Job Fair

Assistenzarzt für Pädiatrie (m/w/d) - St. Franziskus-Hospital Ahlen

Das St. Franziskus-Hospital Ahlen sucht einen leidenschaftlichen und engagierten Assistenzarzt (m/w/d), der seine Karriere in der Pädiatrie vorantreiben möchte.

Einstiegszeitpunkt: ab sofort

Arbeitszeitmodell: Voll- oder Teilzeit


  • Die Kinderklinik verfügt über 34 Regelbetten, davon vier Intensivbetten, und versorgt jährlich etwa 2.100 stationäre und rund 8.000 ambulante Patienten.
  • Die Pädiatrie mit einem perinatalen Schwerpunkt und Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychosomatik.
  • Neben der pädiatrischen Behandlung umfassen die Schwerpunkte der Abteilung Epileptologie/Neuropädiatrie, Psychosomatik, Gastroenterologie, Kardiologie, Endokrinologie, Diabetologie, Allergologie/Pneumologie und Infektiologie.

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Medizinische Behandlung unserer Patienten im Team
  • Teilnahme am Bereitschaftsdienst
  • Konstruktive Zusammenarbeit mit allen Fachabteilungen

Ihr Profil :

  • Eine fachlich und menschlich engagierte und interessierte Persönlichkeit
  • Gerne bereits klinische Erfahrung in der medizinischen Versorgung und Betreuung von ambulanten und stationären pädiatrischen Patienten (keine Bedingung)
  • Freundliches Auftreten, Kommunikationskompetenz, Kontaktfreude und Spaß an der Arbeit im Team

Ihre Vorteile:

  • eine qualifizierte und strukturierte Facharztweiterbildung, ggf. mit flexiblen Teilzeitmodellen
  • Unterstützung internationalen Engagements im Bereich der globalen Kinder­gesundheit sowie Betreuung von Promotionen
  • ein persönliches Fortbildungsbudget sowie die kostenlose Übernahme des Strahlenschutzkurses
  • preisgünstige Verpflegungsmöglichkeiten im Haus und Unterstützung bei der Wohnungssuche

Ist Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann bewerben Sie sich hier!

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Rückfragen? Jederzeit gern.
Für weitere Informationen steht Ihnen Herr PD Dr. Krüger, Chefarzt der Abteilung, unter der Telefonnummer 02382 / 858 – 966 gern zur Verfügung.

Doctor for tropical medicine (m/f/d) at the University of Tübingen

The Institute of Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Human Parasitology at the University of Tübingen is looking for:

a (Specialist) doctor (f/m/d) in full-time

The position is initially limited until 30.11.2024, with an option for extension.
Application deadline: 11.12.2022

The doctor shall support the medical team of the outpatient department at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in the medical activities in outpatient care and preventive travel medicine as well as in conducting clinical studies. At the Institute, there is the possibility of further training for the additional title of tropical medicine and infectiology (according to DGI). In addition, academically interested persons have the possibility of habilitation.

Job advertisement in original and contact person here .

Paediatrician for clinical supervision of training programme in Sierra Leone

German Doctors e. V. is looking for experienced paediatricians to supervise and train students during their first clinical rotation in hospitals in the north of Sierra Leone.

Duration: 6 weeks

Application: Submit now for starting date summer 2022


Project background:

Sierra Leone, a country of around 7 million people, has a high infant mortality rate and a relatively low number of doctors. Medical care in the West African country is mainly provided by community health officers and nurses, especially outside the capital Freetown.

Together with the Ministry of Health, a training programme was launched in Sierra Leone in autumn 2021 to train graduates of the School of Clinical Sciences in Makeni in a 2-year programme in various specialities. A total of 3 NGOs, all of which have already been working in Sierra Leone for years, accompany training programmes with recognised bachelor's degrees in surgery, internal medicine or paediatrics.

German Doctors e.V. has been active in the training of health care workers in Sierra Leone for over 10 years and is co-responsible for the 2-year paediatric training course.


Mission description:

Experienced paediatricians are needed to supervise and train students during their first clinical rotation in hospitals in northern Sierra Leone for 6-week assignments.

The hospitals are located in remote regions of the country and provide medical care that is typical for the country. The work in the hospitals is done in close cooperation with local doctors, often tropical doctors from Europe. The professional basis of the training is the national guidelines as well as the ETAT+ guidelines and recommendations of MSF and the WHO. Two programme coordinators (medical and administrative) responsible for the paediatric programme work on site and are direct contacts for medical and organisational questions.



  • Supervision of students during their patient care according to their competences
  • Participation in hospital services together with the students
  • Regular evaluation and training of students, but also of nurses and community health workers in the clinical area.



  • Paediatrician with completed specialist training and experience in clinical work in low resource settings
  • Willingness to work in a country with clearly limited resources and in a remote location
  • Experience with teaching
  • The mission doctors can expect a stimulating environment and an interesting task.


Payment / accommodation::

For this volunteer placement, part of the flight costs will be reimbursed; board and lodging on site are free. More informationen to be found here.

Sierra Leone is a politically stable country, which makes excursions in the vicinity of the hospitals or on the Western Peninsula possible.



German Doctors e.V. mission planning
Mrs. Carola Walter (








Pediatric Trainer for Clinical Health Officers - Sierra Leone

The application deadline has been extended to 30th of July 2019!

MSF Belgium ist employing a pediatric trainer for clinical health officers (CHO) in their hospital in Kenema, Sierra Leone.

Purpose of the position

To accompany locally enrolled 24 community health officers to continuous medical education (cme) program in order to achieve a much better level of autonomy in their daily clinical practice.


  • Participate to the development of a competency framework
  • Participate to develop a learning portfolio
  • Lead on the development of a specific training program, based on the competency framework
  • Lead the implementation of the training program for the cho
  • Lead the evaluation of the training efforts
  • Work closely with the other hospital pediatric doctors to understand the evolving training needs for the CHO

Further information and application details refer to the following MSF website: