Publikationen & Stellungnahmen mit GTP-Beteiligung
Hier finden Sie Stellungnahmen und Publikationen, an denen GTP-Mitglieder als Autoren oder in sonstiger Funktion mitgewirkt haben.
Year | First Author | Co-Authors | Title | Citation |
2024 | Garvs J, Genzel-Boroviczény O, Phiri A, Schultz A | Improvement of temperature surveillance of neonates in low-resource settings by a simple low-cost device: a descriptive study | Open access: |
2022 | Diverse Fachgesellschaften, Koordination: PD M. Pritsch und Dr. H. Seeba | AWMF S1 Leitlinie: Diagnostik und Therapie der Chagas Krankheit | Link zur Leitlinie: |
2022 | Diverse Fachgesellschaften, u.a. GTP | GTP, DGPI, BVKJ, DGKJ | AWMF S1 Leitlinie: "Infektiologische Versorgung von Flüchtlingen im Kindes- und Jugendalter in Deutschland" | Link zur Leitlinie: |
2022 | Küppers D | Galatsch M, Weigel R | Global child health in higher education in Germany: a mixed-methods study | Open access: |
2021 | Hiestand J | Relly C, De Crom-Beer S, Fehr J, Kotsias-Konopelska S | Baby on board – ein Beratungsleitfaden für Reisen mit Kindern | Flugmedizin · Tropenmedizin · Reisemedizin - FTR 2021; 28(03): 105-116 DOI: 10.1055/a-1347-7930 |
2021 | Strong KL | Requejo J, Agweyu A, Billah Sk M, Boschi-Pinto C, Horiuchi S, Jamaluddine Z, Lazzerini M, Maiga A, McKerrow N, Munos M, Schellenberg J, Weigel R | Revitalizing child health: lessons from the past | Open access: |
2021 | Kowalzik F | Schreiner D, Jensen C, Teschner D, Gehring S, Zepp F | mRNA vaccines | Kowalzik F, Schreiner D, Jensen C, Teschner D, Gehring S, Zepp F. mRNA-Based Vaccines. Vaccines (Basel). 2021 Apr 15;9(4):390. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9040390. PMID: 33921028; PMCID: PMC8103517. |
2021 | Huth PFB | Addo M, Daniel T, Groendahl B, Hokororo A, Koliopoulos P, Mshana S, Pretsch L, Schmidt C, Zuechner A, Gehring S, Kayange N. | Extensive Antibiotic and Antimalarial Prescription Rate among Children with Acute Febrile Diseases in the Lake Victoria Region, Tanzania | Huth PFB, Addo M, Daniel T, Groendahl B, Hokororo A, Koliopoulos P, Mshana S, Pretsch L, Schmidt C, Zuechner A, Gehring S, Kayange N. Extensive Antibiotic and Antimalarial Prescription Rate among Children with Acute Febrile Diseases in the Lake Victoria Region, Tanzania. J Trop Pediatr. 2021 Jan 29;67(1):fmaa135. doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmaa135. PMID: 33575804. |
2021 | Koliopoulos P | Kayange NM, Daniel T, Huth F, Gröndahl B, Medina-Montaño GC, Pretsch L, Klüber J, Schmidt C, Züchner A, Ulbert S, Mshana SE, Addo M, Gehring S. | Multiplex-RT-PCR-ELISA panel for detecting mosquito-borne pathogens: Plasmodium sp. preserved and eluted from dried blood spots on sample cards | Koliopoulos P, Kayange NM, Daniel T, Huth F, Gröndahl B, Medina-Montaño GC, Pretsch L, Klüber J, Schmidt C, Züchner A, Ulbert S, Mshana SE, Addo M, Gehring S. Multiplex-RT-PCR-ELISA panel for detecting mosquito-borne pathogens: Plasmodium sp. preserved and eluted from dried blood spots on sample cards. Malar J. 2021 Feb 1;20(1):66. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03595-4. PMID: 33526038; PMCID: PMC7851927. Format: |
2021 | Waswa LM | Jordan I, Krawinkel MB, Keding GB | Seasonal Variations in Dietary Diversity and Nutrient Intakes of Women and Their Children (6-23 Months) in Western Kenya | Waswa LM, Jordan I, Krawinkel MB, Keding GB (2021) Seasonal Variations in Dietary Diversity and Nutrient Intakes of Women and Their Children (6-23 Months) in Western Kenya. Front Nutr. 8:8:636872 |
2021 | Berg B | Cremer M, Flothkötter M, Koletzko B, Krämer N, Krawinkel M, Lawrenz B, Przyrembel H, Schiffner U, Splieth C, Vetter K, Weißenborn A | Kariesprävention im Säuglings- und frühen Kindesalter - Handlungsempfehlungen des bundesweiten Netzwerks Gesund ins Leben / Caries prevention in infancy and early childhood - Recommendations for action by the nationwide Healthy Start—Young Family Network | Berg B, Cremer M, Flothkötter M, Koletzko B, Krämer N, Krawinkel M, Lawrenz B, Przyrembel H, Schiffner U, Splieth C, Vetter K, Weißenborn A. (2021) Kariesprävention im Säuglings- und frühen Kindesalter - Handlungsempfehlungen des bundesweiten Netzwerks Gesund ins Leben / Caries prevention in infancy and early childhood - Recommendations for action by the nationwide Healthy Start—Young Family Network. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 169:550–558. |
2021 | Habte TY | Suleiman I, Ahmed AI, Latif S, Krawinkel MB | Nutritional Value of Baobab Leaves (Adansonia digitata L.) from North- and West-Kordofan in Sudan: In-Vitro Minerals Bioavailability and Protein Quality | Habte TY, Suleiman I, Ahmed AI, Latif S, Krawinkel MB (2021) Nutritional Value of Baobab Leaves (Adansonia digitata L.) from North- and West-Kordofan in Sudan: In-Vitro Minerals Bioavailability and Protein Quality. Int J Food Science and Agriculture, 5(3), 482-491. |
2020 | Krawinkel MB | The Double Burden of Malnutrition Calls for Better Diet Quality Worldwide | Krawinkel MB. The Double Burden of Malnutrition Calls for Better Diet Quality Worldwide. World Rev Nutr Diet. 2020;121:89-94. doi: 10.1159/000507491. Epub 2020 Oct 6. PMID: 33502371 | |
2020 | Evang EC | Habte TY, Owino WO, Krawinkel MB | Can the supplementary consumption of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit pulp improve the hemoglobin levels and iron status of schoolchildren in Kenya? Findings of a randomized controlled intervention trial | Evang EC, Habte TY, Owino WO, Krawinkel MB. Can the supplementary consumption of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit pulp improve the hemoglobin levels and iron status of schoolchildren in Kenya? Findings of a randomized controlled intervention trial. Eur J Nutr. 2020 Dec 23. doi: 10.1007/s00394-020-02447-2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33355689 |
2020 | Kwiyolecha E | Groendahl B, Okamo B, Kayange N, Manyama F, Kidenya BR, Mahamba DC, Msanga DR, Gehring S, Majigo M, Mshana SE, Mirambo MM. | Patterns of viral pathogens causing upper respiratory tract infections among symptomatic children in Mwanza, Tanzania | Kwiyolecha E, Groendahl B, Okamo B, Kayange N, Manyama F, Kidenya BR, Mahamba DC, Msanga DR, Gehring S, Majigo M, Mshana SE, Mirambo MM. Patterns of viral pathogens causing upper respiratory tract infections among symptomatic children in Mwanza, Tanzania. Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 28;10(1):18490. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-74555-2. PMID: 33116166; PMCID: PMC7595034. |
2020 | Evang EC | Habte TY, Owino WO, Krawinkel MB | The Nutritional and Micronutrient Status of Urban Schoolchildren with Moderate Anemia is Better than in a Rural Area in Kenya | Evang EC, Habte TY, Owino WO, Krawinkel MB. The Nutritional and Micronutrient Status of Urban Schoolchildren with Moderate Anemia is Better than in a Rural Area in Kenya. Nutrients. 2020 Jan 13;12(1):207. doi: 10.3390/nu12010207. PMID: 31941120; PMCID: PMC7019372 |
2020 | Weigel R | Krüger C | Global child health in Germany - Time for action | Open access: |
Year | First Author | Co-Authors | Title | Citation |
2019 | Zuechner A | Stärkung der medizinischen Neugeborenen-Versorgung in Tanzania | Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, February 2019, Volume 167, Issue 2, pp 169-170 | |
2019 | Tariverdian N | Kotsias-Konopelska S, Lindert J | Annual Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics & Global Child Health in Germany - A 10-year Experience | MSF Paediatric Days, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.27855.94880 |
2019 | Tariverdian N | Leishmaniose - Eine unterschätzte Tropenkrankheit | Der Allgemeinarzt, 2019; 41 (11) Seite 46-49 | |
2018 | International Society for Social Pediatrics and Child Health (ISSOP) | The GTP endorses the statements | Statement on America’s Opposition to the International Resolution in Support of Breastmilk Feeding | Sent for release July 10th 2018. |
2018 | International Society for Social Pediatrics and Child Health (ISSOP) | The GTP endorses the statements | Response to US government's separation of families and violation of child and human rights | ISSOP Position Statements, News 2018. |
2018 | Krawinkel MB | Ludwig C, Swai ME, Yang RY, Chun KP, Habicht SD | Bitter gourd reduces elevated fasting plasma glucose levels in an intervention study among prediabetics in Tanzania | J Ethnopharmacol. 2018;216:1-7. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2018.01.016 |
2018 | Whitney CW | Shepherd K D, Krawinkel M, Luedeling E | Integration of Fruit Trees into Agricultural Landscapes of Kenya can Help Enhance Nutrition Security | ICRAF Policy Brief no 40. World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya |
2018 | Whitney CW | Luedeling E, Hensel O, Tabuti JRS, Krawinkel M, Gebauer J, Kehlenbeck K | The Role of Homegardens for Food and Nutrition Security in Uganda | Hum Ecol 2018;46: 497. |
2018 | Rau C | Kobbe R | Reiseimpfungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen | Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2018; 18(05): 309-316 |
2018 | Kotsias-Konopelska S | Lindert J | Reisen mit Kindern, Teil I: Sonnenschutz | Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2018; 18(05): 317-321 |
2018 | Weber SF | Saravu K, Heller T, Kadavigere R, Vishwanath S, Gehring S, Bélard S, And Pocus Eti Study Group. | Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in India: A Prospective Cohort Study in HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Presumptive Tuberculosis Patients | Weber SF, Saravu K, Heller T, Kadavigere R, Vishwanath S, Gehring S, Bélard S, And Pocus Eti Study Group. Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in India: A Prospective Cohort Study in HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Presumptive Tuberculosis Patients. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2018 Jan;98(1):266-273. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.17-0486. PMID: 29141727; PMCID: PMC5928723. |
2018 | Kotsias-Konopelska S | Lindert J | Reisen mit Kindern, Teil II: Zeitverschiebung, Reisen in größere Höhenlagen, heißes/feuchtes und kaltes Klima, Rad- und Autoreisen | Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2018; 18(05): 322-327 |
2018 | Stich A | Kleine C, Ziegler U, Schwienhorst EM | Durch Vektoren übertragene Erkrankungen | Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2018; 18(05): 332-338 |
2018 | Maritz E | Tariverdian N | Wenn einer eine Reise tut: Reisen mit Kindern und intestinale Infektionen als Souvenir | Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2018; 18(05): 339-346 |
2018 | Rau C | Lindert J, Kotsias-Konopelska S, Kobbe R | Aerogen übertragene Infektionskrankheiten bei Kindern auf Reisen | Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2018; 18(06): 422-426 |
2017 | International Society for Social Pediatrics and Child Health (ISSOP) | The GTP endorses the Declaration | Budapest Declaration on the Rights, Health and Well-Being of Children and Youth on the Move | ISSOP Position Statements, News 2017, 10 November 2017. |
2017 | Chiutsi-Phiri G | Heil E, Kalimbira AA, Masangano C, Mtimuni BM, Krawinkel MB, Jordan I | Reduced Morbidity Motivated Adoption of Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices after Nutrition Education Intervention in Rural Malawi | Ecol Food Nutr. 2017;56(4):329-348. doi: 10.1080/03670244.2017.1338181 |
2017 | Kuchenbecker J | Reinbott A, Mtimuni B, Krawinkel MB, Jordan I | Nutrition education improves dietary diversity of children 6-23 months at community-level: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in Malawi | PLoS One. 2017;12(4):e0175216. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175216. eCollection 2017 |
2016 | Konopelska S | Schmidt C, van't Ende K | Auffälliges Sozialverhalten: Psyche oder Infektion? | Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, May 2016, Volume 164, Issue 5, pp 393–396 |
2016 | Gebauer J | Adam YO, Sanchez AC, Darr D, Eltahir MES, Fadl KEM. Fernsebner G, Frei M, Habte TY, Hammer K, Hunsche M, Johnson H, Kordofani M, Krawinkel M, Kugler F, Luedeling E, Mahmoud TE, Maina A, Mithoefer D, Munthali CRY, Noga G, North R, Owino WO, Prinz K, Rimberia FK, Saied A, Schuering M, Sennhenn A, Spaeth MA, Taha MEN, Triebel A, Wichern F, Wiehle M, Wrage-Moennig M, Kehlenbeck K | Africa’s wooden elephant: the baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) in Sudan and Kenya: a review | Genet Resour Crop Evol (2016) 63: 377. |
