress in teaching skills from day to day. All participants enjoyed the good atmosphere, the chance to train under supervision of experienced trainers as well as exchanging ideas with one another.

    In total, this course was a great success and we had a fantastic time all together where everyone could benefit from another! This is great networking! This is the future of great instructors who can spread the word of ETAT around the globe!

    Thanks to everyone who took part by organisation, participation and teaching!

    Gudrun Jäger & Barbara Zimmer for the German ETAT+ Team & international instructors



    We are grateful for having been sponsored by the

    We did it! The fourth ETAT+ Germany course was conducted at the hospital „Wilhelmsstift“ in Hamburg October 23rd-25th 2020.  Luckily we were able to do so –  even under COVID-19-pandemic circumstances.

    It was wonderful to teach an enthusiastic and energetic group of participants. Our hands-on-course was done under strict hygiene restrictions: We kept distance, washed hands regularly, wore masks at all times, cleaned our materials after each session and ventilated the room almost continously. This meant that we all wore scarfs and wooly hats while rescucitating our dolls.

    It is great to see how important the ETAT+ content is for everyone attending the course, especially the participants, who had plans to work abroad straight after the course.

    Quick facts:

    • 15 enthusiastic international participants (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
    • 6 energetic, motivated instructors
    • 1 well-prepared, calm course director
    • 3 days of hands-on, thrilling simulation training
    • interactive video-lectures from instructors from the UK & the south of Germany
    • Video-greetings from different ETAT+ instructors around the globe

    This course was pragmatic, energetic, safe & so much fun! We hope to continue soon to spread the word of ETAT+ and get to know even more interesting people who want to improve international child health!

    Thanks to everyone who made this course possible!

    If you are interested in attending the next course please keep yourself updated using this website. We will publish the next course dates soon.

    Stay safe! The ETAT+ Germany team


    Report: Annual conference of the International Society for Social Pediatrics and Child Health (ISSOP) in Budapest

    The conference was held from 28. - 30.09.2017 in Budapest and summarized by our board member Nadja Tarivedian:

    This year's theme was „Children on the Move“.
    Apart from reports by non- and governmental organisations from Greece, Hungary, Sweden, Iceland, the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Lebanon, Austria, Slovenia, Great Britain, Switzerland, Portugal, Denmark, Japan, Israel, Pakistan, India, Australia and Germany these were the main topics of the conference:

    • Concept of culture, xenophobia and discrimination in paediatrics (and how to deal with it)
    • Child rights based approach - advocacy for refugee children / underage migrants
    • Violence against children, child protection

    It was one of the aims of the conference to develop a declaration on health and well-being of children „on the move“ that will be puclished soon.

    ISSOP particularly demands equal standard of health care for all children, independent of their "status“, and disapproves of all currently available methods of age determination of children. Alternatives such as psychosocial age determination (Great Britain) were discussed. The European Academy of Paediatrics is developing ea guideline for first contact (in primary care) with migrant children in Europe.

    Interesting publications of ISSOP are available on its website zu finden, e.g. the following position statements:

    • Migrant child health (published in Child: care, health and development)
    • Social determinants and child health (currently being reveised)

    Furhter intersting links:

    Master programme of the University of Pecs on migrant health (in cooperation with the University of Greifswald and others)
    Annual conference of Political Child Medicine in Salzburg 10.11.17 with a focus on health care of refugee children
    Next Annual conference of ISSOP 2018 in Bonn – including sessions on refugee children.

    GTP Jahrestagung

    AG GTP-Jahrestagung

    Das Tagungskommittee wechselt jährlich und stellt das Programm der GTP-Jahrestagung zusammen, plant und gestaltet die Tagung, 2018 in Dinslaken. Wenn Sie Beiträge einreichen möchten, finden Sie weitere Informationen auf den Seiten der aktuellen Tagung. Wenn Sie das Tagungskommittee auf andere Weise unterstützen möchten oder Fragen haben, melden Sie sich bitte bei schriftfuehrer@globalchildhealth.de