About the project
As part of the initiative „Clinic Partnerships – Partners Strengthen Health“, funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation (EKFS) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), with technical support from the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the GTP has been involved in paediatric specialist training in Dodoma, Tanzania, since 2021 (running until 2024) as a continuation of the very successful specialist programme for trainee paediatricians in Mwanza and Dodoma (2016 to 2020). Due to the continuing shortage of paediatricians with subspecialties, experts from Germany and other European countries travel to Tanzania several times a year to offer theoretical teaching in Dodoma. In addition, practical lessons take place during rounds and clinic visits, and ultrasound skills are also taught. The nursing staff is trained by experienced paediatric nurses. A limited amount of missing equipment is procured through the project. The development of treatment guidelines is part of the project.
Collaboration opportunities – lecturers wanted!
- Specialists in paediatrics and adolescent medicine including all subspecialities
- Nursing staff with experience in paediatrics and neonatology
We are looking forward to receiving applications from GTP members or those who want to become one, with an interest in a teaching assignment in Dodoma. Work experience abroad and in teaching are an advantage, but not an absolute requirement.
- Duration of assignment: 2-3 weeks (flexible time of assignment)
- Prerequisites: Good knowledge of English
- Remuneration: Reimbursement of accommodation and travel costs
Contact details and applications
If you are interested, please write with a short CV to:
PD Dr. Carsten Krüger (krueger(a)globalchildhealth.de) – Programm supervisor in Germany
Dr. Shakilu Jumanne (shakiluj(a)gmail.com) – Project lead on site