2016 | Reinbott A | Schelling A, Kuchenbecker J, Jeremias T, Russell I, Kevanna O, Krawinkel MB, Jordan I | Nutrition education linked to agricultural interventions improved child dietary diversity in rural Cambodia | Br J Nutr. 2016;116(8):1457-1468 |
2016 | Reinbott A | Jordan I, Herrmann J, Kuchenbecker J, Kevanna O, Krawinkel MB | Role of Breastfeeding and Complementary Food on Hemoglobin and Ferritin Levels in a Cambodian Cross-Sectional Sample of Children Aged 3 to 24 Months | PLoS One.2016;11(3):e0150750. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150750. eCollection 2016 |
2015 | Pfeil J | Kobbe R, Trapp S, Kitz C, Hufnagel M | Empfehlungen zur infektiologischen Versorgung von Flüchtlingen im Kindes- und Jugendalter in Deutschland | Monatszeitschrift Kinderheilkunde Dez 2015 |
2015 | RTS,S Clinical Trials Partnership | including Oneko M | Efficacy and safety of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine with or without a booster dose in children and infants in Africa: final results of a phase 3, individually randominzed, controlled trial | Volume 386, No. 9988, p31–45, 4 July 2015 |
2015 | Adamczick C | Schwienhorst E | Lepra und Buruli Ulkus - Bedeutung der Vernachlässigten Erkrankungen für Kinder weltweit | Monatszeitschrift Kinderheilkunde Nov 2015 |
2015 | Knipper M | Baumann A, Hofstetter C, Korte R, Krawinkel MB | Internationalizing Medical Education: The Special Track Curriculum 'Global Health' at Justus Liebig University Giessen | GMS Z Med Ausbild. 2015;32(5):Doc52. doi:10.3205/zma000994. eCollection 2015 |
2015 | El-Shabrawi MH | Kamal NM, Elhusseini MA, Hussein L, Abdallah EA, Ali YZ, Azab AA, Salama MA, Kassab M, Krawinkel MB | Folic Acid Intake and Neural Tube Defects: Two Egyptian Centers Experience | Medicine (Baltimore). 2015;94(37):e1395. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000001395 |
2015 | Waswa LM | Jordan I, Herrmann J, Krawinkel MB, Keding GB | Community-based educational intervention improved the diversity of complementary diets in western Kenya: results from a randomized controlled trial | Public Health Nutr. 2015;18(18):3406-19 |
2015 | Grabosch E | Krawinkel MB | Kinderernährung unter Armutsbedingungen | Monatsschr Kinderheilkd (2015) 163: 1125. |
2015 | Reinbott A | Kuchenbecker J, Herrmann J, Jordan I, Muehlhoff E, Kevanna O, Krawinkel MB | A child feeding index is superior to WHO IYCF indicators in explaining length-for-age Z-scores of young children in rural Cambodia | Paediatr Int Child Health. 2015;35(2):124-34 |
2015 | Kuchenbecker J | Jordan I, Reinbott A, Herrmann J, Jeremias T, Kennedy G, Muehlhoff E, Mtimuni B, Krawinkel MB | Exclusive breastfeeding and its effect on growth of Malawian infants: results from a cross-sectional study | Paediatr Int Child Health. 2015;35(1):14-23 |
2014 | Adamczick C | Beitrag Marasmus | Camilla Rothe: Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine, Elsevier, April 2014 | |
2014 | Bozorgmehr K | Bruchhausen W, Hein W, Knipper M, Korte R, Razum O, Tinnemann P | The global health concept of the German government: strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. | Glob Health Action 2014 Feb 13;7:23445. |
2014 | Zoufaly A | Hammerl R, Sunjoh F, Jochum J, Nassimi N, Awasom C, Tayong G, Sauter F, Schmiedel S, van Lunzen J, Burchard G, Feldt T | High HIV prevalence among children presenting for general consultation in rural Cameroon. | Int J STD AIDS. 2014 Jan 27 |
2014 | Toschke C | Krüger C | Fremdkörperingestionen bei Kindern in Tansania und Deutschland | Pädiatrische Praxis 2014 83: 393-407 |
2014 | Reddy EA | Njau BN, Morpeth SC, Lancaster KE, Tribble AC, Maro VP, Msuya LJ, Morrissey AB, Kibiki GS, Thielman NM, Cunningham CK, Schimana W, Shao JF, Chow SC, Stout JE, Crump JA, Bartlett JA, Hamilton CD | A randomized controlled trial of standard versus intensified tuberculosis diagnostics on treatment decisions by physicians in Northern Tanzania. | BMC Infect Dis. 2014 Feb 20;14:89. |
2014 | Buchanan AM | Dow DE, Massambu CG, Nyombi B, Shayo A, Musoke R, Feng S, Bartlett JA, Cunningham CK, Schimana W | Progress in the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in three regions of Tanzania: a retrospective analysis. | PLoS One. 2014 Feb 13;9(2):e88679. |
2014 | Winter FS | Emakam F, Kfutwah A, Hermann J, Azabji-Kenfack M, Krawinkel MB | The effect of Arthrospira platensis capsules on CD4 T-cells and antioxidative capacity in a randomized pilot study of adult women infected with human immunodeficiency virus not under HAART in Yaoundé, Cameroon | Nutrients. 2014;6(7):2973-86 |
2013 | Bozorgmehr K | Bruchhausen W, Hein W, Knipper M, Korte R, Tinnemann P, Razum O | Germany and global health: an unfinished agenda? | Lancet. 2013 Nov 23;382(9906):1702-3 |
2013 | Krüger C | Olsen OE, Mighay E, Ali M | Immunisation status and its associations in rural Tanzanian infants | Rural and Remote Health 2013 13: 2457 |
2013 | Krüger C | Neonatal health: its importance in achieving MDG IV, In: U. Groß, K. Wydra on behalf of the Göttingen International Health Network (Hrsg.): Interdisciplinary aspects of maternal-child health within the perspective of global health | Göttingen University Press, Göttingen 2013. 491-510 | |
2013 | Krüger C | Adamczick C, Höger P, Magdorf K | Lepra. In: DGPI-Handbuch. Infektionen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. 6. Auflage. | Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart 2013. 365-368 |
2013 | Elling R | Henneke P, Hatz C, Hufnagel M | Dengue fever in children: where are we now? | Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013 Sep;32(9):1020-2. |
2013 | Knipper M | Joining ethnography and history in cultural competence training | Cult Med Psychiatry. 2013 Jun;37(2):373-84. | |
2013 | Lawn JE | Davidge R, Paul VK, Xylander Sv, de Graft Johnson J, Costello A, Kinney MV, Segre J, Molyneux L | Born Too Soon: Care for the preterm baby | Reprod Health. 2013;10 Suppl 1:S5. |
2013 | Mabey D | Gill G, Parry E, Weber MW, Whitty CJ | Principles of Medicine in Africa. 4th ed. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2013. |
2013 | Julia M | Anindyajathi.D., Mulyadi AW, Weber MW, Wandita S, Soenarto Y | An evaluation of pre-service training for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in medical schools in Indonesia. | Education Research Journal 2013;3(5):129-37. |
2013 | Li MY | Puspita R, Duke T, Agung FH, Hegar B, Pritasari K, Weber MW | Implementation in Indonesia of the WHO Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children. | Paediatr Int Child Health 2013 Aug 2. |
2013 | Nair H | Simoes EA, Rudan I, Gessner BD, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Zhang JS, Feikin DR, Mackenzie GA, Moiisi JC, Roca A, Baggett HC, Zaman SM, Singleton RJ, Lucero MG, Chandran A, Gentile A, Cohen C, Krishnan A, Bhutta ZA, Arguedas A, Clara AW, Andrade AL, Ope M, Ruvinsky RO, Hortal M, McCracken JP, Madhi SA, Bruce N, Qazi SA, Morris SS, El AS, Weber MW, Scott JA, Brooks WA, Breiman RF, Campbell H | Global and regional burden of hospital admissions for severe acute lower respiratory infections in young children in 2010: a systematic analysis. | Lancet 2013 Jan 29. |
2013 | Sidik NA | Lazuardi L, Agung FH, Pritasari K, Roespandi H, Setiawan T, Pawitro U, Nurhamzah W, Weber MW. | Assessment of the quality of hospital care for children in Indonesia. | Trop Med Int Health 2013 Apr;18(4):407-15. |
2013 | Weber MW | Palmer A, Mulholland EK. | The integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI). In: Mabey D, Gill G, Parry E, Weber MW, Whitty CJ, editors. Principles of Medicine in Africa. . 4th ed | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2013. p. 88-102. |
2013 | Weber MW | Mulholland EK. | Pneumonia and other acute respiratory tract infections in children. In: Mabey D, Gill G, Parry E, Weber MW, Whitty CJ, editors. Principles of Medicine in Africa. 4th ed. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2013. p. 123-34. |
2013 | Weber MW | Gordon M | Diarrhoea. In: Mabey D, Gill G, Parry E, Weber MW, Whitty CJ, editors. Principles of Medicine in Africa. 4th ed. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2013. p. 113-22. |
2013 | Jordan I | Hebestreit A, Swai B, Krawinkel MB | Breast cancer risk among women with long-standing lactation and reproductive parameters at low risk level: a case-control study in Northern Tanzania. | Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013 Nov;142(1):133-41. |
2013 | Dörnemann J | Kelly AH | 'It is me who eats, to nourish him': a mixed-method study of breastfeeding in post-earthquake Haiti. | Matern Child Nutr. 2013 Jan;9(1):74-89. |
2013 | Jordan I | Hebestreit A, Swai B, Krawinkel MB | Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk among women in northern Tanzania: a case-control study. | Eur J Nutr. 2013 Apr;52(3):905-15. |
2013 | Kinabo GD | van der Ven A, Msuya LJ, Shayo AM, Schimana W, Ndaro A, van Asten HA, Dolmans WM, Warris A, Hermans PW | Dynamics of nasopharyngeal bacterial colonisation in HIV-exposed young infants in Tanzania. | Trop Med Int Health. 2013 Mar;18(3):286-95. |
2013 | van der Meeren BT | Chhaganlal KD, Pfeiffer A, Gomez E, Ferro JJ, Hilbink M, Macome C, van der Vondervoort FJ, Steidel K, Wever PC | Extremely high prevalence of multi-resistance among uropathogens from hospitalised children in Beira, Mozambique. | S Afr Med J. 2013 Mar 15;103(6):382-6. |
2013 | van der Werff SD | Twisk JW, Wördemann M, Campos Ponce M, Díaz R, Junco Núñez FA, Rojas Rivero L, Bonet Gorbea M, Polman K | Deworming is not a risk factor for the development of atopic diseases: a longitudinal study in Cuban school children. | Clin Exp Allergy. 2013 Jun;43(6):665-71. |
2013 | Müller O | Mockenhaupt FP, Marks B, Meissner P, Coulibaly B, Kuhnert R, Buchner H, Schirmer RH, Walter-Sack I, Sié A, Mansmann U | Haemolysis risk in methylene blue treatment of G6PD-sufficient and G6PD-deficient West-African children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a synopsis of four RCTs. | Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2013 Apr;22(4):376-85. |
2012 | RTS,S Clinical Trials Partnership | including Oneko M, Rettig T | A phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African infants. | N Engl J Med. 2012 Dec 13;367(24):2284-95. |
2012 | Krüger C | Niemi M, Espeland H, Naman N, Malleyeck I | The effects of standardised protocols of obstetric and neonatal care on perinatal and early neonatal mortality at a rural hospital in Tanzania. | International Health 2012 4: 55-62 |
2012 | Lindert J, | Breitbach R, Sieben G, Tiemasse SA, Coulibaly A, Wacker J | Perinatal health in rural Burkina Faso. | Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2012 Jun;117(3):295-7. |
2012 | Kennedy N | Miller P, Adamczick C, Molyneux E | Endomyocardial fibrosis: the first report from Malawi. | Paediatr Int Child Health. 2012 May;32(2):86-8. |
2012 | Krüger C | Niemi M | A telemedicine network to support paediatric care in small hospitals in rural Tanzania. | Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2012 18: 59-62 |
2012 | Ludwig C | Keding GB, Msuya JM, Krawinkel MB | Introduction of fruits and vegetables into children's diets in the Iringa Region, Tanzania. | J Trop Pediatr. 2012 Jun;58(3):241-3. |
2012 | Violari A | Lindsey JC, Hughes MD, Mujuru HA, Barlow-Mosha L, Kamthunzi P, Chi BH, Cotton MF, Moultrie H, Khadse S, Schimana W, Bobat R, Purdue L, Eshleman SH, Abrams EJ, Millar L, Petzold E, Mofenson LM, Jean-Philippe P, Palumbo P | Nevirapine versus ritonavir-boosted lopinavir for HIV-infected children. | N Engl J Med. 2012 Jun 21;366(25):2380-9. |
2012 | Krawinkel MB | Interaction of nutrition and infections globally: an overview. | Ann Nutr Metab. 2012;61 Suppl 1:39-45. | |
2012 | Krawinkel MB | Overcoming undernutrition with local resources in Africa, Asia and Latin America. | J Sci Food Agric. 2012 Nov;92(14):2757-9. | |
2012 | Namagembe A | Ssekabira U, Weaver MR, Blum N, Burnett S, Dorsey G, Sebuyira LM, Ojaku A, Schneider G, Willis K, Yeka A | Improved clinical and laboratory skills after team-based, malaria case management training of health care professionals in Uganda. | Malar J. 2012 Feb 13;11:44. |
2012 | Vereecken K | Kanobana K, Wördemann M, Junco Diaz R, Menocal Heredia L, Ruiz Espinosa A, Nuñez FA, Rojas Rivero L, Bonet Gorbea M, Polman K | Associations between atopic markers in asthma and intestinal helminth infections in Cuban schoolchildren. | Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2012 Jun;23(4):332-8. |
2012 | Müller O | Meissner P, Mansmann U | Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and safety of methylene blue. | Drug Saf. 2012 Jan 1;35(1):85; author reply 85-6. |
