Working Group

Working Group Students and Young Doctors

Founded by motivated GTP-members, who aim at strengthening the connections between students and the GTP.


Goals of the working group

  • Connecting students and young doctors interested in tropical pediatrics and international child health
  • Exchange platform for projects related to tropical pediatrics, for students and young doctors, who have not yet completed their specialty training.
  • Exchange on options for further education or specialisation in the fields of tropical medicine and tropical pediatrics during and after medschool


Current projects

  • Annual students-workshop during the GTP annual conference: this workshop is ideally organized „by students for students“ or at least with the help of students. So far the workshops were mainly a forum for discussions concerning different topics of tropical medicine and international child health. Future plans also involve a more practical focus with hands-on workshops on topics relevant for tropical pediatrics.
  • Continuation of the Couchsurfing Program: local students provide free housing for other students attending the the GTP annual conference to keep travel expenses for students visiting from other cities or countries as low as possible.


Planned projects:

  • Creating an online-platform to connect interested students and young doctors and give them a forum for exchanging information on interesting projects, research and further education in the field of tropical pediatrics and international child health.


Contact and participation

The working group is looking for motivated participators. If you are interested or have any questions please contact on of the following members of the organizing team:
Susanna van Eys - Email
Karolina de Souza Friedrichsen - Email
Jana Suero Molina - Email
Hanna Zastrow - Email
Carmen Herr - Email
Lea Decker - Email
Philipp Koliopoulos - Email

Working group "Ultrasound"

About the working group

The ultrasound working group unites colleagues interested in ultrasound usage in ressource-limited settings.

Currently it is offering sonography trainings in partner hospitals abroad and creating training tools and concepts. Courses started running in 2017 on a yearly basis. Our sonography courses are practical, patient-oriented and focused on a mutual learning experience amongst colleagues from different working backgrounds. Course participants are registrars and specialists from various countries and their number is limited to 20. Half the group consists of doctors training in the country where the courses are taking place for local capacity building. The other half consists of doctors from elsewhere offering them a unique insight into local pathologies and challenges connected to sonography diagnostics in settings with limited ressources.

Further ideas on the topic of sonography in resource limited settings are welcome.

Information on course dates are to be found here.


General contact persons are:
PD Dr. Udo Vester (email)
Dr. Bernd Erkert (email)

Course contact and booking:
Dr. Christian Schmidt (email)

Our member area offers a forum for information exchange.


Course archive

05.11.-09.11.2018 / Echokardiography / Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
29.10.-02.11.2018 / General sonography (Head, thorax, abdomen) / Mwanza, Tanzania

06.11.-15.11.2017 / General sonographie and echokardiography / Mwanza, Tanzania



Working group «health professions»

Aims and ideas of the health professions working group

The group addresses health professions beyond physicians (i.e. nurses, midwives, psychologists, occupational and physio therapists) and anyone who is interested in the topic.

Aims of the group are

  1. Exchange of experience and expertise
  2. Connecting people who have worked or work outside of Germany - i.e. in crisis areas or in partner countries for development aid - and/or who are interested in dealing with that topic.
  3. Exchange of teaching materials
  4. Creating a pool of experts


General information


It is our goal to provide access to projects of nurses in partner countries: a list of active blogs of  nurses or our own GTP internal forum could increase exchange of experience. This way, nurses with no prior experience abroad can gain access to the topic. Exchanging experience will serve ongoing learning as well as problem solving. In the future, nurses experienced abroad who are willing to support a project for several weeks (e.g. for a workshop, training, practical guidance etc.) can be contacte via this group. Furthermore, ways and contacts for fundraising can be shared.

Market of ideas for context-adequate strategies

Each health professional has collected valuable experience working abroad, has solved problems and accumulated knowledge or is still occupied finding longterm solutions. Finding strategies that are adequate for health professionals in resource-limited settings can be a challenge. This working group offers the opportunity of collecting ideas and making them available for colleagues.

Particularly longterm problems outside the focus of medical interventions, such as estabilshing a high level of hygiene on a paediatric ward, can be discussed within this working group.

Different health professions in projects of development cooperation

Health professionals have always been part of projects of various organisations (GIZ, Caritas, MSF etc.). While platforms for networking of doctors exist, activities related to other health professions are currently restricted to personal blogs and a presence within the respective organisation.

Having this working group under the auspices of GTP, a society previously focussing on doctors, enables us to establish a direct and straight forward cooperation with experienced doctors, which is, in our experience, a prerequisite for successful development in the health sector.

We are looking forward to your active contribution and a vivid exchange within the working group!


Irene Schmidt, Paediatric intensive care nurse and Michael Galatsch, nursing scientist

ETAT Training working group

Die AG ETAT (Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment) Training entstand 2018 auf Initiative von drei Absolventinnen unseres TropPaedKurses. Sie dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch zum Thema Triage und der Organisation von ETAT+ Kursen in Deutschland.


Was sind ETAT und ETAT+?

ETAT und ETAT+ sind in ressourcen-limitierten Ländern Afrikas entwickelte Konzepte zur Triagierung kranker Kinder in primären Gesundheitseinrichtungen. Sie haben einen nachweislichen Effekt auf die Senkung der Mortalität und sind einsetzbar in Gesundheitseinrichtungen jedes Levels.

