Sarah Konopelska

TropPaed 2023 - Intensive Course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health

FULLY BOOKED!!! The five-day intensive course on Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health has been held annually since 2010, is continuously developed and addresses the most important medical, intercultural, political and infrastructural challenges of global paediatrics.


15-19 May 2023
(Arrival: 14 May 2023)


Schloß Rauischholzhausen


Participants: max. 50
Course language: Englisch


After the cancellation of the course in 2021 due to the pandemic and the postponement of the TropPaed course and the GTP annual conference to the warm season in order to minimise the risk of a face-to-face event due to COVID-related restrictions, we are pleased to invite you to Rauischholzhausen for a second time in May!

We would like to offer you again a varied programme of lectures, practical small group work and clinically oriented seminars. In addition, there will be plenty of time for international exchange of plans and experiences.

As our planning progresses, you will continually find more details about the timetable and lecturers on this page.

Preliminary program

Here you will find the preliminary topics of the course. On some days, case studies of the international guests will be presented and an evening programme will take place.

Please note: small changes to time and in rare cases content of lectures can occur

Possibility of dinner on the day of arrival (start between 19-20 hrs).

Daily breakfast (7-8:30), lunch (approx. 12:45-14:15) and dinner (approx. 18:45-20)
Two coffee breaks
Partial optional evening programme after dinner

Thursday evening: Farewell party with theme!

Departure on Friday after lunch around 14:00.

COVID-19: Current regulations will be announced before the course starts.

Optional possibility of arrival already on Sunday.
Check-in from 5 pm with dinner around 7-8 pm.

Start: approx. 8:45   —   End: approx. 21:00

  • ntroduction round
  • Introduction to Global Child Health (C. Krüger)
  • Programs in international / global health (L. Molyneux)
  • Antibiotic stewardship (S. Kotsias-Konopelska)
  • Ward management (I. Schmidt, Sr. Sophia)
  • Neglected tropical diseases (C. Rothe)
  • Sickle cell disease (J. Mwatonoka)
  • Intercultural communication (A. Züchner)
  • Case presentations
  • Climate change (S. Lorenz)
  • Evening program: Discussion on climate change

Start: approx. 8:45   —   End: approx. 21:00

  • The critically ill child (K. van ‘t Ende)
  • Introductions to: Malaria (R. Kobbe), Severe malnutrition (J. Lindert, K. Baumgartner), neurological emergencies (T. Oneko), ETAT (L.Molyneux, AG ETAT)
  • Practical small groups on: Shock, severe malnutrition, neurological and respiratory emergencies, ETAT, malaria
  • Case presentations
  • Decolonizing health (H. Mirza)

Start: approx. 8:45   —   End: approx. 21:00

  • Neonatology in resource limited settings (L. Molyneux, M. Köhler)
  • Obstetrics in resource limited settings (C. Hach)
  • Practical small groups on: CPAP/KMC, neonatal rescucitation, gastroschisis, neonatology, interventions
  • Surgery as component of Global Child Health (J. Lindert, T. Mabanza)
  • Research in resource limited settings (xxx)
  • Evening program: with whom and how to go abroad

Start: approx. 8:45   —   End: approx. 21:00

  • Tropical dermatology (C. Adamczick)
  • Implementing ultrasound in paediatrics in LMIC (C. Schmidt)
  • Case presentations
  • Paediatric oncology in Malawi (R. Mzikamanda)
  • Palliative care im LMIC (S. Loetz)
  • Introduction to: Malnutrition (M. Krawinkel), tuberculosis (F. Brinkmann), HIV (xxxx)
  • Practical small groups on: malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
  • Farewell party

Start: approx. 8:45   —   End: approx. 14:00

  • Practical small groups on: malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis
  • Laboratory in basic conditions (xxx)
  • Caring for remote populations (P. Santacruz Ortega)
  • Feedback and farewell

Course fee and registration

The price includes course participation, accommodation from 14-19 May, meals and coffee breaks from Sunday (dinner) to Friday (lunch) and course materials. The price does not include alcoholic beverages and drinks outside of those served at meals and coffee breaks, as well as transport costs and any compulsory Sars-CoV-2 testing we may incur.

Scholarships for colleagues from LMIC are available. Applications will be received until Octobre 15th 2022 (to: gtpscholarships(a) Please send us a motivational letter, CV and reference letter. Further details: “Förderung internationaler Kollegen“.

Course is fully booked

Regular fee non-member

from 16.3.23

Regular fee non-member

Early Bird until 15.3.23
1100 €

Member of GTP/ESPID

from 16.3.23

Mitglieder-Preis GTP/ESPID

Early Bird until 15.3.23
1000 €


We are pleased to be able to hold our course again at Schloss Rauischholzhausen, the conference and training centre of the University of Gießen. This historic and beautiful venue is perfect for our course as it offers the possibility of accommodating all participants, organisers and lecturers in one place, good facilities and a very fair financial framework. The versatile room selection meets our demand of lectures combined with small group work. Catering includes three main meals and two coffee breaks per day. All but one main meal will be vegetarian. Hosting the course there for the first time in 2016 has proven to be a complete success. We will keep you informed about current Sars-CoV-2 hygiene regulations here on our homepage.

Schloßpark 1, 35085 Ebsdorfergrund

Sponsoring and support

We sincerely thank all the volunteer co-organisers of the course for their years of dedication as well as our financial supporters!

We assure you that our intensive course is designed to be product and service neutral and all content is independent of commercial interests. No services and/or products are advertised. Possible conflicts of interest are disclosed in a self-disclosure.

European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases

Kindermissionswerk “Die Sternsinger”

Rückblick GTP2022 Basel - Bericht und Film

Liebe GTP Mitglieder und Interessierte,

wir freuen uns Ihnen als Abschluss einer gelungenen Tagung in Basel einen Abschlussfilm sowie einen Bericht online stellen zu können und laden Sie herzlich zu diesem Ausklang ein. Wir danken dem engagiertem Organisationsteam sowie allen an dem Gelingen der Tagung beteiligten Personen!

Wer sich noch einmal auf der Originalseite der Tagung umschauen und z.B. das detaillierte Programm einsehen möchte, der folge diesem Link oder blicke in das Programmheft.

Durch Klicken auf den Play-Pfeil gelangen Sie zum Film.

Die 40. Jahrestagung der GTP fand in diesem Jahr erstmalig in der Schweiz statt. Wir wählten Basel als Austragungsort, da uns mit dieser Stadt professionelle und persönliche Kontakte verknüpfen. Mitglieder des Organisations-komitees pflegen enge Verbindungen mit dem Schweizer Tropeninstitut oder arbeiten an der Universitätskinderklinik. Günstig erschien auch die gute Erreichbarkeit für die Deutschen Teilnehmer.


Das Zentrums für Lehre und Forschung des Universitätsklinikums bot einen idealen Rahmen und ausreichend Räumlichkeiten für die verschiedenen Programmpunkte der Tagung, wie verschiedene Workshops zu Beginn der Tagung, der Posterpräsentation und das ausreichend grosse Auditorium.


Jedes Jahr bestimmen die Ausrichter:innen der Tagung das Leitthema. Dieses Jahr wählten wir den Titel: Integrating General Paediatrics in Health Systems of Resource Limited Settings: Scope of the Speciality and Needs Assessment on Staffing and Logistics. Damit sollte die Aufmerksamkeit auf viele Innovationen bezüglich Diagnostik und Therapie geleitet werden, aber unter Berücksichtigung oft ungenügender Personaldichte oder Ausbildungsgrad.

Unter den gut 200 Teilnehmer:innen konnten wir 11 eingeladene internationale Gäste begrüssen, die schon die Wochen zuvor an unserem jährlichen Intensivkurs in Internationaler Kindergesundheit in Rauischholzhausen teilgenommen hatten.

Es wurden 18 Poster akzeptiert und präsentiert, 5 davon als Kurzvortrag während des Hauptprogramms. Eine Studie zu Nachbetreuung schwer kranker Kinder nach Entlassung in ihren Heimatbezirk wurde mit dem Helmut Wolf Preis ausgezeichnet.

Als Auftakt zur Tagung wurden diesmal 5 Workshops angeboten, die auf grosses Interesse stiessen. Erstmalig wurde der Klimawandel und post-koloniale Entwicklungshilfe thematisiert. Aufgrund der grossen Nachfrage werden die Kapazitäten hierfür in den kommenden Jahren ausgebaut werden.

Zum Auftakt des Hauptprogramms richtete Prof Utzinger vom SwissTPH die Grussworte an die Teilnehmer und betonte die Bedeutung der Pädiatrie innerhalb der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit, der jedoch vielfach nicht genügend Aufmerksamkeit und Förderung zuteil wird.

Die erste Session bot einen Querschnitt durch konkrete Anwendungen digitaler Programme zur verbesserten Erfassung klinischer Daten, Gebrauch diagnostischer und therapeutischen Algorithmen sowie Apps, die durch präzise Befunderhebung die Erarbeitung therapeutischer und individueller Anfertigung von Hilfsmittel unterstützt.

Die Vorstellung von GTP Projekten und Beispiele Schweizer Engagements in Ländern mit niedrigem Einkommen bot Anlass zum Erfahrungsaustausch und Werbung zur Mitarbeit.

Neu wurde den Teilnehmern für die Themen der pädiatrischen Chirurgie, palliativen Medizin, der Rehabilitation und nicht infektiöser, chronischer Erkrankungen ein Forum zur Diskussion und Vernetzung geboten. Die Krankheitslast, mit Konsequenz für Gesundheitssysteme und Familien wurden eindrücklich präsentiert und diskutiert. Diese Themen werden auch sicher in Zukunft innerhalb der GTP mehr Beachtung finden.

Innovationen in Diagnostik und Therapie bezüglich bedeutungsvollen Infektionserkrankungen innerhalb der pädiatrischen Bevölkerung in Ländern des globalen Südens waren Schwerpunkt der Vorträge am letzten Tagungstag. Neben der kritischen Betrachtung aktueller Therapieadaptation für Malaria wurden neue Ansätze in der Therapie von Helminthosen und Sepsis vorgestellt. Abschließend setzte sich das Auditorium nach Impulsvorträgen und Paneldiskussion kritisch mit der Auswirkung der Coronapandemie auf internationale Impf- und Gesundheitsprogramme auseinander.

Der Gesellschaftsabend im Atlantis bot allen Gästen eine weitere willkommene Gelegenheit Kontakte professioneller und privater Art zu knüpfen.

Herzlich danken möchten wir unseren Sponsoren  für die großzügige finanzielle Unterstützung, ohne die es nicht möglich gewesen wäre, engagierte internationale Gäste und Referenten zur Bereicherung der Veranstaltung einzuladen.

GTP TropPaed Alumni Ressources

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40th GTP Annual Conference 27.-29. May 2022






Basel, Switzerland



Dr. Charlotte Adamczick
Dr. Gudrun Jäger

27-29th May 2022          

Basel, Switzerland

Conference theme: “Integrating General Paediatrics in health systems of resource limited settings; scope of the speciality and needs assessment on staffing and logistics

CME points:
18 CME points in Germany
4 credits by the SGP (Swiss Society of Paediatrics)

Update: Hygiene concept and registration process

Hygiene concept

For the GTP and many of you, this will be the first face-to-face meeting after the Coronavirus pandemic. To comply with the University Hospital regulations, we are obliged to wear a face (surgical) mask when entering the premises including the lecture hall and the foyer. We would therefore request for you to wear your mask during the entire event.

Presentation of a negative rapid test at registration is not required and no G2 status will be checked at the entrance. However, we would like to ask you to take a rapid test at home or at a test centre before you arrive.

Should you have any symptoms compatible with a Coronavirus infection, please…. stay at home/ask at reception for a rapid test/get a rapid test before attending and take extra social distancing measures.

In view of our numerous guests and scholarship holders from abroad who will be visiting German hospitals after the conference, we have a responsibility towards our guests and wider community to ensure we all stay safe and would kindly like to (take special care and) ask for your understanding and cooperation.

All information on the Corona rules can also be found on the homepage.

Registration first!

Before joining a workshop or the conference, facilitators and participants have to (Please) register first at the Centre for Teaching and Research (ZLF), entrance Hebelstraße 20. You will find the directions on the website and also attached. At registration you will be given directions to the venues of the various workshops and meetings.

The bus line No. 30, stops directly at this entrance.

The bus line No. 11, stops at the main entrance Spitalstraße. Please do not use this entrance (!), just walk around the building to Hebelstraße 20.

For better vizualisation refer to our site map.

Greetings from the organizors

Dear GTP members, dear interested colleagues!

The 40th Annual Meeting of the GTP in 2022 will take place in Basel, Switzerland – outside of Germany for the first time. This multifaceted, international city does not only offers favorable geographical conditions. We have well established contacts with the Swiss Tropical Institute and the University Children’s Hospital. Long-time GTP members have also found a new personal and professional home in Switzerland.

In recent years, the work of the GTP (TropPaed course, ETAT courses) has enjoyed increasing attention from Swiss colleagues. By organizing the annual meeting in Switzerland, we would like to take the opportunity to exchange views on the topics of global child health with a broad circle of like-minded people here, in an environment with a long tradition and experience in the field of tropical medicine and global health, to make the activities of the GTP better known, to advertise for collaboration and to promote networking.

The main theme of the upcoming conference will be ” Integrating General Paediatrics in health systems of resource limited settings; (scope of the speciality and needs assessment on staffing and logistics”).

With this choice of topics, we would like to discuss the complexities that lead to well-structured pediatric primary care. In many areas of pediatric care, significant progress has been made in recent years. International programs such as those to combat malaria, HIV, TB, strengthening immunization strategies, and neonatal programs contributed significantly to reducing child mortality.

Yet today, many partner countries lack structured pediatric preventive and surgical care. There is a lack of outpatient clinics with adequate diagnostic capabilities for chronic, endocrinological and neurological diseases, as well as palliative care and continuous, good quality monitoring and follow-up.

In the next weeks you will find updates of the program and information about our speakers here on our website.

We look forward to a lively international exchange with you about experiences and approaches that help us to give children worldwide a good start in life through improved health care systems and to accompany them through their childhood and adolescence.


Gudrun Jäger und Charlotte Adamczick
Conference Presidents.

The organizing team


Times are stated as CET.

Last update: 05.05.2022

Friday 13:00 - 22:00

13:00-18:00  –  Registration and poster set-up

13:30-15:30 – Workshops part 1

  • Ultrasound in LMICs
  • Fully booked: Workshop of the working group climate change and global child health
  • How (not) to go abroad

15:45-17:45 – Workshops part 2

  • Ultrasound in LMICs
  • Paediatric surgery in LMIC: Gastroschisis Workshop
  • Titles changed: “Medicine under difficult conditions” and “How does western e-mobility affect the human rights situation in Congo?” (Working group health professions)
  • Workshop of the working gruop ETAT+
  • Postkolonial development policies

15:30-18:00 – Board meeting

18:15-18:45 – Conference opening

  • Welcome note by the organizers (C. Adamczick, G. Jäger)
  • Welcome note by the GTP chairs (S. Kotsias-Konopelska, C. Schmidt)
  • Welcome note by the Deputy Medical Director of the University Children’s Hospital Basel UKBB’ (S. Schulzke)

18:45-19:45  –  Keynote lecture
Global Child Health after the easy victories: time to step up for the difficult ones
T. Tylleskär – University Bergen & FESTMIH

19:45-20:00  –  Short film: Interviews with children world-wide

20:00-22:00  –  Get together and Apero riche

Saturday 8:30 - open end

8:30-8:40   Welcome note and introduction to the academic program
J. Uetzinger – SwissTPH

8:40-10:00 Session 1: “Healthy (IT) systems” to reach every child in countries with restricted and limited resources

Challenges and opportunities in a changing world of communication. How to reach every child from the hospital to remote communities, through new health technologies and telemedicine to provide sustainable quality care and empower health personal.
Chairs: C. Adamczick, P. Meißner

  • 8:40-9:00 How to make health care as affordable and accessible as possible: challenges and lessions learnt from West and Central Africa
    N. Schramm – UNICEF
  • 9:00-9:20 “Banda Health”: a cloud-based clinic management system to empower healthcare providers in low-income communities across Africa to get the most out of the available resources
    S. Letchford – Kijabe Hospital, Kenia & Cofounder and president of Banda Health
  • 9:20-9:35 Digital health solutions for child care in LMICs – the example of ALMANACH
    A. Junker – SwissTPH digital health unit
  • 9:35-9:45 Abstract: Burden reduced cleft lip and palate care and healing – optimizing treatment strategy with minimal burden for patients and health systems
    B. Gözcü – Cooperation BRCCH, Basel, Warsaw, Hyderabad
    9:45-10:00 Abstract: Digital Media supporting patients with skin diseases in Sub Saharan Africa
    P. Schmid

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:00 Session 2: GTP projects, partnerships and Swiss organizations
Overview of GTP projects and working groups and presentation of Swiss organizations related to global child health
Chairs: S. Kotsias-Konopelska, C. Schmidt

  • 10:30-10:45 Neonatology in Tanzania: Residence program
    A. Züchner – CCBRT, Tanzania
  • 10:45-11:00 EKFS/GTP paediatric ultrasound network: experiences from international teaching and practical training courses
    C. Schmidt – St. Vinzenz Hosp. Dinslaken
  • 11:00-11:15 The ETAT program at a glance and experiences from GTP courses
    J. Lindert – Great Ormond St. Hosp. London
    B. Zimmer – Universität Münster
    S. Loetz – Olgaspital Stuttgart
  • 11:15-11:30 Training and strengthening of health systems in Sierra Leone in cooperation with the MoH
    G. Jäger – Kinderspital St. Gallen
  • 11:30-12:00 Presentations of Swiss foundations and organizations (10 min each):
    1. Paediatric critical care in LMIC with refugee crisis
    R. Anderson – Zurich University Hospital, MSF Swiss
    2. Calcutta Project Basel – A student-led project in the fields of health and prevention
    Z. Roth – Foundation Calcutta Project Basel
    3. 30 year experience of Kantha Bopha Children Hospitals in Cambodia
    Michael Grotzer – Director University Children Hospital Zurich, vice president Katha Bopha Foundation

12:00-13:15 Lunch and poster walk

13:15-14:40 Session 3: Preventive Child Health, chronic diseases and NCDs
Is prevention and screening for child and adolescent illnesses neglected in Global Child Health?
Chairs: F. Jäger, W. Schimana

  • 13:15-13:45 Promoting health and wellbeing in children and adolescents; the role of school health
    V. Baltag & B. Delmans – WHO department of maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health.
  • 13:45-14:00 Burden of NCDs and chronic diseases in LMICs with a focus on Allergies and Asthma
    A. Weise – Kaltenkirchen
  • 14:00-14:15 The diagnostic and treatment gap in child neurology in low resource settings – Example East Africa
    T. Oneko – Kenya Medical Institute, Center for Global Health Research
  • 14:15-14:25 Abstract: Continuum of care for low birth weight infants in the neonatal period in Ghana – A constructivist grounded theory study
    C. Schuler – Zurich
  • 14:25-14:35 Abstract: Travel time to reach health care facilities in the referral pathway for paediatric emergency treatment in Boeny, Madagascar
    M. Braun – University Witten/Herdecke
  • 14:35-14:40 Discussion

14:40-15:10 Coffee break

15:10-17:15 Session 4: Paediatric surgergy, – orthopedics, rehabilitation and palliative care in LMICs
While some children may be cured through minor operations, others have a long way to go in rehabilitation and physiotherapy, where it is available. When cure is no longer possible, families and caretakers need special attention and support.
Chairs: J. Lindert, tba

  • 15:10-16:10 Surgery
    15:10-15:25 Global Paediatric Surgery
    N. Wright – UK
    15:25-15:40 Gastroschisis care at Bugando Medical Center, Tanzania
    A. Masenga – Bugando Medical Center
    15:40-15:50 Paediatric injury: a call to action for a looming epidemic
    D. Mazingi – Zimbabwe
    15:50-16:00 Improved clubfoot treatment through local networking – experiences in a project in Orissa/India
    B. Speth – UKBB, Basel
    16:00-16:10 Paediatric burns
    W. Bislima – Bukavu General Hospital
  • 16:10-17:15 The child with disability and need for rehabilitation
    16:10-16:25 Rehabilitation and physiotherapy in low-income communities in Kenya
    S. Letchford – Kijabe Hospital, Kenia
    16:25-16:40 Care-program for young patients with Albinism in Malawi
    R. Moser
    16:40-17:00 Is paediatric palliative care possible in settings with limited ressources?
    S. Loetz – Olgaspital Stuttgart
    J. Chikwana – Zomba Regional Hospital, Malawi
    17:00-17:15 Celebrating Carers: Recognising the Contribution of Family Carers and Addressing their Needs in Low and Middle-Income Countries
    A. Patil – NGO Carers world-wide

17:15-19:00   GTP member assembly

19:30  Social evening and dinner at the “Atlantis” in Basel Old Town

Sunday 8:30 - 13:30

8:30 – 10:30 Session 5: New strategies to diagnose and treat high burden infectious diseases within the paediatric community and ways to implement those in existing health systems, keeping a critical eye!
Chairs: E. Molyneux, S. Gehring

  • 8:30-8:45 Innovative drugs in helminth infection suitable for the paediatric population
    J. Keiser – SwissTPH, Department of Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology
  • 8:45-9:00 Abstract: Effectiveness of rectal artesunate as pre-referral treatment for children with severe malaria in sub-Saharan Africa
    M. Hetzel – Swiss TPH
  • 9:00-9:15 Malaria Elimination in the Greater Mekong Region
    L. v. Seidlein – Mahidol Oxford Tropical Research Unit, Bangkok
  • 9:15-9:45 TB care integrated in general paediatic health services; update on guidelines and application
    S. Verkuijl – WHO Global Tb program
    M. Casenghi – WHO Pedaids
  • 9:45-10:00 New international guidelines on Sepsis treatment
    L. Schlapbach – University Childrens’ hospital Zürich
  • 10:00-10:10 Abstract: Use of a 9-valent-RT-PCR-ELISA in acute febrile patients
    G. Haist – University Hospital Mainz
  • 10:10-10:20 Abstract: Clinical Characteristics, transmission rate and outcome of neonates born to COVID-19 positive mothers: a prospective case series from a low and middle income country
    M. Rood – Suriname, Rotterdam
  • 10:20-10:30 Discussion

10:30-11:10 Coffee break

11:10-13:00 Session 6: There is more than just COVID-19
The importance of vaccinations in prevention of childhood illnesses and the impact of COVID-19 on global child health
Chairs: U. Heininger, N. Ritz

  • 11:10-11:35 Interruption and consequences of paediatric general services through the COVID-19 pandemic: update, resume and outlook
    E. Molyneux – Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital and College of Medicine, Blantyre
  • 11:35-11:50 Bio-psycho-social aspects in the pandemic; Swiss example and results of the “Ciao Corona” study
    S. Kriemler – Leitung “Ciao Corona” Studie
  • 11:50-12:10 Science meets politics with a global perspective
    U. Heininger – UKBB, Department of Infectious Diseases
  • 12:10-13:00 Panel discussion: Is there something such as “global vaccine equity”?

13:00-13:30   Good-bye and pre-announcements regarding the next annual conference

Call for abstracts

Deadline: 31. March 2022

We invite you to submit abstracts of your research, projects or clinical work related to the themes of our conference. They will be systematically reviewed and considered for oral or poster presentation.

Please send your abstract to: gtp2022-abstracts(a)

Accepted abstracts become eligible for the Helmut Wolf Prize.

Abstract criteria:

  • English or German (preferably English)
  • 3000 characters (including blank characters) maximum
  • Abstract structure: Project description or research question, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.


University Hospital Basel, Switzerland

Spitalstrasse 21 / Petersgraben 4
4031 Basel

Conference entrance:
Hebelstr. 20




Get together
After the conference kick-off, we invite you to socialize over a stand-up snack with drinks. Attendance is included in the conference fee, please indicate your attendance when registering for the purpose of catering planning.


Cultural program during the general meeting.
In the near future, we will provide here a collection of cultural notes for conference participants who will not attend the GTP General Assembly to bridge the time until our joint social evening.

Social Evening.
We look forward to enjoying the social evening with you at the atmospheric Atlantis! With food, drinks and live music, we will have the opportunity to further exchange ideas and celebrate with colleagues.


Basel Youth Hostel is a welcoming accommodation close to the conference venue. In one- to six-bed rooms you can stay inexpensively and at the same time in a stylish atmosphere. For more information on accommodation and room availability, please visit the homepage of the Swiss Youth Hostels.

Jugendherberge Basel
Maja Sacher-Platz 10
4052 Basel


Phone: +41 61 272 05 72

Registration, Participation and Fees

Early bird (bis inkl. 28.2.22)Regulärer Preis (ab 1.3.22)
GTP MitgliedStudentIn / Gesundheitsfachberuf€ 80€ 90
Arzt / Ärztin€ 190€ 210
Kein GTP-MitgliedStudentIn / Gesundheitsfachberuf€ 90€ 100
Arzt / Ärztin€ 210€ 230
GesellschaftsabendStudentIn / Gesundheitsfachberuf€ 30€ 50
Regulär€ 50€ 70
Zusätzliche Begleitperson (sofern noch Kapazitäten)s.o.s.o.


– Absage bis 27.4.2022: Erstattung der gesamten Tagungsgebühr.
– Absage bis 13.5.2022: Erstattung von 50% der Tagungsgebühr.
– Absage ab dem 14.5.2022: Keine Rückerstattung der Tagungsgebühr.



18 CME Punkte
4 credits der SGP (Schweizer Pädiatrische Gesellschaft)

Register here

Declaration of Conflict of Interest and Sponsoring

The content of this event will be designed to be product and service neutral. We confirm that the scientific management and the speakers will disclose potential conflicts of interest to the participants.

We would like to thank the following supporters whose donations made it possible to hold the event:

Contact information

General inquiries and comments (not for registration): sekretariat(a)

Conference registration:

Banking details:
Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und
Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP) e. V.
Volksbank Ahlen-Sassenberg-Warendorf
IBAN: DE 95 4126 2501 1102 1632 03
Re: “GTP2022, your name”

Abstract submission (deadline extended: 31st March 2022): Email:


Doctor for tropical medicine (m/f/d) at the University of Tübingen

The Institute of Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Human Parasitology at the University of Tübingen is looking for:

a (Specialist) doctor (f/m/d) in full-time

The position is initially limited until 30.11.2024, with an option for extension.
Application deadline: 11.12.2022

The doctor shall support the medical team of the outpatient department at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in the medical activities in outpatient care and preventive travel medicine as well as in conducting clinical studies. At the Institute, there is the possibility of further training for the additional title of tropical medicine and infectiology (according to DGI). In addition, academically interested persons have the possibility of habilitation.

Job advertisement in original and contact person here .

Aktualisierte Leitlinie: Empfehlungen zur infektiologischen Versorgung von Flüchtlingen im Kindes- und Jugendalter in Deutschland

Wir zitieren hier den Text der offiziellen Pressemitteilung, der im Original auf der Seite der DGKJ veröffentlicht wurde.


Geflüchtete Kinder brauchen eine spezielle medizinische Versorgung

Aktuelle Empfehlungen zur infektiologischen Versorgung von Flüchtlingen im Kindes- und Jugendalter in Deutschland

Um geflüchteten Kindern eine kompetente medizinische Unterstützung geben zu können, ist eine strukturierte Versorgung unverzichtbar. Für die sinnvolle und notwendige Infektionsprävention und -diagnostik wurden jetzt spezielle Fachempfehlungen vorgelegt.

Ob geflohen vor Kriegen, Naturkatastrophen oder Armut - geflüchtete Kinder haben eine oft extrem belastende Zeit hinter sich, lange, strapaziöse Reisen, traumatische Erlebnisse. Je nach Herkunftsland war ihre medizinische Versorgung auch schon vor der Flucht mangelhaft und die Gesundheitsbelastung groß. Diese Kinder und Jugendlichen müssen hier in einer speziell geschulten medizinischen Betreuung aufgefangen werden, um ihre besonderen Gesundheitsrisiken und -bedürfnisse erkennen und kompetent versorgen zu können.

In die Empfehlungen flossen Erfahrungen zum medizinischen Bedarf von Flüchtlingen und insbesondere auch über die Prävalenz von spezifischen Infektionserkrankungen ein, die Mitarbeiter/-innen des Gesundheitssystems bezüglich seit 2015 sammeln konnten. Zwischen 40.000 und 200.000 minderjährige Flüchtlinge im Jahr suchen seither Schutz in Deutschland [vgl. Empfehlungen, S.19]. Auch für die kommenden Jahre ist eine hohe Zahl an Flüchtlingen zu erwarten, aktuell insbesondere aus dem Kriegsgebiet in der Ukraine.

Die Stellungnahme wurde als AWMF-Leitlinie der Stufe 1 angelegt und von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Infektiologie (DGPI e.V.), der Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und Internationale Kindergesundheit (GTP e.V.), dem Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte (BVKJ e.V.) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (DGKJ e.V.) erarbeitet. Zahlreiche weitere Fachgesellschaften und Organisationen wurden einbezogen.

Die jetzt vorgelegten Empfehlungen zielen darauf,

  • einen unvollständigen Impfschutz frühzeitig zu erkennen und rasch zu vervollständigen (z.B. Poliomyelitis, Masern, COVID-19)
  • übliche Infektionskrankheiten im Kindes- und Jugendalter, auch vor dem Hintergrund von Sammelunterkünften, Sprachbarrieren und unterschiedlichen kulturellen Auffassungen, zu diagnostizieren und zu behandeln
  • in Deutschland seltene Infektionskrankheiten frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu therapieren (z.B. Tuberkulose, Dengue-Fieber).

Den Autor/-innen ist sehr bewusst, dass Kindergesundheit weit mehr braucht als einen guten infektiologischen Schutz: Psychische Gesundheit und ein sicheres und fürsorgliches Umfeld, Integration und Bildungschancen sind zentrale Aspekte für das gesunde Aufwachsen von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Fluchterlebnissen.

Eine strukturierte und adäquate medizinische Versorgung ist ein unverzichtbarer Beitrag, der aber politisch auch abgesichert werden muss: Noch gibt es weder im ambulanten noch im stationären Bereich ausreichend Personal und finanzielle Mittel hierfür – angesichts der auch in Zukunft zu erwartenden hohen Zahl an minderjährigen Flüchtlingen eine akute Herausforderung, die eine vordringliche Aufgabe der Politik sein muss.


Hier finden Sie die aktualisierten Empfehlungen zur infektiologischen Versorgung von

Flüchtlingen im Kindes- und Jugendalter in Deutschland

Nachruf: Prof. Dr. Michael Leichsenring

Nachruf Prof. Dr. Michael Leichsenring

Im Alter von 68 Jahren verstarb bereits am 19.1.2022 Prof. Dr. med., Prof. h.c. (RSSPMCP) Michael Leichsenring. Bis zuletzt galt sein unermüdliches Wirken der Verbesserung der Kindergesundheit weltweit.


Leichsenring studierte von 1978-1984 Humanmedizin in Düsseldorf und erwarb von 1981-1983 parallel ein Diplom in Afrikanologie/Kisuaheli an der Universität Köln. 1984 absolvierte er auch den Diplomkurs des Bernhard-Nocht-Instituts in Hamburg. 1985 begann er die Weiterbildung zum Kinder- und Jugendarzt an der Kinderklinik der Universität Düsseldorf, die er ab 1987 an der Kinderklinik der Universität Heidelberg fortsetzte und 1992 abschloss und sich 1993 für das Fach Kinderheilkunde habilitierte. In den Abteilungen Allgemeine Pädiatrie und für Neonatologie der Kinderklinik der Universität Heidelberg arbeitete er von 1993 bis 1995 als klinischer Oberarzt, wobei er sein früher aufgenommenes Engagement für die Gesundheit und Ernährung von Kindern in Entwicklungsländern fortsetzte und 1995 bis 1997 die Sektion Tropenpädiatrie leitete. 1999 folgte er dann einem Ruf auf eine Professur an der Kinderklinik der Universität Ulm, die mit der Funktion des geschäftsführenden Oberarztes verbunden war. Außerdem leitete er die Bereiche Pneumologie/Mukoviszidose, Allergologie und Stoffwechselerkrankungen, wo er sich unermüdlich und mit großer Hingabe für Patienten mit seltenen Erkrankungen einsetzte. Im Jahr 2019 wurde er in den Ruhestand versetzt.

Neben seiner klinischen Tätigkeit interessierten Michael Leichsenring das Leben und die gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen fremder Nationen und Kulturen und insbesondere die Ausbildung von Ärztinnen und Ärzten in der Kinderheilkunde. Aus dieser Tätigkeit ist nicht nur die Motivierung zahlreicher junger Kolleginnen und Kollegen für eine Tätigkeit im Bereich Tropenpädiatrie und internationale Kindergesundheit zu erwähnen. Als Ausrichter von Fachtagungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropenpädiatrie (ATP) - später GTP - war er auch in Deutschland ein Pionier im Bereich Global Child Health. Neben der Planung von großen Projekten, war für ihn stets die Verbesserung der individuellen Situation kleiner und großer Patienten von Bedeutung.