2011 | RTS,S Clinical Trials Partnership | including Oneko M, Rettig T | First results of phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African children. | N Engl J Med. 2011 Nov 17;365(20):1863-75. |
2011 | Weyer K | Carai S, Nunn P | Viewpoint TB diagnostics: what does the world really need? | J Infect Dis. 2011 Nov 15;204 Suppl 4:S1196-202. |
2011 | Krüger C | Medical schools in sub-Saharan Africa (letter) | Lancet 2011 378: 1293-1294 | |
2011 | Krüger C | Olsen OE, Mighay E, Ali M | Where do women give birth in rural Tanzania? | Rural and Remote Health 2011 11: 1791 |
2011 | Arthur FK | Owusu L, Yeboah FA, Rettig T, Osei-Akoto A | Prognostic significance of biochemical markers in African Burkitt's lymphoma. | Clin Transl Oncol. 2011 Oct;13(10):731-6. |
2011 | Maritz ER | Kidd M, Cotton MF | Premasticating food for weaning African infants: a possible vehicle for transmission of HIV. | Pediatrics. 2011 Sep;128(3):e579-90. |
2011 | La Vincente SF | Peel D, Carai S, Weber MW, Enarson P, Maganga E, Soyolgerel G, Duke T | The functioning of oxygen concentrators in resource-limited settings: a situation assessment in two countries. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2011 May;15(5):693-9. |
2011 | Krüger C | Malleyeck I, Naman N | Amoebic abscess of the spleen and fatal colonic perforation. | Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2011 30: 91-92 |
2011 | Hoque DM | Rahman M, Billah SM, Savic M, Karim AQ, Chowdhury EK, Hossain A, Musa SA, Kumar H, Malhotra S, Matin Z, Raina N, Weber MW, El AS | An assessment of the quality of care for children in eighteen randomly selected district and sub-district hospitals in Bangladesh. | BMC Pediatr 2012;12:197. |
2011 | Jeena PM | Reichert K, Adhikari M, Popat M, Carlin JB, Weber MW, Hamer DH. | Clinical manifestations and outcome in HIV-infected young infants presenting with acute illness in Durban, South Africa. | Ann Trop Paediatr 2011;31(1):15-26. |
2011 | Molyneux E | Nizami SQ, Saha S, Huu KT, Azam M, Bhutta ZA, Zaki R, Weber MW, Qazi SA. | 5 versus 10 days of treatment with ceftriaxone for bacterial meningitis in children: a double-blind randomised equivalence study. | Lancet 2011 May 28;377(9780):1837-45. |
2011 | Rudan I | Chopra M, Aulchenko Y, Baqui AH, Bhutta ZA, Edmond K, Horta BL, Klugman KP, Lanata CF, Madhi SA, Nair H, Qureshi Z, Rubens C, Theodoratou E, Victora CG, Wang W, Weber MW, Wilson JF, Zgaga L, Campbell H | The case for launch of an international DNA-based birth cohort study. | J Glob Health 2011 Jun;1(1):39-45. |
2011 | Rudan I | El AS, Bhutta ZA, Black RE, Brooks A, Chan KY, Chopra M, Duke T, Marsh D, Pio A, Simoes EA, Tamburlini G, Theodoratou E, Weber MW, Whitney CG, Campbell H, Qazi SA. | Setting research priorities to reduce global mortality from childhood pneumonia by 2015 | PLoS Med 2011 Sep;8(9):e1001099. |
2011 | Smith KR | McCracken JP, Weber MW, Hubbard A, Jenny A, Thompson LM, Balmes J, Diaz A, Arana B, Bruce N | Effect of reduction in household air pollution on childhood pneumonia in Guatemala (RESPIRE): a randomised controlled trial. | Lancet 2011 Nov 12;378(9804):1717-26. |
2011 | Bausch-Becker NA | Ribeiro HC Jr, Krawinkel MB | Influence of oral N-acetylcysteine on the course of chronic diarrhea in children aged between 2 and 36 months. | J Trop Pediatr. 2011 Jun;57(3):234-5. |
2011 | Lee Y | Krawinkel MB | The nutritional status of iron, folate, and vitamin B-12 of Buddhist vegetarians. | Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2011;20(1):42-9. |
2011 | Krawinkel MB | Benefits from longer breastfeeding: do we need to revise the recommendations? | Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2011 Oct;41(9):240-3. | |
2011 | Keding GB | Msuya JM, Maass BL, Krawinkel MB | Dietary patterns and nutritional health of women: the nutrition transition in rural Tanzania. | Food Nutr Bull. 2011 Sep;32(3):218-26. |
2011 | Crump JA | Ramadhani HO, Morrissey AB, Msuya LJ, Yang LY, Chow SC, Morpeth SC, Reyburn H, Njau BN, Shaw AV, Diefenthal HC, Bartlett JA, Shao JF, Schimana W, Cunningham CK, Kinabo GD | Invasive bacterial and fungal infections among hospitalized HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected children and infants in northern Tanzania. | Trop Med Int Health. 2011 Jul;16(7):830-7. |
2011 | Kobbe R | Hogan B, Adjei S, Klein P, Kreuels B, Loag W, Adjei O, May J | Follow-up survey of children who received sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive antimalarial treatment in infants. | J Infect Dis. 2011 Feb 15;203(4):556-60. |
2011 | Meyer CG | Calixto Fernandes MH, Intemann CD, Kreuels B, Kobbe R, Kreuzberg C, Ayim M, Ruether A, Loag W, Ehmen C, Adjei S, Adjei O, Horstmann RD, May J | IL3 variant on chromosomal region 5q31-33 and protection from recurrent malaria attacks. | Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Mar 15;20(6):1173-81. |
2010 | Mazzi E | Bartos AE, Carlin J, Weber MW, Darmstadt GL | Clinical signs predicting severe illness in young infants (<60 days) in Bolivia. | J Trop Pediatr 2010 Feb 8. |
2010 | Nair H | Nokes DJ, Gessner BD, Dherani M, Madhi SA, Singleton RJ, O'Brien KL, Roca A, Wright PF, Bruce N, Chandran A, Theodoratou E, Sutanto A, Sedyaningsih ER, Ngama M, Munywoki PK, Kartasasmita C, Simoes EA, Rudan I, Weber MW, Campbell H | Global burden of acute lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in young children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. | Lancet 2010 May 1;375(9725):1545-55. |
2010 | Pope DP | Mishra V, Thompson L, Siddiqui AR, Rehfuess EA, Weber M, Bruce NG | Risk of Low Birth Weight and Stillbirth Associated With Indoor Air Pollution From Solid Fuel Use in Developing Countries. | Epidemiol Rev 2010 Apr 8;32:70-81. |
2010 | Trisnantoro L | Soemantri S, Singgih B, Pritasari K, Mulati E, Agung FH, Weber MW | Reducing child mortality in Indonesia. | Bull World Health Organ 2010 Sep 1;88(9):642. |
2010 | Owusu L | Yeboah FA, Osei-Akoto A, Rettig T, Arthur FK | Clinical and epidemiological characterisation of Burkitt's lymphoma: an eight-year case study at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Ghana. | Br J Biomed Sci. 2010;67(1):9-14. |
2010 | Ntoburi S | Hutchings A, Sanderson C, Carpenter J, Weber M, English M | Paediatric Quality of Hospital Care Indicator Panel. Development of paediatric quality of inpatient care indicators for low-income countries - A Delphi study. | BMC Pediatr. 2010 Dec 14;10:90. |
2010 | Duke T | Graham SM, Cherian MN, Ginsburg AS, English M, Howie S, Peel D, Enarson PM, Wilson IH, Were W | Union Oxygen Systems Working Group. Oxygen is an essential medicine: a call for international action. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2010 Nov;14(11):1362-8. |
2010 | AQUAMAT group | including Oneko M | Artesunate versus quinine in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria in African children (AQUAMAT): an open-label, randomised trial. | Lancet. 2010 Nov 13;376(9753):1647-57. |
2010 | Hatz C | Inoubli S, Loutan L, Genton B, Behrens R, Hufnagel M | Japanese encephalitis: risk for endemic populations and for travellers. | Rev Med Suisse. 2010 May 12;6(248):956-9. |
2010 | Krüger C | International maternal, neonatal and child health – five essays. | epubli GmbH, Berlin, 2010 | |
2010 | Krüger C | When ethnology informs clinical medicine: non-Bantu peoples without apparent sickle cell disease in the Mbulu area in Northern Tanzania (letter) | Rural and Remote Health 2010 10: 1620. (Online) | |
2010 | Krüger C | Naman N | Cranial ultrasound in neonates and infants in rural Africa. | South African Journal of Child Health 2010 4: 83-87 |
2010 | Knipper M | Akinci S, Soydan N | Culture and healthcare in medical education: migrants' health and beyond. | GMS Z Med Ausbild. 2010;27(3):Doc41. |
2010 | Knipper M | Seeleman C, Essink-Bot ML | How should ethnic diversity be represented in medical curricula? A plea for systematic training in cultural competence. | GMS Z Med Ausbild. 2010;27(2):Doc26. |
2010 | Knipper M | Salaverry O | M. Kuczynski-Godard (1890-1967): medical-anthropological pictures of the Peruvian Amazon and the Andes, 1938-1948. | Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2010 Mar;27(1):146-50. |
2010 | Knipper M | Beyond the indigenous: health and interculturality at the global level | Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2010 Mar;27(1):94-101. | |
2010 | Krüger C | Malleyeck I | Congenital syphilis: still a serious, under-diagnosed threat for children in resource-poor countries. | World Journal of Pediatrics 2010 6: 125-131 |
2010 | Kalk A | Paul FA, Grabosch E | 'Paying for performance' in Rwanda: does it pay off? | Trop Med Int Health. 2010 Feb;15(2):182-90. |
2010 | Odigwe CC | Smedslund G, Ejemot-Nwadiaro RI, Anyanechi CC, Krawinkel MB | Supplementary vitamin E, selenium, cysteine and riboflavin for preventing kwashiorkor in preschool children in developing countries. | Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Apr 14;(4):CD008147. |
2010 | Emmett SD | Cunningham CK, Mmbaga BT, Kinabo GD, Schimana W, Swai ME, Bartlett JA, Crump JA, Reddy EA | Predicting virologic failure among HIV-1-infected children receiving antiretroviral therapy in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study. | J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Aug;54(4):368-75. |
2010 | Palumbo P | Lindsey JC, Hughes MD, Cotton MF, Bobat R, Meyers T, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Chi BH, Musoke P, Kamthunzi P, Schimana W, Purdue L, Eshleman SH, Abrams EJ, Millar L, Petzold E, Mofenson LM, Jean-Philippe P, Violari A | Antiretroviral treatment for children with peripartum nevirapine exposure. | N Engl J Med. 2010 Oct 14;363(16):1510-20. |
2010 | Aarts R | Steidel K, Manuel BA, Driessen EW | Progress testing in resource-poor countries: a case from Mozambique. | Med Teach. 2010;32(6):461-3. |
2010 | Buchholz U | Kobbe R, Danquah I, Zanger P, Reither K, Abruquah HH, Grobusch MP, Ziniel P, May J, Mockenhaupt FP | Multiplicity of Plasmodium falciparum infection following intermittent preventive treatment in infants. | Malar J. 2010 Aug 26;9:244. |
2010 | Panning M | Kobbe R, Vollbach S, Drexler JF, Adjei S, Adjei O, Drosten C, May J, Eis-Hubinger AM | Novel human parvovirus 4 genotype 3 in infants, Ghana. | Emerg Infect Dis. 2010 Jul;16(7):1143-6. |
2010 | Kreuels B | Kreuzberg C, Kobbe R, Ayim-Akonor M, Apiah-Thompson P, Thompson B, Ehmen C, Adjei S, Langefeld I, Adjei O, May J | Differing effects of HbS and HbC traits on uncomplicated falciparum malaria, anemia, and child growth. | Blood. 2010 Jun 3;115(22):4551-8. |
2010 | Bountogo M | Zoungrana A, Coulibaly B, Klose C, Mansmann U, Mockenhaupt FP, Burhenne J, Mikus G, Walter-Sack I, Schirmer RH, Sié A, Meissner P, Müller O | Efficacy of methylene blue monotherapy in semi-immune adults with uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a controlled trial in Burkina Faso. | Trop Med Int Health. 2010 Jun;15(6):713-7. |
2010 | Danquah I | Coulibaly B, Meissner P, Petruschke I, Müller O, Mockenhaupt FP | Selection of pfmdr1 and pfcrt alleles in amodiaquine treatment failure in north-western Burkina Faso. | Acta Trop. 2010 Apr;114(1):63-6. |
2019 | Makurat J | Becker N, Wieringa FT, Chamnan C, Krawinkel MB | Impact of lunch provision on anthropometry, hemoglobin, and micronutrient status of female Cambodian garment workers: exploratory randomized controlled trial | • Makurat J, Becker N, Wieringa FT, Chamnan C, Krawinkel MB. Impact of lunch provision on anthropometry, hemoglobin, and micronutrient status of female Cambodian garment workers: exploratory randomized controlled trial. BMC Nutr. 2019 Jul 8;5:36. doi: 10.1186/s40795-019-0297-4. PMID: 32153949; PMCID: PMC7050856 |
2019 | Momanyi, D | Owino, W., Makokha, A., Evang, E., Tsige, H. and Krawinkel, M | Gaps in food security, food consumption and malnutrition in households residing along the baobab belt in Kenya | • Momanyi, D., Owino, W., Makokha, A., Evang, E., Tsige, H. and Krawinkel, M. (2019), "Gaps in food security, food consumption and malnutrition in households residing along the baobab belt in Kenya", Nutrition & Food Science, ahead-of-print. |
2019 | Habte TY | Suleiman I, Adam HE, Krawinkel MB | The Potential of Baobab (Adansonia Digitata L) Leaves From North- And West Kordofan In Sudan As Mineral Complement Of Common Diets | • Habte TY, Suleiman I, Adam HE, Krawinkel MB (2019) The Potential of Baobab (Adansonia Digitata L) Leaves From North- And West Kordofan In Sudan As Mineral Complement Of Common Diets. J Nut and Food Proc, 2:2:015:1-11. |