Vielerorts bildet ETAT den Grundpfeiler der Entscheidungsfindung beim Erstkontakt mit einem Patienten, der teilweise nicht zwingend durch medizinisches Personal erfolgt.

ETAT Leitlinen sind speziell an häufige Probleme in der pädiatrischen Basisnotfallversorgung von Kindern in ressourcen-limitierten Einrichtungen angepasst. Die Leitlinien identifizieren auf strukturierte und verständliche Art und Weise Kinder mit akut lebensbedrohlichen Zuständen und präsentieren einfache, aber klare, Leitlinien zur Versorgung dieser.


Projekte der AG

  • Es finden regelmäßige Planungstreffen der AG statt.
  • Die AG organisiert ETAT+ Kurse in Deutschland.

Die aktuellen Kursdaten finden Sie unter Veranstaltungen. Wenn Sie sich für unseren Newsletter anmelden, erhalten Sie neue Termine zudem per E-Mail.



Ansprechpartner der AG sind aktuell Judith Lindert, Sara Loetz und Barbara Zimmer.

Course reports

We`re happy to announce that we could organize our second ETAT+ Instructor Course despite several challenges. Finally, we reached out to hold a three days couse in Hamburg with an international group of participants as well as instructors from August 27th – 29th 2021. After a first pilot course in 2019, which we conducted in Hannover with great support from the UK ETAT team, we planned to perform a course by a mixed instructor team including the German ETAT+ team, UK ETAT team as well as very experienced instructors from the ERC and American heart association (EPALS trainer from Germany, Switzerland as well as the Netherlands).

The goal of the ETAT+ Instructor Course is to teach and enable former ETAT+ course participants who showed instructor potential the possibility to get a deeper insight into adult learning and how to perform it efficiently. The foundation of this instructor course were the teaching methods from the European resuscitation council (ERC) and the course content from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) in UK. A special part of the agenda were group discussions about challenges and important points related to implementing trainings in low resource settings and other cultures. With this background information it should be possible to teach ETAT+ (as well as other simulation trainings) in different countries and cultures even more effectively.

We were lucky that our international instructor team could travel over three country borders from UK, Germany and Switzerland despite the Sars-Cov-2-pandemic restrictions. And even our participants came from different European countries like the Netherlands, Ukraine and Germany. The course was held in the Wilhelmsstift Hospital in Hamburg with great support from the local team.

The three day training was very intense including a lot of practical trainings with personal feedback and room for improvement due to good repetition. It was wonderful to see the fast progress in teaching skills from day to day. All participants enjoyed the good atmosphere, the chance to train under supervision of experienced trainers as well as exchanging ideas with one another.

In total, this course was a great success and we had a fantastic time all together where everyone could benefit from another! This is great networking! This is the future of great instructors who can spread the word of ETAT around the globe!

Thanks to everyone who took part by organisation, participation and teaching!

Gudrun Jäger & Barbara Zimmer for the German ETAT+ Team & international instructors



We are grateful for having been sponsored by the

We did it! The fourth ETAT+ Germany course was conducted at the hospital „Wilhelmsstift“ in Hamburg October 23rd-25th 2020.  Luckily we were able to do so –  even under COVID-19-pandemic circumstances.

It was wonderful to teach an enthusiastic and energetic group of participants. Our hands-on-course was done under strict hygiene restrictions: We kept distance, washed hands regularly, wore masks at all times, cleaned our materials after each session and ventilated the room almost continously. This meant that we all wore scarfs and wooly hats while rescucitating our dolls.

It is great to see how important the ETAT+ content is for everyone attending the course, especially the participants, who had plans to work abroad straight after the course.

Quick facts:

  • 15 enthusiastic international participants (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
  • 6 energetic, motivated instructors
  • 1 well-prepared, calm course director
  • 3 days of hands-on, thrilling simulation training
  • interactive video-lectures from instructors from the UK & the south of Germany
  • Video-greetings from different ETAT+ instructors around the globe

This course was pragmatic, energetic, safe & so much fun! We hope to continue soon to spread the word of ETAT+ and get to know even more interesting people who want to improve international child health!

Thanks to everyone who made this course possible!

If you are interested in attending the next course please keep yourself updated using this website. We will publish the next course dates soon.

Stay safe! The ETAT+ Germany team


GTP Jahrestagung

AG GTP-Jahrestagung

Das Tagungskommittee wechselt jährlich und stellt das Programm der GTP-Jahrestagung zusammen, plant und gestaltet die Tagung, 2018 in Dinslaken. Wenn Sie Beiträge einreichen möchten, finden Sie weitere Informationen auf den Seiten der aktuellen Tagung. Wenn Sie das Tagungskommittee auf andere Weise unterstützen möchten oder Fragen haben, melden Sie sich bitte bei

AG Tropenpädiatrischer Intensivkurs

Diese Arbeitsgruppe plant und gestaltet den jährlich stattfindenden Intensivkurs. Wenn Sie Beiträge einreichen oder auf andere Weise zum Kurs beitragen möchten, melden Sie sich bitte bei Bei Fragen zu Organisation oder Anmeldung melden Sie sich bitte bei