Prof. Leichsenring neben Prof. Krawinkel 1995 in Moshi

Unter diesem Vorzeichen stand auch seine Beratungs- und Lehrtätigkeit in Kirgistan (1999, 2002, 2003, 2004), Usbekistan (2009, 2012, 2013), Tadschikistan (2011) im Auftrag der kfW-Entwicklungsbank, Frankfurt/Main; und sein Engagement als Projektleiter der EU-Projekte ‘Higher Education Network for Applied Human Nutrition between Eastern Africa and Europe (HENNA)’ in Äthiopien, Kenia und Uganda und ‘E-Learning Network on Food and Nutrition Security (eLEFANS)’ mit Partneruniversitäten in Ostafrika und Europa (2008-2017); und er beriet das EU/Erasmus Plus-Programm für Zentralasien (2019-zuletzt).

Leichsenring war Mitglied der Dt. Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, der European Society for Pediatric Research, der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädiatrische Stoffwechselkrankheiten, der Dt. Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Internationale Gesundheit sowie der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropenpädiatrie/Gesellschaft für Tropenpädiatrie und globale Kindergesundheit. Er publizierte über 30 Veröffentlichungen allein zu globaler Kinderheilkunde und Ernährung.

Prof. Leichsenring at a sonography teaching in Tadschikistan 2019

Für seinen Jahrzehnte langen Einsatz für internationale Kindergesundheit, insbesondere im Bereich Unterernährung und Infektionskrankheiten (Tuberkulose, Onchozerkose, Malaria) in Afrika und bis zuletzt in den letzten 15 Jahren für die strukturelle Verbesserung der Kindergesundheit in Zentralasien (wofür er eine Ehrenprofessur in Uzbekistan erhielt), wird er für viele Menschen unvergessen bleiben. Er war für viele Pädiater und KollegenInnen in Deutschland ein Visionär, Mentor, Wegbegleiter, Freund und Vorbild. Jemand sagte einmal über ihn: „A leader, who puts into practice, what others keep talking about.“ Zu unserem großen Bedauern hat die Welt diesen brillanten Menschen viel zu früh verloren.


Peter Meißner, Konstanz
Matthias Nelle, Böblingen/Bern
Michael Krawinkel, Gießen

AG Climate Change and Global Child Health

Welcome to the Climate Change and Global Child Health WG page. The following content awaits you:

Our position paper: this is how we act!

  • Climate change and global child health: introduction to the topic.
  • The role of the GTP: How we see ourselves
  • Our 3 fields of action: The GTP as an advocate, Content for members and individuals, Content for work in the medical environment.
  • Background information: Literature collection
  • Calendar of events on the topic
  • Get involved: Our contact details

Climate change and global child health

The formulated goal of the GTP is to improve global child health. A prerequisite for this is a clear understanding and analysis of the multiple causes that threaten children’s health globally, in order to be able to address them effectively. In addition to inadequate preventive and curative health care at the national level, global contexts of various kinds determine access to and maintenance of health in the broadest sense. One of these is climate change.

Climate change, which is already manifesting itself in some parts of the world as a climate crisis or climate catastrophe, has a direct influence on access to and preservation of health (Castello A, Lancet 2009).

Climate change results in, among other things, more frequent and severe heat waves (Robinson 2013), floods, droughts, crop loss, decline in local productivity (exemplified by, water shortages, air pollution, fires, and with resulting wars and displacement.

The consequences for health and life are well known and manifold: malnutrition and its directly resulting diseases as well as increased vulnerability regarding further pathologies due to a weakened immune system, negative effects of diverse environmental toxins, spreading of zoonotic infectious diseases by spreading vectors, migration and flight, with the consequence of missing structure of an adequate health facility and also destroyed school structures for the growing population. Mental disorders resulting from all these circumstances are still an extremely neglected component.

Earlier prognoses of a change of the climate with corresponding consequences must be adapted more and more and draw dramatic scenarios for the near coming decades. There is consensus among climate researchers that an accelerating rise in sea level is measurable, as is a rapid increase in uninhabitable territory on the continents.

All people are affected, but especially the vulnerable groups, including children in the countries of the global south. Here, increasing numbers of (fatal) victims are to be expected, far exceeding current levels. We see the beginnings of this development, for example, in East Africa (, Australia, or in the Near East. This raises far-reaching questions about (1) how these developments can be averted (mitigation), and (2) how the consequences for people can be mitigated (adaptation).

The role of the GTP

The GTP can play an important role as an advocate for affected populations and provide early information on climate change impacts through its international networking. It can serve as a multiplier of the voices and concerns of its international partners. The GTP should be seen as an advisor to government agencies and policymakers that take up development cooperation issues, define projects, and fund their implementation.

The GTP can pool and actively disseminate existing information resources from other relevant organizations and integrate them into its own projects. A close cooperation with organizations dealing with prevention, research and political engagement in relation to climate change is to be strived for.

In addition, the GTP feels obliged to design or redesign its internal processes and projects in a climate-responsible manner and to communicate this transparently to the outside world in order to set a good example.

“We, the working group Climate Change and Global Child Health, want to hold the GTP and its members and interested parties accountable and motivate them to act in a climate-sensitive manner on a daily basis and have therefore formulated the following goals”:

The GTP as advocate

In a position paper, we would like to highlight the problematic impacts of climate change on global child health in order to give a voice to the vulnerable group of children and their families and represent them before decision makers.

Position paper: this is how we act!