2018 | Koletzko B | Cremer M, Flothkötter M, Graf C, Hauner H, Hellmers C, Kersting M, Krawinkel M, Przyrembel H, Röbl-Mathieu M, Schiffner U, Vetter K, Weißenborn A, Wöckel A | Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy – Practical Recommendations of the Germany-wide Healthy Start - Young Family Network | • Koletzko B, Cremer M, Flothkötter M, Graf C, Hauner H, Hellmers C, Kersting M, Krawinkel M, Przyrembel H, Röbl-Mathieu M, Schiffner U, Vetter K, Weißenborn A, Wöckel A (2018) Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy – Practical Recommendations of the Germany-wide Healthy Start - Young Family Network. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 78(12):1262-1282 |
Year | First Author | Co-Authors | Title | Citation |
2009 | Bahl R | Martines J, Ali N, Bhan MK, Carlo W, Chan KY, Darmstadt GL, Hamer DH, Lawn JE, McMillan DD, Mohan P, Paul V, Tsai AC, Victora CG, Weber MW, Zaidi AK, Rudan I | Research priorities to reduce global mortality from newborn infections by 2015. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 2009 Jan;28(1 Suppl):S43-S48. |
2009 | Grant GB | Campbell H, Dowell SF, Graham SM, Klugman KP, Mulholland EK, Steinhoff M, Weber MW, Qazi S | Recommendations for treatment of childhood non-severe pneumonia. | Lancet Infect Dis 2009 Mar;9(3):185-96. |
2009 | Hill SE | Njie O, Sanneh M, Jallow M, Peel D, Njie M, Weber M, Hill PC, Adegbola RA, Howie SR | Oxygen for treatment of severe pneumonia in The Gambia, West Africa: a situational analysis. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009 May;13(5):587-93. |
2009 | Howie SR | Hill S, Ebonyi A, Krishnan G, Njie O, Sanneh M, Jallow M, Stevens W, Taylor K, Weber MW, Njai PC, Tapgun M, Corrah T, Mulholland K, Peel D, Njie M, Hill PC, Adegbola RA | Meeting oxygen needs in Africa: an options analysis from the Gambia. | Bull World Health Organ 2009 Oct;87(10):763-71. |
2009 | Niessen L | ten Hove A, Hilderink H, Weber M, Mulholland K, Ezzati M | Comparative impact assessment of child pneumonia interventions. | Bull WHO 2009;87(6):472-80. |
2009 | Puchalski Ritchie LM | Howie SR, Arenovich T, Cheung YB, Weber M, Moore S, Adegbola RA | Long-term morbidity from severe pneumonia in early childhood in The Gambia, West Africa: a follow-up study. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009 Apr;13(4):527-32. |
2009 | Subhi R | Adamson M, Campbell H, Weber M, Smith K, Duke T | The prevalence of hypoxaemia among ill children in developing countries: a systematic review. | Lancet Infect Dis 2009 Apr;9(4):219-27. |
2009 | Carai S | Were W, Weber MW | Hospital care for children in developing countries: getting the evidence where it matters. | Trop Med Int Health. 2009 Nov;14(11):1324-6. |
2009 | Krüger C | Medical missionaries in Africa (letter) | Lancet 2009 373: 1521-1522 | |
2009 | Hatz C | Werlein J, Mutsch M, Hufnagel M, Behrens RH | Japanese encephalitis: defining risk incidence for travelers to endemic countries and vaccine prescribing from the UK and Switzerland. | J Travel Med. 2009 May-Jun;16(3):200-3. |
2009 | Schümann K | Longfils P, Monchy D, von Xylander S, Weinheimer H, Solomons NW | Efficacy and safety of twice-weekly administration of three RDAs of iron and folic acid with and without complement of 14 essential micronutrients at one or two RDAs: a placebo-controlled intervention trial in anemic Cambodian infants 6 to 24 months of age. | Eur J Clin Nutr. 2009 Mar;63(3):355-68. |
2009 | Knipper M | Anthropology and "crisis in medicine": The pathologist M. Kuczynski-Godard (1890-1967) and the indigenous peoples of Central Asia and Peru. | Dynamis. 2009;29:97-121, 8-9. | |
2009 | Krüger C | Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) (Kap. 3.6). In: E. Hackenbruch (Hrsg.): Go international! Handbuch zur Vorbereitung von Gesundheitsberufen auf die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Humanitäre Hilfe. 2. Auflage. | Hans Huber-Verlag, Bern. 2009. 209-220 | |
2009 | Krüger C | Höger P, Magdorf K, Post E | Lepra. In: DGPI-Handbuch. Infektionen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. 5. Auflage. | Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart. 2009. 340-343 |
2009 | Krüger C | Malleyeck I | Diagnosing possible infantile cow’s milk protein allergy in rural Tanzania, when history and physical examination are the only tools: a case report. | Cases Journal 2009 2: 6287 |
2009 | Lee Y | Krawinkel M | Body composition and nutrient intake of Buddhist vegetarians. | Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2009;18(2):265-71. |
2009 | Krawinkel MB | {beta}-Carotene from rice for human nutrition? | Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Sep;90(3):695-6; author reply 696-7. | |
2009 | Krawinkel MB | The value of Asian-Africa collaboration in food and health security. | Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2009;18(4):570-6. | |
2009 | Wahlqvist ML | Keatinge JD, Butler CD, Friel S, McKay J, Easdown W, Kuo KN, Huang CJ, Pan WH, Yang RY, Lee MS, Chang HY, Chiu YW, Jaron D, Krawinkel M, Barlow S, Walsh G, Chiang TL, Huang PC, Li D | A Food in Health Security (FIHS) platform in the Asia-Pacific Region: the way forward. | Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2009;18(4):688-702. |
2009 | Shorter MM | Ostermann J, Crump JA, Tribble AC, Itemba DK, Mgonja A, Mtalo A, Bartlett JA, Shao JF, Schimana W, Thielman NM | Characteristics of HIV voluntary counseling and testing clients before and during care and treatment scale-up in Moshi, Tanzania. | J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Dec;52(5):648-54. |
2009 | Johnson OO | Benjamin DK, Benjamin DK Jr, Schimana W, Tillekeratne LG, Crump JA, Landman KZ, Kinabo GD, Mmbaga B, Msuya LJ, Shao JF, Swai ME, Cunningham CK | Total lymphocyte count and World Health Organization pediatric clinical stage as markers to assess need to initiate antiretroviral therapy among human immunodeficiency virus-infected children in Moshi, Northern Tanzania. | Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009 Jun;28(6):493-7. |
2009 | Lofgren SM | Morrissey AB, Chevallier CC, Malabeja AI, Edmonds S, Amos B, Sifuna DJ, von Seidlein L, Schimana W, Stevens WS, Bartlett JA, Crump JA | Evaluation of a dried blood spot HIV-1 RNA program for early infant diagnosis and viral load monitoring at rural and remote healthcare facilities. | AIDS. 2009 Nov 27;23(18):2459-66. |
2009 | Grobusch MP | Gabor JJ, Aponte JJ, Schwarz NG, Poetschke M, Doernemann J, Schuster K, Koester KB, Profanter K, Borchert LB, Kurth F, Pongratz P, Issifou S, Lell B, Kremsner PG | No rebound of morbidity following intermittent preventive sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine treatment of malaria in infants in Gabon. | J Infect Dis. 2009 Dec 1;200(11):1658-61. |
2009 | Lutalo IM | Schneider G, Weaver MR, Oyugi JH, Sebuyira LM, Kaye R, Lule F, Namagala E, Scheld WM, McAdam KP, Sande MA | Training needs assessment for clinicians at antiretroviral therapy clinics: evidence from a national survey in Uganda. | Hum Resour Health. 2009 Aug 23;7:76. |
2009 | Aponte JJ | Schellenberg D, Egan A, Breckenridge A, Carneiro I, Critchley J, Danquah I, Dodoo A, Kobbe R, Lell B, May J, Premji Z, Sanz S, Sevene E, Soulaymani-Becheikh R, Winstanley P, Adjei S, Anemana S, Chandramohan D, Issifou S, Mockenhaupt F, Owusu-Agyei S, Greenwood B, Grobusch MP, Kremsner PG, Macete E, Mshinda H, Newman RD, Slutsker L, Tanner M, Alonso P, Menendez C | Efficacy and safety of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria in African infants: a pooled analysis of six randomised, placebo-controlled trials. | Lancet. 2009 Oct 31;374(9700):1533-42. |
2009 | Kreuels B | Ehrhardt S, Kreuzberg C, Adjei S, Kobbe R, Burchard GD, Ehmen C, Ayim M, Adjei O, May J | Sickle cell trait (HbAS) and stunting in children below two years of age in an area of high malaria transmission. | Malar J. 2009 Jan 16;8:16. |
2009 | Müller O | Sié A, Meissner P, Schirmer RH, Kouyaté B | Artemisinin resistance on the Thai-Cambodian border. | Lancet. 2009 Oct 24;374(9699):1419. |
2009 | Coulibaly B | Zoungrana A, Mockenhaupt FP, Schirmer RH, Klose C, Mansmann U, Meissner PE, Müller O | Strong gametocytocidal effect of methylene blue-based combination therapy against falciparum malaria: a randomised controlled trial. | PLoS One. 2009;4(5):e5318. |
2009 | Walter-Sack I | Rengelshausen J, Oberwittler H, Burhenne J, Mueller O, Meissner P, Mikus G | High absolute bioavailability of methylene blue given as an aqueous oral formulation. | Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Feb;65(2):179-89. |
2008 | Dherani M | Pope D, Mascarenhas M, Smith KR, Weber M, Bruce N | Indoor air pollution from unprocessed solid fuel use and pneumonia risk in children aged under five years: a systematic review and meta-analysis. | Bull World Health Organ 2008 May;86(5):390-398C. |
2008 | Jeena PM | Adhikari M, Carlin JB, Qazi S, Weber MW, Hamer DH | Clinical profile and predictors of severe illness in young South African infants (<60 days). | S Afr Med J 2008 Nov;98(11):883-8. |
2008 | Junge S | Nokes DJ, Simoes EAF, Weber MW | Respiratory syncytial virus. In: Heggenhougen K, Quah S, editors. International Encyclopedia of Public Health. 1 ed | San Diego: Academic Press; 2008. p. 561-71. |
2008 | Yeboah-Antwi K | Addo-Yobo E, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Carlin JB, Plange-Rhule G, Osei AA, Weber MW, Hamer DH | Clinico-epidemiological profile and predictors of severe illness in young infants (0-59 days) in Ghana. | Ann Trop Paediatr 2008 Mar;28(1):35-43. |
2008 | Young Infants Clinical Signs Study Group | Clinical signs that predict severe illness in children under age 2 months: a multicentre study. | Lancet 2008 Jan 12;371(9607):135-42. | |
2008 | Campbell H | Duke T, Weber M, English M, Carai S, Tamburlini G | Global initiatives for improving hospital care for children: state of the art and future prospects. | Pediatrics. 2008 Apr;121(4):e984-92. |
2008 | Heikens GT | Bunn J, Amadi B, Manary M, Chhagan M, Berkley JA, Rollins N, Kelly P, Adamczick C, Maitland K, Tomkins A | Case management of HIV-infected severely malnourished children: challenges in the area of highest prevalence | Lancet. 2008 Apr 12;371(9620):1305-7. |
2008 | Krug A | Patrick M | Audit of Child Health Services. Chapter in Child Health for All. Edited by H Saloojee and M Kibel. (4th edition) | Oxford University Press, South Africa 2008. |
2008 | Krüger C | Qualität kurativer Dienste im ambulanten und stationären Bereich (Kap. 5.2). In: O. Razum, J. Breckenkamp, P. Reitmaier: Kindergesundheit in Entwicklungsländern. | Peter Lang-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main. 2008. 123-132 | |
2008 | Breckenkamp J | Krüger C, Razum O, Reitmaier P | Status und Trend der Kindergesundheit (Kap. 2.1). In: O. Razum, J. Breckenkamp, P. Reitmaier: Kindergesundheit in Entwicklungsländern | Peter Lang-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main. 2008. 19-31 |
2008 | Bode HH | Schimana W, Swai B, Bode U | Sexual precocity associated with an abdominal tumor in an African boy. | J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Mar;21(3):275-7. |
2008 | L'homme RF | Muro EP, Droste JA, Wolters LR, van Ewijk-Beneken Kolmer NW, Schimana W, Burger DM | Therapeutic drug monitoring of nevirapine in resource-limited settings. | Clin Infect Dis. 2008 Nov 15;47(10):1339-44. |
2008 | Ssekabira U | Bukirwa H, Hopkins H, Namagembe A, Weaver MR, Sebuyira LM, Quick L, Staedke S, Yeka A, Kiggundu M, Schneider G, McAdam K, Wabwire-Mangen F, Dorsey G | Improved malaria case management after integrated team-based training of health care workers in Uganda. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2008 Dec;79(6):826-33. |
2008 | Wördemann M | Diaz RJ, Heredia LM, Collado Madurga AM, Ruiz Espinosa A, Prado RC, Millan IA, Escobedo A, Rojas Rivero L, Gryseels B, Gorbea MB, Polman K | Association of atopy, asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis and intestinal helminth infections in Cuban children. | Trop Med Int Health. 2008 Feb;13(2):180-6. |
2008 | Kobbe R | Klein P, Adjei S, Amemasor S, Thompson WN, Heidemann H, Nielsen MV, Vohwinkel J, Hogan B, Kreuels B, Bührlen M, Loag W, Ansong D, May J | A randomized trial on effectiveness of artemether-lumefantrine versus artesunate plus amodiaquine for unsupervised treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Ghanaian children. | Malar J. 2008 Dec 19;7:261. |
