During a festive evening at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) October 20, 2016 in Berlin, the German Society of Tropical Paediatrics and International Child Health (GTP) e.V. was awarded the Else-Kröner-Fresenius award for medical development cooperation 2016 endowed with 100.000 Euros.
The Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation (EKFS) had chosen the GTP project „Paediatric specialty training in Tanzania: sustainable reduction of child mortality through qualified health personnel“ from 160 proposals and honoured it with this award for its examplary conception, its sustainability and its relevance for the health care of children and adolescents in Tanzania.
The representatives of the awardee were greeted by the parliamentary undersecretary at BMZ, Thomas Silberhorn MdB. The laudation was held by Dr Auma Obama, the former US president’s sister.
Parliamentary undersecretary at BMZ, Thomas Silberhorn MdB
Dr Carsten Krüger, Dr Antke Züchner, Dr Auma Obama, Dr Christian Schmidt (from left)
photo copyright: Thomas Köhler / photothek / EFKS