We aim to be another disseminator of long known facts about the impact of climate change on global child health and also to provide emerging information. To this end, we refer to the relevant literature on the topic and are in exchange with organizations that are scientifically based on the topic of “climate change and health” as a mainstream activity.

German Alliance Climate Change and Health (KLUG) e.V.

Health for Future
Homepage, Position paper

For our members and interested parties as private individuals

On this page we refer to established organizations and their information and recommendations on how everyone can individually contribute to positively influencing climate change.

Planetary Health Academy
Initiated by KLUG e.V., the Planetary Health Academy offers free online seminar series on “Planetary Health”.

Sustainable travelling: Recommendations of the German Society for Tropical Medicine (DTG e.V.)

The plastic atlas
Thoroughly researched publication by the Heinrich Böll Foundation on the creation, use and disposal of plastic and the associated problems for the environment.
Website and download

Videos and podcasts of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

For work in the medical environment

Here, too, we refer to established organizations and their information, educational offers and recommendations for action for the climate-neutral design of practices, hospitals, etc.

Empty section. Edit page to add content here.

Sustainable travel:
Recommendations of the German Society for Tropical Medicine (DTG e.V.) including information poster for patients

Climate Change and Health
The American NGO “My Green Doctor” offers a lot of information about the impact of climate change on health as well as advice and action guidelines.

Wie wird mein Arbeitsplatz klimafreundlich?
The American NGO “My Green Doctor” offers many practical recommendations for action to transform the workplace as well as working practices, including certified courses.

Sustainable vaccination
Recommendations for action by the DTG for climate-sensitive use of resources in vaccination.

Background information

Helldén D et al. “Climate change and child health: a scoping review and an expanded conceptual framework”. Lancet Planet Health 2021. 5: e164–75. Free full text

Castello A, et al. “Managing the health effects of climate change”. The Lancet Commissions. Volume 373, ISSUE 9676, P1693-1733, May 16, 2009. Free full text.

Planetary Health – Klima, Umwelt und Gesundheit im Anthropozän
C. Traidl-Hoffmann, C. Schulz, M. Hermann, B. Simon; MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft; 2021; 1. Auflage; ISBN 978-3-95466-650-8

Calendar of events

We publish upcoming events on the topic here. We make no claim to completeness.

On site:

Calendar of events of the Climate Change and Health Alliance (events partly online partly in presence)


Calendar of events of the Climate Change and Health Alliance (events partly online partly in presence)


Calendar of events of the Climate Change and Health Alliance (events partly online partly in presence)

Contact details

We are looking forward to further comrades-in-arms, suggestions, ideas, inquiries and comments at climatechange(a)

You can also use this email to sign up for the email distribution list for events or publications relevant to the topic.


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Paediatrician for clinical supervision of training programme in Sierra Leone

German Doctors e. V. is looking for experienced paediatricians to supervise and train students during their first clinical rotation in hospitals in the north of Sierra Leone.

Duration: 6 weeks

Application: Submit now for starting date summer 2022


Project background:

Sierra Leone, a country of around 7 million people, has a high infant mortality rate and a relatively low number of doctors. Medical care in the West African country is mainly provided by community health officers and nurses, especially outside the capital Freetown.

Together with the Ministry of Health, a training programme was launched in Sierra Leone in autumn 2021 to train graduates of the School of Clinical Sciences in Makeni in a 2-year programme in various specialities. A total of 3 NGOs, all of which have already been working in Sierra Leone for years, accompany training programmes with recognised bachelor's degrees in surgery, internal medicine or paediatrics.

German Doctors e.V. has been active in the training of health care workers in Sierra Leone for over 10 years and is co-responsible for the 2-year paediatric training course.


Mission description:

Experienced paediatricians are needed to supervise and train students during their first clinical rotation in hospitals in northern Sierra Leone for 6-week assignments.

The hospitals are located in remote regions of the country and provide medical care that is typical for the country. The work in the hospitals is done in close cooperation with local doctors, often tropical doctors from Europe. The professional basis of the training is the national guidelines as well as the ETAT+ guidelines and recommendations of MSF and the WHO. Two programme coordinators (medical and administrative) responsible for the paediatric programme work on site and are direct contacts for medical and organisational questions.



  • Supervision of students during their patient care according to their competences
  • Participation in hospital services together with the students
  • Regular evaluation and training of students, but also of nurses and community health workers in the clinical area.



  • Paediatrician with completed specialist training and experience in clinical work in low resource settings
  • Willingness to work in a country with clearly limited resources and in a remote location
  • Experience with teaching
  • The mission doctors can expect a stimulating environment and an interesting task.


Payment / accommodation::

For this volunteer placement, part of the flight costs will be reimbursed; board and lodging on site are free. More informationen to be found here.

Sierra Leone is a politically stable country, which makes excursions in the vicinity of the hospitals or on the Western Peninsula possible.



German Doctors e.V. mission planning
Mrs. Carola Walter (








GOING Survey - please take part!

Dear colleagues,

the Society for Tropical Pediatrics and International Child Health is engaged in a working group on the interests of and training opportunities for physicians in the field of “Global Child Health” in Germany and abroad.

To this end, we have designed a short (15 minute) survey to collect information on how young medical professionals are training in the field of Global Child Health at hospital and university level. With this information, we plan to work with the state medical associations to improve opportunities for continuing education and training recognition in this field.

We also want to know how colleagues prepare for a stay abroad in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) and what future prospects they associate with it.

We would be very pleased about your participation in and dissemination of this survey!
Deadline: 31.03.2022

Start the survey here!

Don’t hesitate to contact us in case of any questions and please spread the word!

Barbara Zimmer and Judith Lindert