2008 | May J | Adjei S, Busch W, Gabor JJ, Issifou S, Kobbe R, Kreuels B, Lell B, Schwarz NG, Adjei O, Kremsner PG, Grobusch MP | Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of intermittent preventive anti-malarial treatment in infants (IPTi) from Ghana and Gabon. | Malar J. 2008 Oct 1;7:198. |
2008 | Kobbe R | Schreiber N, May J, Jacobs T | Simvastatin treatment shows no effect on the incidence of cerebral malaria or parasitemia during experimental malaria. | Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2008 Apr;52(4):1583-4. |
2008 | Kobbe R | Kramme S, Kreuels B, Adjei S, Kreuzberg C, Panning M, Adjei O, Fleischer B, May J | Q fever in young children, Ghana. | Emerg Infect Dis. 2008 Feb;14(2):344-6. |
2008 | Kreuels B | Kobbe R, Adjei S, Kreuzberg C, von Reden C, Bäter K, Klug S, Busch W, Adjei O, May J | Spatial variation of malaria incidence in young children from a geographically homogeneous area with high endemicity. | J Infect Dis. 2008 Jan 1;197(1):85-93. |
2008 | Schreiber N | Khattab A, Petter M, Marks F, Adjei S, Kobbe R, May J, Klinkert MQ | Expression of Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 STEVOR proteins for evaluation of antibody responses following malaria infections in naïve infants. | Parasitology. 2008 Feb;135(2):155-67. |
2008 | Mandi G | Mockenhaupt FP, Coulibaly B, Meissner P, Müller O | Efficacy of amodiaquine in the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in young children of rural north-western Burkina Faso. | Malar J. 2008 Apr 17;7:58. |
2008 | Zoungrana A | Coulibaly B, Sié A, Walter-Sack I, Mockenhaupt FP, Kouyaté B, Schirmer RH, Klose C, Mansmann U, Meissner P, Müller O | Safety and efficacy of methylene blue combined with artesunate or amodiaquine for uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a randomized controlled trial from Burkina Faso. | PLoS One. 2008 Feb 20;3(2):e1630. |
2008 | Burhenne J | Riedel KD, Rengelshausen J, Meissner P, Müller O, Mikus G, Haefeli WE, Walter-Sack I | Quantification of cationic anti-malaria agent methylene blue in different human biological matrices using cation exchange chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. | J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2008 Mar 1;863(2):273-82. |
2008 | Meissner PE | Mandi G, Mockenhaupt FP, Witte S, Coulibaly B, Mansmann U, Frey C, Merkle H, Burhenne J, Walter-Sack I, Müller O | Marked differences in the prevalence of chloroquine resistance between urban and rural communities in Burkina Faso. | Acta Trop. 2008 Jan;105(1):81-6. |
2007 | Bruce N | Weber M, Arana B, Diaz A, Jenny A, Thompson L, McCracken J, Dherani M, Juarez D, Ordonez S, Klein R, Smith KR | Pneumonia case-finding in the RESPIRE Guatemala indoor air pollution trial: standardizing methods for resource-poor settings | Bull World Health Organ 2007 Jul;85(7):535-44. |
2007 | Deorari AK | Chellani H, Carlin JB, Greenwood P, Prasad MS, Satyavani A, Singh J, John R, Taneja DK, Paul P, Meenakshi M, Kapil A, Paul VK, Weber M | Clinicoepidemiological profile and predictors of severe illness in young infants (< 60 days) reporting to a hospital in North India | Indian Pediatr 2007 Oct;44(10):739-48. |
2007 | Greenwood BM | Weber MW, Mulholland K | Childhood pneumonia--preventing the worlds biggest killer of children. | Bull World Health Organ 2007 Jul;85(7):502-3. |
2007 | Hill SR | Gray A, Weber M | Setting standards for essential children's medicines. | Bull WHO 2007;85(9):650. |
2007 | Narang A | Kumar P, Narang R, Ray P, Carlin JB, Greenwood P, Muley P, Misra S, Weber M | Clinico-epidemiological profile and validation of symptoms and signs of severe illness in young infants (< 60 days) reporting to a district hospital. | Indian Pediatr 2007 Oct;44(10):751-9. |
2007 | Qazi S | Weber M, Lawe-Davies O, Thea DM | WHO guidelines for treatment of severe pneumonia. | Lancet 2007 Aug 4;370(9585):385-6. |
2007 | Wichmann O | Eggelte TA, Gellert S, Osman ME, Mylius F, Ehrhardt S, Anemana SD, Bienzle U, Mockenhaupt FP | High residual chloroquine blood levels in African children with severe malaria seeking healthcare. | Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2007 Jul;101(7):637-42. |
2007 | Child PIP group and MRC Research Unit for Maternal and Infant Health Care Strategies | Saving Children 2005: A survey of child healthcare in South Africa. | Editors: A Krug, M Patrick, C Stephen. Pretoria 2007 | |
2007 | Krüger C | Health workers and vaccination coverage in developing countries (letter) | Lancet 2007 370: 479 | |
2007 | Krawinkel MB | What we know and don't know about Golden Rice. | Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Jun;25(6):623; author reply 624. | |
2007 | Grimes C | Schimana W | Features of childhood leukaemia in Tanzania. | Trop Doct. 2007 Apr;37(2):117. |
2007 | Grobusch MP | Lell B, Schwarz NG, Gabor J, Dornemann J, Potschke M, Oyakhirome S, Kiessling GC, Necek M, Langin MU, Klein Klouwenberg P, Klopfer A, Naumann B, Altun H, Agnandji ST, Goesch J, Decker M, Salazar CL, Supan C, Kombila DU, Borchert L, Koster KB, Pongratz P, Adegnika AA, Glasenapp Iv, Issifou S, Kremsner PG | Intermittent preventive treatment against malaria in infants in Gabon—a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. | J Infect Dis. 2007 Dec 1;196(11):1595-602. |
2007 | Oyakhirome S | Pötschke M, Schwarz NG, Dörnemann J, Laengin M, Salazar CO, Lell B, Kun JF, Kremsner PG, Grobusch MP | Artesunate--amodiaquine combination therapy for falciparum malaria in young Gabonese children. | Malar J. 2007 Mar 12;6:29. |
2007 | Kobbe R | Kobbe R, Adjei S, Kreuzberg C, Kreuels B, Thompson B, Thompson PA, Marks F, Busch W, Tosun M, Schreiber N, Opoku E, Adjei O, Meyer CG, May J | Malaria incidence and efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi). | Malar J. 2007 Dec 9;6:163. |
2007 | Kobbe R | Kramme S, Gocht A, Werner M, Lippert U, May J, Burchard G | Travel-associated Coxiella burnetii infections: three cases of Q fever with different clinical manifestation. | Travel Med Infect Dis. 2007 Nov;5(6):374-9. |
2007 | Schreiber N | Kobbe R, Adjei S, Adjei O, Klinkert MQ, May J | Immune responses after single-dose sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine indicate underestimation of protective efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment in infants. | Trop Med Int Health. 2007 Oct;12(10):1157-63. |
2007 | Kobbe R | Kreuzberg C, Adjei S, Thompson B, Langefeld I, Thompson PA, Abruquah HH, Kreuels B, Ayim M, Busch W, Marks F, Amoah K, Opoku E, Meyer CG, Adjei O, May J | A randomized controlled trial of extended intermittent preventive antimalarial treatment in infants. | Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Jul 1;45(1):16-25. |
2007 | Kobbe R | Meyer CG, May J | Chloroquine-resistant malaria in Malawi. | N Engl J Med. 2007 Feb 22;356(8):868; author reply 869. |
2007 | Yé Y | Traoré C, Meissner P, Coulibaly B, Becher H, Müller O | Ability of mothers to diagnose fever and anaemia in their young children, in a malaria-endemic region of West Africa. | Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2007 Jun;101(4):297-303. |
2006 | Duke T | Campbell H, Ayieko P, Opiyo N, English M, Kelly J, Carai S, Tamburlini G, Weber M | Accessing and understanding the evidence. | Bull World Health Organ. 2006 Dec;84(12):922. |
2006 | van den Broek I | Kitz C, Al Attas S, Libama F, Balasegaram M, Guthmann JP | Efficacy of three artemisinin combination therapies for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the Republic of Congo. | Malar J. 2006 Nov 24;5:113. |
2006 | Maclennan C | von Xylander S, Weber MW | Improving the quality of emergency care for children in developing countries. | Bull World Health Organ. 2006 Apr;84(4):258. |
2006 | Archer HA | van der Sande M, Hoyer P, Goetghebuer T, McAdam KP, Vester U, Newport MJ | Oedema with proteinuria in Gambian children--a descriptive study. | Pediatr Nephrol. 2006 Mar;21(3):339-43. |
2006 | Duke T | Kelly J, Weber M, English M, Campbell H | Hospital care for children in developing countries: clinical guidelines and the need for evidence. | J Trop Pediatr 2006 Feb;52(1):1-2. |
2006 | Duke T | Keshishiyan E, Kuttumuratova A, Ostergren M, Ryumina I, Stasii E, Weber MW, Tamburlini G | Quality of hospital care for children in Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, and Russia: systematic observational assessment. | Lancet 2006 Mar 18;367(9514):919-25. |
2006 | Junge S | Palmer A, Greenwood BM, Kim ME, Weber MW | The spectrum of hypoxaemia in children admitted to hospital in The Gambia, West Africa. | Trop Med Int Health 2006 Mar;11(3):367-72. |
2006 | Kroeger A | Nathan MB, Hombach J, Dayal-Drager R, Weber MW | Dengue research and training supported through the World Health Organization. | Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2006 Apr;100 Suppl 1:S97-S101. |
2006 | Smith KR | Bruce N, Weber MW, Hubbard A, Jenny A, Dherani M, Acevedo R, Arana B | Impact of a chimney wood stove on risk of pneumonia in children aged less than 18 months in rural Guatemala: Results from a randomized, controlled trial. | Epidemiology 2006 Nov;17(6):S45. |
2006 | Weber MW | Gopalakrishna G, Awomoyi A, Cunningham A, Adegbola RA, Falade AG, Ogunlesi OO, Whittle HC, Mulholland EK | The role of Chlamydia pneumoniae in acute respiratory tract infections in young children in The Gambia, West Africa. | Ann Trop Paediatr 2006 Jun;26(2):87-94. |
2006 | Krawinkel MB | Keding GB | Bitter gourd (Momordica Charantia): A dietary approach to hyperglycemia. | Nutr Rev. 2006 Jul;64(7 Pt 1):331-7. |
2006 | Landman KZ | Kinabo GD, Schimana W, Dolmans WM, Swai ME, Shao JF, Crump JA | Capacity of health-care facilities to deliver HIV treatment and care services, Northern Tanzania, 2004. | Int J STD AIDS. 2006 Jul;17(7):459-62. |
2006 | Uriyo J | Gosling RD, Maddox V, Sam NE, Schimana W, Gillespie SH, McHugh TD | Prevalences of Pneumocystis jiroveci, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in children with severe pneumonia, in a tertiary referral hospital in northern Tanzania. | Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2006 Apr;100(3):245-9. |
2006 | Weaver MR | Nakitto C, Schneider G, Kamya MR, Kambugu A, Lukwago R, Ronald A, McAdam K, Sande MA | Measuring the outcomes of a comprehensive HIV care course: pilot test at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda. | J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2006 Nov 1;43(3):293-303. |
2006 | Wördemann M | Polman K, Menocal Heredia LT, Diaz RJ, Madurga AM, Núñez Fernández FA, Cordovi Prado RA, Espinosa AR, Duran LP, Gorbea MB, Rivero LR, Gryseels B | Prevalence and risk factors of intestinal parasites in Cuban children. | Trop Med Int Health. 2006 Dec;11(12):1813-20. |
2006 | Wördemann M | Polman K, Diaz RJ, Menocal Heredia LT, Madurga AM, Sague KA, Gryseels B, Gorbea MB | The challenge of diagnosing atopic diseases: outcomes in Cuban children depend on definition and methodology. | Allergy. 2006 Sep;61(9):1125-31. |
2006 | Kobbe R | Neuhoff R, Marks F, Adjei S, Langefeld I, von Reden C, Adjei O, Meyer CG, May J | Seasonal variation and high multiplicity of first Plasmodium falciparum infections in children from a holoendemic area in Ghana, West Africa. | Trop Med Int Health. 2006 May;11(5):613-9. |
2006 | Meissner PE | Mandi G, Coulibaly B, Witte S, Tapsoba T, Mansmann U, Rengelshausen J, Schiek W, Jahn A, Walter-Sack I, Mikus G, Burhenne J, Riedel KD, Schirmer RH, Kouyaté B, Müller O | Methylene blue for malaria in Africa: results from a dose-finding study in combination with chloroquine. | Malar J. 2006 Oct 8;5:84. |
2005 | Adegbola RA | Secka O, Lahai G, Lloyd-Evans N, Njie A, Usen S, Oluwalana C, Obaro S, Weber M, Corrah T, Mulholland K, McAdam K, Greenwood B, Milligan PJ | Elimination of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease from The Gambia after the introduction of routine immunisation with a Hib conjugate vaccine: a prospective study. | Lancet 2005 Jul 12;366(9480):144-50. |
2005 | Carapetis JR | Steer AC, Mulholland EK, Weber M | The global burden of group A streptococcal diseases. | Lancet Infect Dis 2005 Nov;5(11):685-94. |
2005 | Rudan I | Lawn J, Cousens S, Rowe AK, Boschi-Pinto C, Tomaskovic L, Mendoza W, Lanata CF, Roca-Feltrer A, Carneiro I, Schellenberg JA, Polasek O, Weber M, Bryce J, Morris SS, Black RE, Campbell H | Gaps in policy-relevant information on burden of disease in children: a systematic review. | Lancet 2005 Jun 11;365(9476):2031-40. |
2005 | Weber M | Management of children with cough in developing countries. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2005 Jul;9(7):707. | |
2005 | Krug A | Patrick M, Pattinson RC, Stephen C | Childhood death auditing to improve paediatric care. | Acta Paed 2006; 95: 1467-1473. |
2005 | Cramer JP | Nüssler AK, Ehrhardt S, Burkhardt J, Otchwemah RN, Zanger P, Dietz E, Gellert S, Bienzle U, Mockenhaupt FP | Age-dependent effect of plasma nitric oxide on parasite density in Ghanaian children with severe malaria. | Trop Med Int Health. 2005 Jul;10(7):672-80. |
2005 | Child PIP group and MRC Research Unit for Maternal and Infant Health Care Strategies | Saving Children 2004: A survey of child healthcare in South Africa. | Editors: A Krug, RC Pattinson. Pretoria 2005. | |
2005 | Krüger C | Childhood cancer treatment in developing countries (letter) | Lancet 2005 365: 752-753 | |
2005 | Krawinkel M | Tsunami and the challenge for nutrition security. | Ann Nutr Metab. 2005 Jan-Feb;49(1):1-2. | |
2005 | Hoffmeister M | Lyaruu IA, Krawinkel MB | Assessment of nutritional intake, body mass index and glycemic control in patients with type-2 diabetes from northern Tanzania. | Ann Nutr Metab. 2005 Jan-Feb;49(1):64-8. |
2005 | Yeo EA | Béquet L, Ekouévi DK, Krawinkel M | Attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding and other infant feeding options--a study from Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. | J Trop Pediatr. 2005 Aug;51(4):223-6. |
2005 | Mahr J | Wuestefeld M, Ten Haaf J, Krawinkel MB | Nutrition education for illiterate children in southern Madagascar--addressing their needs, perceptions and capabilities. | Public Health Nutr. 2005 Jun;8(4):366-72. |
2005 | Müller O | Krawinkel M | Malnutrition and health in developing countries. | CMAJ. 2005 Aug 2;173(3):279-86. |
2005 | Beauman C | Cannon G, Elmadfa I, Glasauer P, Hoffmann I, Keller M, Krawinkel M, Lang T, Leitzmann C, Lötsch B, Margetts BM, McMichael AJ, Meyer-Abich K, Oltersdorf U, Pettoello-Mantovani M, Sabaté J, Shetty P, Sória M, Spiekermann U, Tudge C, Vorster HH, Wahlqvist M, Zerilli-Marimò M | The principles, definition and dimensions of the new nutrition science. | Public Health Nutr. 2005 Sep;8(6A):695-8. |
2005 | Marks F | von Kalckreuth V, Kobbe R, Adjei S, Adjei O, Horstmann RD, Meyer CG, May J | Parasitological rebound effect and emergence of pyrimethamine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum after single-dose sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. | J Infect Dis. 2005 Dec 1;192(11):1962-5. Erratum in: J Infect Dis. 2006 May 1;193(9):1340. |
2005 | Kobbe R | Marks F, May J, Meyer CG | Editorial: antifolates in prevention of HIV-associated opportunistic infections and in intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in Africa. | Trop Med Int Health. 2005 Apr;10(4):293-4. |
2005 | Meissner PE | Coulibaly B, Mandi G, Mansmann U, Witte S, Schiek W, Müller O, Schirmer RH, Mockenhaupt FP, Bienzle U | Diagnosis of red cell G6PD deficiency in rural Burkina Faso: comparison of a rapid fluorescent enzyme test on filter paper with polymerase chain reaction based genotyping. | Br J Haematol. 2005 Nov;131(3):395-9. |
2005 | Meissner PE | Mandi G, Witte S, Coulibaly B, Mansmann U, Rengelshausen J, Schiek W, Jahn A, Sanon M, Tapsoba T, Walter-Sack I, Mikus G, Burhenne J, Riedel KD, Schirmer H, Kouyaté B, Müller O | Safety of the methylene blue plus chloroquine combination in the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in young children of Burkina Faso [ISRCTN27290841]. | Malar J. 2005 Sep 22;4:45. |
2005 | Mandi G | Witte S, Meissner P, Coulibaly B, Mansmann U, Rengelshausen J, Schiek W, Jahn A, Sanon M, Wüst K, Walter-Sack I, Mikus G, Burhenne J, Riedel KD, Schirmer H, Kouyaté B, Müller O | Safety of the combination of chloroquine and methylene blue in healthy adult men with G6PD deficiency from rural Burkina Faso. | Trop Med Int Health. 2005 Jan;10(1):32-8. |
2004 | Lanata CF | Rudan I, Boschi-Pinto C, Tomaskovic L, Cherian T, Weber M, Campbell H | Methodological and quality issues in epidemiological studies of acute lower respiratory infections in children in developing countries. | Int J Epidemiol 2004 May 27. |
2004 | Molyneux E | Weber MW | Applying the right standards to improve hospital performance in Africa. | Lancet 2004 Oct 30;364(9445):1560-1. |
2004 | Morris-Jones S | Weber M | Medical mystery: painless ulcers--the answer. | N Engl J Med 2004 May 27;350(22):2313-4. |
2004 | Palmer A | Carlin JB, Freihorst J, Gatchalian S, Muhe L, Mulholland K, Weber MW | The use of CRP for diagnosing infections in young infants < 3 months of age in developing countries. | Ann Trop Paediatr 2004 Sep;24(3):205-12. |
2004 | van der Sande MA | Goetghebuer T, Sanneh M, Whittle HC, Weber MW | Seasonal variation in respiratory syncytial virus epidemics in the Gambia, West Africa. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 2004 Jan;23(1):73-4. |
2004 | Weber M | Palmer A, Mulholland K | The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. In: Parry E, Godfrey R, Mabey D, Gill G, editors. Principles of medicine in Africa. 3 ed. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2004. p. 159-72. |
2004 | Weber M | Pneumonia and acute respiratory infections in children. In: Parry E, Godfrey R, Mabey D, Gill G, editors. Principles of medicine in Africa. 3 ed. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2004. p. 363-71. | |
2004 | Weber M | Diarrhoea. In: Parry E, Godfrey R, Mabey D, Gill G, editors. Principles of medicine in Africa. 3 ed. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2004. p. 372-85. | |
2004 | Weber M | Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). In: Parry E, Godfrey R, Mabey D, Gill G, editors. Principles of medicine in Africa. 3 ed. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2004. p. 679-86. | |
2004 | Monchy D | Babin FX, Srey CT, Ing PN, von Xylander S, Ly V, Busch Hallen J | Frequency of G6PD deficiency in a group of preschool-aged children in a centrally located area of Cambodia. | Med Trop (Mars). 2004;64(4):355-8. |
2004 | Cramer JP | Mockenhaupt FP, Ehrhardt S, Burkhardt J, Otchwemah RN, Dietz E, Gellert S, Bienzle U | iNOS promoter variants and severe malaria in Ghanaian children. | Trop Med Int Health. 2004 Oct;9(10):1074-80. |
2004 | Mockenhaupt FP | Ehrhardt S, Gellert S, Otchwemah RN, Dietz E, Anemana SD, Bienzle U | Alpha(+)-thalassemia protects African children from severe malaria. | Blood. 2004 Oct 1;104(7):2003-6. |
2004 | Li YS | Kardorff R, Richter J, Sun KY, Zhou H, McManus DP, Hatz C | Ultrasound organometry: the importance of body height adjusted normal ranges in assessing liver and spleen parameters among Chinese subjects with Schistosoma japonicum infection. | Acta Trop. 2004 Oct;92(2):133-8. |
2004 | Mockenhaupt FP | Ehrhardt S, Burkhardt J, Bosomtwe SY, Laryea S, Anemana SD, Otchwemah RN, Cramer JP, Dietz E, Gellert S, Bienzle U | Manifestation and outcome of severe malaria in children in northern Ghana. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2004 Aug;71(2):167-72. |
2004 | Tay TS | Kitz C, Booth F | Goldenhar syndrome: a case from Papua New Guinea. | Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2004 Feb;32(1):75-7. |
2004 | Krug A | Pattinson RC, Power D | Saving Children: An audit system to assess Under-5 healthcare. | S Afr Med J 2004; 94: 198-202. |
2004 | Krug A | Pattinson RC, Power D | Why children die: An under-5 healthcare survey in Mafikeng region. | S Afr Med J 2004; 94: 202-206. |
2004 | Vaagland H | Blomberg B, Krüger C, Naman N, Jureen R, Langeland N | Nosocomial outbreak of neonatal Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis meningitis in a rural hospital in northern Tanzania | BMC Infectious Diseases 4: 35 |
2004 | Krüger C | Malleyeck I, Evjen Olsen OH | Aquatic leech infestation: a rare cause of severe anaemia in an adolescent Tanzanian girl. | European Journal of Pediatrics 2004 163: 297-299 |
2004 | Krüger C | Malaria intermittent preventive treatment and EPI coverage (letter) | Lancet 2004 363: 2000-2001 | |
2004 | Ole-Nguyaine S | Crump JA, Kibiki GS, Kiang K, Taylor J, Schimana W, Bartlett JA, Shao JF, Hamilton JD, Thielman NM | HIV-associated morbidity, mortality and diagnostic testing opportunities among inpatients at a referral hospital in northern Tanzania. | Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2004 Mar;98(2):171-9. |
2003 | Deen JL | Funk M, Guevara VC, Saloojee H, Doe JY, Palmer A, Weber MW | Implementation of the WHO severe malnutrition guidelines in hospitals in Africa. | Bull World Health Organ 2003;81(4):237-43. |
2003 | Deen JL | Weber M, Qazi S, Fontaine O | An extended field test of the WHO severe malnutrition guidelines in hospitals in developing countries: preliminary observations. | Forum Nutr 2003;56:183-4. |
2003 | Simoes EA | Peterson S, Gamatie Y, Kisanga FS, Mukasa G, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Were MW, Weber MW | Management of severely ill children at first-level health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa when referral is difficult. | Bull World Health Organ 2003;81(7):522-31. |
2003 | Weber MW | Carlin JB, Gatchalian S, Lehmann D, Muhe L, Mulholland EK | Predictors of neonatal sepsis in developing countries. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 2003 Aug;22(8):711-7. |
2003 | Weber MW | Management of meningitis in resource-poor settings. | Ann Trop Paediatr 2003 Dec;23(4):255-7. | |
2003 | Klingenberg C | Olomi R, Oneko M, Sam N, Langeland N | Neonatal morbidity and mortality in a Tanzanian tertiary care referral hospital. | Ann Trop Paediatr. 2003 Dec;23(4):293-9. |
2003 | Kern P | Dockter G, Krüger C | Amöbiasis. In: DGPI-Handbuch. Infektionen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen; 4. Auflage. | Futuramed-Verlag, München. 2003. 189-192 |
2003 | Krüger C | Neonatologie in der Dritten Welt: Chancen für Neugeborene. | pädiatrie hautnah 2003 15: 95-96 | |
2003 | Krüger C | Evjen Olsen OH | Inequities among the very poor: effect of young age on care-seeking (letter). | Lancet 2003 361: 1744-1745 |
2003 | Kardorff R | Eriksen L, Nielsen DH, Johansen MV | Validation of ultrasonography for hepatic schistosomiasis using a porcine Schistosoma japonicum model. | Acta Trop. 2003 Mar;85(3):315-23. |
2003 | Krawinkel M | Kwashiorkor is still not fully understood. | Bull World Health Organ. 2003;81(12):910-1. | |
2003 | Krawinkel M | Rau H | Nutrition security and crisis prevention: can nutritional | Forum Nutr. 2003;56:389-91. |
2002 | Duke T | Bailey R, Weber MW | science contribute to crisis prevention? | Indian Pediatr 2002 Jun;39(6):523-8. |
2002 | van der Sande MA | Kidd IM, Goetghebuer T, Martynoga RA, Magnusen A, Allen S, Weber MW, Fielding KL, Marchant A, Whittle HC | Severe respiratory syncytial virus infection in early life is associated with increased type 2 cytokine production in Gambian children. | Clin Exp Allergy 2002 Oct;32(10):1430-5. |
2002 | Weber MW | Herman J, Usen S, Jaffar S, Oparaugo A, Omosigho C, Adegbola RA, Greenwood BM | Clinical predictors of bacterial meningitis in infants and young children in The Gambia. | Trop Med Intern Health 2002;7(9):722-31. |
2002 | Weber MW | Milligan P, Sanneh M, Awemoyi A, Dakour R, Schneider G, Palmer A, Jallow M, Whittle H, Mulholland EK, Greenwood BM | An epidemiological study of RSV infection in The Gambia. | Bull World Health Organ 2002;80(7):562-8. |
2002 | Oneko M | Lyamuya S, Mhando S | Outcome of hydrocephalus and spina bifida surgery in a referral hospital without neurosurgical services in Tanzania. | Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2002 Dec;12 Suppl 1:S39-41. |
2002 | Krüger C | The missing link: neonatal care in rural communities in developing countries (letter). | Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2002 80: 759-760 | |
2002 | Warmann S | Meier PN, Kardorff R, Fuchs J | Cystic echinococcosis with perforation into the biliary tract in an eight-year-old girl. | Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2002 Apr;12(2):134-7. |
2002 | Adamczick C | Baumgaertner F, Swai M | Burkitt-Lymphoma in Paediatrics at the KCMC, 1998 – 1999 | Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 150. Band, Heft 8, p 1030, 2002 |
2002 | Hoffmeister M | Lyaruu I, Krawinkel MB | Nutritional management of diabetes in northern Tanzania. | Diabetes Care. 2002 Aug;25(8):1486. |
2002 | Meissner PE | Musoke P, Okwera A, Bunn JE, Coulter JB | The value of urine testing for verifying adherence to anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy in children and adults in Uganda. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2002 Oct;6(10):903-8. |
2002 | Keller AP | Beggs ML, Amthor B, Bruns F, Meissner P, Haas WH | Evidence of the presence of IS1245 and IS1311 or closely related insertion elements in nontuberculous mycobacteria outside of the Mycobacterium avium complex. | J Clin Microbiol. 2002 May;40(5):1869-72. |
2001 | Oneko M | Nyathi MN, Doehring E | Post-dysenteric hemolytic uremic syndrome in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. | Pediatr Nephrol. 2001 Dec;16(12):1142-5. |
2001 | S.G. Hinderaker | C. Krüger, B. Evjen Olsen, N. Naman, P. Bergsjø, O.H. Evjen Olsen | Low HIV-seroprevalence in pregnant women in a rural area in Tanzania. | Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2001 80: 1152-1153 |
2001 | Kardorff R | Döhring E | Ultrasound diagnosis of bilharziasis | Ultraschall Med. 2001 Jun;22(3):107-15. |
2001 | Krüger C | Intraosseous access in paediatric patients in a developing country setting (letter) | Tropical Doctor 2001 31: 118 | |
2001 | Muhe L | Weber M | Oxygen delivery to children with hypoxaemia in small hospitals in developing countries. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2001 Jun;5(6):527-32. |
2001 | Nolan T | Angos P, Cunha AJ, Muhe L, Qazi S, Simoes EA, Tamburlini G, Weber M, Pierce NF | Quality of hospital care for seriously ill children in developing countries. | Lancet 2001;357((9250)):106-10. |
2001 | Usen S | Weber M | Clinical signs of hypoxaemia in children with acute lower respiratory infection: indicators of oxygen therapy. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2001 Jun;5(6):505-10. |
2001 | Weber A | Weber M, Milligan P | Modeling epidemics caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). | Math Biosci 2001 Aug;172(2):95-113. |
2001 | Weber M | Infektionen mit dem Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Gambia, West Afrika. | Sozialpädiatrie 2001;22(11-12):370-2. | |
2001 | Schneider G | Oxygen supply in rural africa: a personal experience. | Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2001 Jun;5(6):524-6. | |
2001 | Meissner PE | Coulter JB | Management of tuberculosis. | N Engl J Med. 2001 Nov 15;345(20):1502. |
2000 | Goetghebuer T | West TE, Wermenbol V, Cadbury AL, Milligan P, Lloyd-Evans N, Adegbola RA, Mulholland K, Greenwood BM, Weber MW | Outcome of meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b in children in The Gambia. | Trop Med Intern Health 2000;5(3):207-13. |
2000 | Muhe L | Oljira B, Degefu H, Jaffar S, Weber MW | Evaluation of clinical pallor in the identification and treatment of children with moderate and severe anaemia. | Trop Med Intern Health 2000;5:805-10. |
2000 | Weber M | Open questions in the case management of sick children. | Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2000 Jan;94(1):14-6. | |
2000 | Krüger C | Benn C | Chancen und Probleme einer wirksamen HIV-Prävention für Kinder in Entwicklungsländern. | Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2000 148: 1030-1035 |
2000 | Krüger C | Letter re: O. Witt et al.: Transfusionsmalaria als Ursache von unklarem postoperativen Fieber. | Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2000 148: 498-499 |
Year | First Author | Co-Authors | Title | Citation |
1999 | Adegbola RA | Usen SO, Weber M, Lloyd-Evans N, Jobe K, Mulholland K, McAdam KP, Greenwood BM, Milligan PJ | Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis in The Gambia after introduction of a conjugate vaccine. | Lancet 1999 Sep 25;354(9184):1091-2. |
1999 | Cane PA | Weber M, Sanneh M, Dackour R, Pringle CR, Whittle H | Molecular epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus in The Gambia. | Epidemiol Infect 1999 Feb;122(1):155-60. |
1999 | Enwere GC | van Hensbroek MB, Jaiteh B, Palmer A, Onyiorah E, Schneider G, Weber MW, Greenwood BM | Biochemical and haematological variables in Gambian children with cerebral malaria. | Ann Trop Paediatr 1999;19(4):327-32. |
1999 | Margolis P | Mulholland EK, Harrell F, Gove S, McCaul F, Parker S, Byass P, Mason K, Carlin J, Ogunlesi O, Weber M, Manary M, et al. | Clinical prediction of serious bacterial infections in young infants in developing countries. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18(10):S23-S31. |
1999 | Muhe L | Oljira B, Degefu H, Enquesellassie F, Weber MW | Clinical algorithm for malaria during low and high transmission seasons. | Arch Dis Child 1999;81(3):216-20. |
1999 | WHO Young Infants Study Grp | including Weber M | The aetiology of serious infections in young Gambian infants. | Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1999;18(10 suppl):S35-S42. |
1999 | WHO Young Infants Study Grp | including Weber M | Serious infections in young infants in developing countries: rationale for a multicenter study. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18(10):S4-S7. |
1999 | WHO Young Infants Study Grp | including Weber M | Methodology for a multicenter study of serious infections in young infants in developing countries. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18(10):S8-S16. |
1999 | WHO Young Infants Study Grp | including Weber M | Bacterial etiology of serious infections in young infants in developing countries: results of a multicenter study. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18(10):S17-S22. |
1999 | WHO Young Infants Study Grp | including Weber M | Conclusions from the WHO multicenter study of serious infections in young infants. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18(10):S32-S34. |
1999 | Palmer A | Weber M, Bojang K, McKay T, Adegbola RA | Acute bacterial meningitis in The Gambia. | J Trop Pediatr 1999;45(1):51-3. |
1999 | Usen S | Weber M, Mulholland K, Jaffar S, Oparaugo A, Omosigho C, Adegbola R, Greenwood B. | Clinical predictors of hypoxaemia in Gambian children with acute lower respiratory tract infection: prospective cohort study. | BMJ 1999 Jan 9;318(7176):86-91. |
1999 | von Xylander S | Weber MW, Hirnschall G | IMCI (integrated management of childhood illness). A strategy in the battle against child mortality in developing countries, Geneva. | Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 1999;147(12):1116-22. |
1999 | Weber MW | Gatchalian SR, Ogunlesi O, Smith A, McCracken GH, Jr., Qazi S, Weber AF, Olsen K, Mulholland EK | Chloramphenicol pharmacokinetics in infants less than three months of age in the Philippines and The Gambia. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999 Oct;18(10):896-901. |
1999 | Weber MW | Milligan P, Hilton S, Lahai G, Whittle H, Mulholland EK, Greenwood BM | Risk factors for severe RSV infection leading to hospital admission in children in The Gambia. | Int J Epidemiol 1999;28(1):157-62. |
1999 | Weber MW | Zimmermann U, van Hensbroek MB, Frenkel J, Palmer A, Ehrich JHH, Greenwood BM | Renal involvement in Gambian children with cerebral or mild malaria. | Trop Med Int Health 1999;4(5):390-4. |
1999 | Weber MW | Milligan P, Giadom B, Pate MA, Kwara A, Sadiq AD, Chanayireh M, Whittle H, Greenwood BM, Mulholland K | Respiratory illness after severe respiratory syncytial virus disease in infancy in The Gambia. | J Pediatr 1999 Dec;135(6):683-8. |
1999 | West TE | Goetghebuer T, Milligan P, Mulholland EK, Weber MW | Long term morbidity and mortality after hypoxaemic lower respiratory tract infection in Gambian children. | Bull WHO 1999;77(2):144-8. |
1999 | Kardorff R | Mugashe C, Gabone RM, Mahlert C, Doehring E | Diagnostic value of connective tissue metabolites in Schistosoma mansoni related liver disease. | Acta Trop. 1999 Jul 30;73(2):153-64. |
1999 | Kardorff R | Olveda RM, Acosta LP, Duebbelde UJ, Aligui GD, Alcorn NJ, Doehring E | Hepatosplenic morbidity in schistosomiasis japonica: evaluation with Doppler sonography. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1999 Jun;60(6):954-9. |
1999 | Frenzel K | Grigull L, Odongo-Aginya E, Ndugwa CM, Loroni-Lakwo T, Schweigmann U, Vester U, Spannbrucker N, Doehring E | Evidence for a long-term effect of a single dose of praziquantel on Schistosoma mansoni-induced hepatosplenic lesions in northern Uganda. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1999 Jun;60(6):927-31. |
1999 | Vester U | Parasite-induced bladder pathology. | Pediatr Nephrol. 1999 May;13(4):369. | |
1999 | Ali QM | Roth J, Abdel-Rahim IM, Franke D, Kardorff R, Schweisfurth H, Doehring E | Cost saving with ultrasonography in a developing country district hospital. | East Afr Med J. 1999 May;76(5):272-4. |
1999 | Starley IF | Mohammed P, Schneider G, Bickler SW | The treatment of paediatric burns using topical papaya. | Burns 1999 Nov;25(7):636-9. |
1998 | Gellert S | Hassan BY, Meleh S, Hiesgen G | Malaria prevalence and outcome in the in-patients of the Paediatric Department of the State Specialists Hospital (SSH), Maiduguri, Nigeria. | J Trop Pediatr. 1998 Apr;44(2):109-13. |
1998 | Krug A | Wittenberg DF | Growth monitoring - do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. | S Afr Med J 1998; 88: 61. |
1998 | Traore M | Traore HA, Kardorff R, Diarra A, Landoure A, Vester U, Doehring E, Bradley DJ | The public health significance of urinary schistosomiasis as a cause of morbidity in two districts in Mali. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1998 Sep;59(3):407-13. |
1998 | Enwere G | van Hensbroek MB, Adegbola R, Palmer A, Onyiora E, Weber M, Greenwood B. | Bacteraemia in cerebral malaria. | Ann Trop Paediatr 1998 Dec;18(4):275-8. |
1998 | Hassan-King M | Adegbola R, Baldeh I, Mulholland K, Omosigho C, Oparaugo A, Usen S, Palmer A, Schneider G, Secka O, Weber M, Greenwood B | A polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in children and its evaluation during a vaccine trial. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1998 Apr;17(4):309-12. |
1998 | Kwara A | Adegbola RA, Corrah PT, Weber M, Achtman M, Morelli G, Caugant DA, Greenwood BM | Meningitis caused by a serogroup W135 clone of the ET-37 complex of Neisseria meningitidis in West Africa. | Trop Med Int Health 1998 Sep;3(9):742-6. |
1998 | Man WD-C | Weber M, Palmer A, Schneider G, Wadda R, Jaffar S, Mulholland EK, Greenwood BM | Nutritional status of different diseases in children admitted to hospital and its relationship to outcome in The Gambia, West Africa. | Trop Med Int Health. 1998 Aug;3(8):678-86. Erratum in: Trop Med Int Health 1998 Oct;3(10):854. |
1998 | Mulholland K | Usen S, Adegbola R, Weber M | Use of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in children (letter). | Lancet 1998 Aug 15;352(9127):575-6. |
1998 | Olaleye BO | Williams LA, D'Alessandro U, Weber MW, Mulholland EK, Okorie C, Langerock P, Bennett S, Greenwood BM | Clinical predictors of malaria in Gambian children with fever or a history of fever. | Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1998;98(3):300-4. |
1998 | Usen S | Adegbola R, Mulholland K, Jaffar S, Hilton S, Oparaugo A, Omosigho C, Lahai G, Corrah T, Palmer A, Schneider G, Weber M, Greenwood B | Epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease in the Western Region, The Gambia. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1998;17(1):23-8. |
1998 | Weber MW | Dackour R, Usen S, Schneider G, Adegbola RA, Cane PA, Jaffar S, Milligan P, Greenwood BM, Whittle HC, Mulholland EK | The clinical spectrum of RSV disease in The Gambia. | Pediatr Infect Dis J 1998;17(3):224-30. |
1998 | Weber MW | Mulholland EK | Pulse oximetry in developing countries (letter) | Lancet 1998 May 23;351(9115):1589. |
1998 | Weber MW | Mulholland EK, Greenwood BM | Respiratory syncytial virus infection in tropical and developing countries. | Trop Med Intern Health 1998;3(4):268-80. |
1998 | Bojang KA | Schneider G, Forck S, Obaro SK, Jaffar S, Pinder M, Rowley J, Greenwood BM | A trial of Fansidar plus chloroquine or Fansidar alone for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Gambian children. | Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1998 Jan-Feb;92(1):73-6. |
1997 | Hoyer PF | Weber M | Ultrasound in developing world. | Lancet 1997;350(9087):1330. |
1997 | Mulholland K | Hilton S, Adegbola R, Usen S, Oparaugo A, Omosigho C, Weber M, Palmer A, Schneider G, Jobe K, Lahai G, Jaffar S, Secka O, Lin K, Ethevenaux C, Greenwood B | Randomised trial of Haemophilus influenzae type-b tetanus protein conjugate vaccine for prevention of pneumonia and meningitis in Gambian infants. | Lancet 1997;349(9060):1191-7. Erratum in: Lancet 1997 Aug 16;350(9076):524. |
1997 | Snow RW | Omumbo JA, Lowe B, Molyneux CS, Obiero JO, Palmer A, Weber MW, Pinder M, Nahlen B, Obonyo C, Newbold C, Gupta S, Marsh K | Relation between severe malaria morbidity in children and level of Plasmodium falciparum transmission in Africa. | Lancet 1997;349(9066):1650-4. |
1997 | Weber MW | Mulholland EK, Jaffar S, Troedsson H, Gove S, Greenwood BM | Evaluation of an algorithm for the integrated management of childhood illness in an area with seasonal malaria in the Gambia. | Bull WHO 1997;75 Suppl 1:25-32. |
1997 | Weber MW | Usen S, Palmer A, Jaffar S, Mulholland EK | Predictors of hypoxaemia in hospital admissions with acute lower respiratory tract infection in a developing country. | Arch Dis Child 1997;76(4):310-4. |
1997 | Weber MW | Kellingray SD, Palmer A, Jaffar S, Mulholland EK, Greenwood BM | Pallor as a clinical sign of severe anaemia in children: an investigation in the Gambia. | Bull WHO 1997;75 Suppl 1:113-8. |
1997 | Thomas AK | Dittrich M, Kardorff R, Talla I, Mbaye A, Sow S, Niang M, Yazdanpanah Y, Stelma FF, Gryseels B, Doehring E | Evaluation of ultrasonographic staging systems for the assessment of Schistosoma mansoni induced hepatic involvement. | Acta Trop. 1997 Dec;68(3):347-56. |
1997 | Vester U | Kardorff R, Traoré M, Traoré HA, Fongoro S, Juchem C, Franke D, Korte R, Gryseels B, Ehrich JH, Doehring E | Urinary tract morbidity due to Schistosoma haematobium infection in Mali. | Kidney Int. 1997 Aug;52(2):478-81. |
1997 | Yazdanpanah Y | Thomas AK, Kardorff R, Talla I, Sow S, Niang M, Stelma FF, Decam C, Rogerie F, Gryseels B, Capron A, Doehring E | Organometric investigations of the spleen and liver by ultrasound in Schistosoma mansoni endemic and nonendemic villages in Senegal. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1997 Aug;57(2):245-9. |
1997 | Kardorff R | Gabone RM, Mugashe C, Obiga D, Ramarokoto CE, Mahlert C, Spannbrucker N, Lang A, Günzler V, Gryseels B, Ehrich JH, Doehring E | Schistosoma mansoni-related morbidity on Ukerewe Island, Tanzania: clinical, ultrasonographical and biochemical parameters. | Trop Med Int Health. 1997 Mar;2(3):230-9. |
1997 | van Hensbroek MB | Palmer A, Jaffar S, Schneider G, Kwiatkowski D | Residual neurologic sequelae after childhood cerebral malaria. | J Pediatr. 1997 Jul;131(1 Pt 1):125-9. |
1997 | Jaffar S | Van Hensbroek MB, Palmer A, Schneider G, Greenwood B | Predictors of a fatal outcome following childhood cerebral malaria. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1997 Jul;57(1):20-4. |
1996 | Kardorff R | Stelma FF, Vocke AK, Yazdanpanah Y, Thomas AK, Mbaye A, Talla I, Niang M, Ehrich JH, Doehring E, Gryseels B | Ultrasonography in a Senegalese community recently exposed to Schistosoma mansoni infection. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1996 Jun;54(6):586-90. |
1996 | Palmer A | Weber M | Ecthyma gangrenosum. | Tropical Doctor 1996;26:80. |
1996 | Suara RO | Piedra PA, Glezen WP, Adegbola RA, Weber M, Mulholland EK, Greenwood BM, Whittle H | Prevalence of neutralizing antibody to Respiratory Syncytial Virus in sera from mothers and newborns residing in The Gambia and in the United States. | Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 1996;3:477-479. |
1996 | Weber MW | Mulholland EK | Oxygen delivery: Nasopharyngeal catheter or nasal prongs? Reply. | J Pediatr 1996;129(1):186. |
1996 | Weber MW | Palmer A, Jaffar S, Mulholland EK | Humidification of oxygen with unheated humidifiers in tropical climates. | Pediatr Pulmonol 1996;22(2):125-8. |
1996 | Weber MW | Measles on black skin. | Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 1996;144:413-414. | |
1996 | Adegbola RA | Mulholland EK, Falade AG, Secka O, Sarge-Njai R, Corrah T, Palmer A, Schneider G, Greenwood BM | Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in the western region of The Gambia: background surveillance for a vaccine efficacy trial. | Ann Trop Paediatr. 1996 Jun;16(2):103-11. |
1995 | Weber MW | Muhe L | Rickets and tetany of vitamin D deficiency. | Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 1995;143:877. |
1995 | Weber MW | Palmer A, Oparaugo A, Mulholland EK | Comparison of nasal prongs and nasopharyngeal catheter for the delivery of oxygen in children with hypoxemia because of a lower respiratory tract infection. | J Pediatr 1995;127(3):378-83. |
1995 | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E | Kardorff R | Ultrasonography in schistosomiasis in Africa. | Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 1995 Mar-Apr;90(2):141-5. |
1995 | Hinck-Kneip C | Krawinkel M, Schröder C, Oldigs HD, Ulrich HW | Tuberculous spondylitis--a forgotten differential diagnosis in backache. | Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1995 Feb 3;120(5):134-8. |
1994 | Weber M | Hoestermann A | Paediatrics in The Gambia. | Sozialpädiatrie in Praxis und Klinik 1994;16:743-748. |
1994 | Kardorff R | Traoré M, Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E, Vester U, Ehrich JH | Ultrasonography of ureteric abnormalities induced by Schistosoma haematobium infection before and after praziquantel treatment. | Br J Urol. 1994 Dec;74(6):703-9. |
1994 | Kardorff R | Traore M, Diarra A, Sacko M, Maiga M, Franke D, Vester U, Hansen U, Traore HA, Fongoro S, et al. | Lack of ultrasonographic evidence for severe hepatosplenic morbidity in schistosomiasis mansoni in Mali. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1994 Aug;51(2):190-7. |
1994 | Weber, M | Evening unrest in a toddler due to Enterobius vermicularis. | Sozialpädiatrie in Praxis und Klinik 1994;16:21. | |
1994 | Abdel-Rahim IM | Ali QM, Kardorff R, Franke D, Kaiser C, Ehrich JH, Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E | Sonographical morphometrical findings of the liver and spleen in Sudanese patients with Schistosoma mansoni induced periportal fibrosis. | East Afr Med J. 1994 May;71(5):311-3. |
1994 | Krug A | Ellis JB | The impact of child-resistant containers on the incidence of paraffin (kerosene) ingestion in children. | S Afr Med J 1994; 84:730-735. |
1994 | Ellis JB | Krug A | Paraffin ingestion - the problem. | S Afr Med J 1994; 84: 727-730. |
1994 | Gryseels B | Stelma FF, Talla I, van Dam GJ, Polman K, Sow S, Diaw M, Sturrock RF, Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E, Kardorff R, et al. | Epidemiology, immunology and chemotherapy of Schistosoma mansoni infections in a recently exposed community in Senegal. | Trop Geogr Med. 1994;46(4 Spec No):209-19. |
1994 | Krawinkel MB | Child health in our world | Z Ernahrungswiss. 1994 Dec;33(4):248-57. | |
1993 | Weber MW | Pinworms. | New England Journal of Medicine 1993;328:927. | |
1992 | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E | Kaiser C, Schlake J, Abdel-Rahim IM, Mohamed-Ali Q, Richter J, Franke D, Kardorff R, Elsheikh M, Ehrich JH | Ultrasound versus clinical examination as indication for Schistosoma mansoni associated morbidity in children. | Trop Med Parasitol. 1992 Dec;43(4):245-8. |
1992 | Boker KHW | Weber MW | Severe Malaria - Reply. | Dtsch Med Wschr 1992;117(18):723-4. |
1992 | Weber MW | Vester U, Kardorff R, Ehrich JHH | Leprosy - a disease not yet defeated. | Sozialpädiatrie in Praxis und Klinik 1992;14:652-658. |
1992 | Weber MW | van Soest A, Neff G, Chiang T, Pfau R | Results of surgical procedures for the correction of foot-drop and of lagophthalmus due to leprosy. | Lepr.Rev. 1992;63:255-262. |
1992 | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E | Abdel-Rahim IM, Dittrich M, Mohamed-Ali Q, Franke D, Kardorff R, Richter J, Ehrich JH | Ultrasonography as a diagnostic aid for a district hospital in the tropics. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1992 Jun;46(6):727-31. |
1992 | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E | Kaiser C, Franke D, Kardorff R, Ali QM, Abdel-Rahim IM | Inter-observer variance in ultrasonographical assessment of Schistosoma mansoni-related morbidity in young schoolchildren. | Acta Trop. 1992 May;51(1):85-8. |
1992 | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E | Abdel-Rahim IM, Kardorff R, Kaiser C, Franke D, Schlake J, Richter J, Elsheikh M, Mohamed-Ali Q, Ehrich JH | Ultrasonographical investigation of periportal fibrosis in children with Schistosoma mansoni infection: reversibility of morbidity twenty-three months after treatment with praziquantel. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1992 Apr;46(4):409-15. |
1991 | Boker, KHW | Weber, MW, Merscher S, Ehrich JHH, Wagner TOF | Das Krankheitsbild der schweren Malaria tropica. | Das Krankheitsbild der schweren Malaria tropica. |
1991 | Boker, KHW | Weber, MW, Neumann K, Wagner TOF | Intensive medical treatment of severe malaria tropica. | Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 1991;116:780-785. |
1991 | Weber MW | Boker K, Horstmann RD, Ehrich JHH | Renal failure is a common complication in non-immune Europeans with Plasmodium falciparum malaria. | Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 1991;42:115-118. |
1991 | Mohamed-Ali Q | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E, Abdel-Rahim IM, Schlake J, Kardorff R, Franke D, Kaiser C, Elsheikh M, Abdalla M, Schafer P, et al. | Ultrasonographical investigation of periportal fibrosis in children with Schistosoma mansoni infection: reversibility of morbidity seven months after treatment with praziquantel. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1991 Apr;44(4):444-51. |
1990 | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E | Abdel-Rahim IM, Mohamed-Ali Q, Elsheikh M, Schlake J, Kardorff R, Franke D, Kaiser C, Ehrich JH | Ultrasonographical investigation of periportal fibrosis in children with Schistosoma mansoni infection: evaluation of morbidity. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1990 Jun;42(6):581-6. |
1990 | Ali QM | Abdel-Rahim IM, Doehring-Schwertfegar E, Franke D, Kardorff R, el Sheikh M, Ehrich JH | Ultrasonographic evaluation of gallbladder function in patients with Schistosoma mansoni infection. | Trop Doct. 1990 Jul;20(3):113-5. |
1990 | Bijlmer HA | van Alphen L, Greenwood BM, Brown J, Schneider G, Hughes A, Menon A, Zanen HC, Valkenburg HA | The epidemiology of Haemophilus influenzae meningitis in children under five years of age in The Gambia, West Africa. | J Infect Dis. 1990 Jun;161(6):1210-5. |
Year | First Author | Co-Authors | Title | Citation |
1989 | Fusch C | Huenges R, Müller-Schauenburg W | Osteomyelitis in tropical pyomyositis: a case report. | Eur J Pediatr. 1989 Oct;149(1):26-7. |
1989 | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E | Mohamed-Ali G, Abdel-Rahim IM, Kardorff R, Franke D, Kaiser C, Elsheikh M, Ehrich JH | Sonomorphological abnormalities in Sudanese children with Schistosoma mansoni infection: a proposed staging-system for field diagnosis of periportal fibrosis. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1989 Jul;41(1):63-9. |
1989 | Elsheikh M | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E, Kaiser C, Abdelrahim IM, Ali GM, Franke D, Porrath K, Kardorff R, Ehrich JH | Renal function in Sudanese school children with Schistosoma mansoni infection. | Pediatr Nephrol. 1989 Jul;3(3):259-64. |
1989 | Kaiser C | Doehring-Schwerdtfeger E, Abdel-Rahim IM, Daubner G, Vester U, Homeida MM, al-Hamour O, Schmidt E, Mihatsch MJ, Ehrich JH | Renal function and morphology in Sudanese patients with advanced hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and portal hypertension. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1989 Feb;40(2):176-85. |
1989 | Riley EM | Schneider G, Sambou I, Greenwood BM | Suppression of cell-mediated immune responses to malaria antigens in pregnant Gambian women. | Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1989 Feb;40(2):141-4. |
1985 | Doehring E | Ehrich JH, Vester U, Feldmeier H, Poggensee U, Brodehl J | Proteinuria, hematuria, and leukocyturia in children with mixed urinary and intestinal schistosomiasis. | Kidney Int. 1985 Sep;28(3):520-5. |
1985 | Dannecker G | Ranke MB, Nolte K, Huenges R | Bilateral middle ear tuberculosis and morphologically unusual lung tuberculosis in an 11-year-old boy. | Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1985 Aug;133(8):542-4. |
1985 | Doehring E | Vester U, Ehrich JH, Feldmeier H | Circadian variation of ova excretion, proteinuria, hematuria, and leukocyturia in urinary schistosomiasis. | Kidney Int. 1985 Apr;27(4):667-71. |
1984 | Doehring E | Feldmeier H, Dafalla AA, Ehrich JH, Vester U, Poggensee U | Intermittent chemotherapy with trichlorfon (metrifonate) reverses proteinuria, hematuria, and leukocyturia in urinary schistosomiasis: results of a three-year field study. | J Infect Dis. 1984 Apr;149(4):615-20. |
1982 | Huenges R | Principles of care for the newborn in the Third World. | Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1982 Jun;130(6):402-5. | |